Huntard Discussion: Survival vs. Beastmastery- PUGing

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While specced BM, I would not recommend using kill command. Just use your arcane shot.

KC isn't a move that BM should be using much.. For the focus Arcane shot +serpent sting is better dmg wise by far. I find myself only using KC like 10 times at most in bgs and that is only for instant gap closers for pet CC

Cool, thanks.. I'll have another go then in that case. I only played 2 bg's as BM earlier, it was a complete loss, 2-0 druid EFC went enemy ramp and LoS'd me. Intimidation allowed me to catch up and backwards disengage in range to scatter... I managed to pick up the flag but they had 2 rogues on def who got me =[ Obviously I was thankful for being BM in that case :p

Without having to worry about kill command, BM seems immediately more appealing. But surely arcane shot spam is less DPS than explosive shot though?
Cool, thanks.. I'll have another go then in that case. I only played 2 bg's as BM earlier, it was a complete loss, 2-0 druid EFC went enemy ramp and LoS'd me. Intimidation allowed me to catch up and backwards disengage in range to scatter... I managed to pick up the flag but they had 2 rogues on def who got me =[ Obviously I was thankful for being BM in that case :p

Without having to worry about kill command, BM seems immediately more appealing. But surely arcane shot spam is less DPS than explosive shot though?

Yea, it is a little less, but if you manage your focus right you can still pumped out quite alot of damage for some high burst.
I'd like surv if i felt more rewarded for storing focus for explosive shot. Just too little focus cost and not enough of a difference in damage to arcane shot to make it feel fun.

Regardless BM works well with kiling healers + you can just LoS and killcomand if you're low on hp.
After reading this thread I think I have been biased myself towards the spec I mainly play (bm). My first hunter was an intellect heavy cc build and from then on I always went for max cc on hunters. This has been an interesting discussion to me. Perhaps one must take into consideration that being comfortable with a certain type of gameplay allso makes it feel better. I have seen good survival hunters and good bm hunters, I tink I'll still mainly stick to bm myself (hard to teach an old dog new tricks) but survival seems very viable too.

Sevenslacks7 allready mentioned this and it allso ineterest me, what pets to use? I have tried out many over time but not all as they stand now. Hyena + Wolf has even been fun in some AB's for really boosting the group as they stack. Bats and wasps are ones I use too, some games I still have a boar with me (just for the flames really lol) or a spider.

Enough rambling, interested if people have more info to share.
BM isnt the best damage dealing specialisation but allows you to use more stuns so you can stun healers and then kill them !! BM can help you to kill an EFC who can heal! As for Survival , is the best DPS spec for the hunters at lv 20 because Explosive Shoot deals damge over 3 seconds and has 6sec cooldown! I would choose BM !!
While specced BM, I would not recommend using kill command. Just use your arcane shot.

KC isn't a move that BM should be using much.. For the focus Arcane shot +serpent sting is better dmg wise by far. I find myself only using KC like 10 times at most in bgs and that is only for instant gap closers for pet CC

this is why BM falls behind in dps to SV. KC should be used on cd. why spec BM and not use its signature ability? if you're not using KC spec SV and use a bat.

what pets to use? I have tried out many over time but not all as they stand now. Hyena + Wolf has even been fun in some AB's for really boosting the group as they stack. Bats and wasps are ones I use too, some games I still have a boar with me (just for the flames really lol) or a spider.

Enough rambling, interested if people have more info to share.

my favorite hunter^^

i reckon:

dragonhawk for SV Fire Breath - Spell - World of Warcraft buffing ES (and all magic dmg) cant be bad.
ravager for bm/mm Ravage - Spell - World of Warcraft same as above.

then mix em with utility pets. /discuss
this is why BM falls behind in dps to SV. KC should be used on cd. why spec BM and not use its signature ability?
Oh god. Why would you use it if it's garbage? The damage / focus is alot lower than that of Arcane shot. Only reason why to use it would be when bursting, when out of range, a smart way to put a Hunter's Mark up quick. I usually only use it on Mages tho.
Oh god. Why would you use it if it's garbage? The damage / focus is alot lower than that of Arcane shot. Only reason why to use it would be when bursting, when out of range, a smart way to put a Hunter's Mark up quick. I usually only use it on Mages tho.

because mine crits for 600.

so you guys are specing bm for the stun only, Kc'ing for burst? why not spec MM and stun > aimed shot for burst? and focus can't be a problem now with moving steady shots.
because mine crits for 600.

so you guys are specing bm for the stun only, Kc'ing for burst? why not spec MM and stun > aimed shot for burst? and focus can't be a problem now with moving steady shots.

Is that using a 24? KC simply isn't worth the focus used. There are situations where you're ranged and you need to use it to get to a target or when you're trying to catch a FC druid and cast dash and KC to get in range but more the less arcane shot and serpent sting is far greater. Serpent sting does normally 600 dmg and arcane shot does 250 about. That's 850 dmg compared to 300 for 5 less focus. People (as far as I know) don't spec BM in hopes of using KC all bg they do it for the stun.

Also you said just go MM and stun which is wrong cause you will still be losing a stun with losing intim no matter what no matter of pet choice. However for offensive pets I do agree that your SV and MM pets are the best and far to underused.
Is that using a 24? KC simply isn't worth the focus used. There are situations where you're ranged and you need to use it to get to a target or when you're trying to catch a FC druid and cast dash and KC to get in range but more the less arcane shot and serpent sting is far greater. Serpent sting does normally 600 dmg and arcane shot does 250 about. That's 850 dmg compared to 300 for 5 less focus. People (as far as I know) don't spec BM in hopes of using KC all bg they do it for the stun.

Also you said just go MM and stun which is wrong cause you will still be losing a stun with losing intim no matter what no matter of pet choice. However for offensive pets I do agree that your SV and MM pets are the best and far to underused.

ok then what does a trial hunters KC crit for? i'm talking about my 19s kc because i dont have a hunt in this bracket.

as for losing a stun your right, but you gotta remember it dr's with a lot of stuff. and i'm sure you could force a kill with a stun > aimed > arcane combo. same goes for sv.

btw i'm not saying anyone should spec mm. i just dont see why people aren't using kc alot more. spamming arcane shot could be done in any spec
ok then what does a trial hunters KC crit for? i'm talking about my 19s kc because i dont have a hunt in this bracket.

as for losing a stun your right, but you gotta remember it dr's with a lot of stuff. and i'm sure you could force a kill with a stun > aimed > arcane combo. same goes for sv.

btw i'm not saying anyone should spec mm. i just dont see why people aren't using kc alot more. spamming arcane shot could be done in any spec

Because KC hits anywhere from 75 to maybe 175 depending on armor/resil. It simply isn't worth the focus. two arcane shots would do more than double the damage.
Lol this thread is funny.

From personal experience survival > bm simply because It fits my play style and really all a decent hunter should ever "need" in this bracket is 2-3 interrupts anything more is usually overkill due to the absurd damage output we have.

But that's just my opinion and I'm a nobody.
I don't care about any preferences that anyone has survival is the best for everything. Arena, Pug bgs, and even in Premades.
So many closed minded people in this thread (myself included).. I'm surprised that no1 has blurted out MM is best lol but I think from the opinions of everyone that SV and BM are both equally strong for different situations. I haven't seen any hunt speak up that I would consider changing my opinion for or come up with clear situations where SV is always better then BM cause there isn't one. This discussion is pretty much pointless now cause all the points have been made and there still ins't a clear best spec.

I bet Lil's argument would be a lot more believable if he stopped clicking and stopped using most of his number keys as key binds lol.
Don't you have a life? I'm honored I have a fanboy that i've killed enough to make MULTIPLE accounts just to troll me but it got old after the first 2..
Keep thinking BM dmg is bad.. SV dmg has AT MOST 10 more dps. I FREQUENTLY get over 90 dps on a BM hunt and I have yet to see a SV hit 100 dps. KC isn't worth mentioning and I'm tired of people holding that KC does bad dmg be something bad about BM. People don't roll BM for KC and if they do they need to learn how to play BM.

The simple fact is if you like 10 more dps or 1 extra stun. That's what it all boils down to
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