How's the bracket, being months in?


Haven't touched twinking since the beginning of the expansion. Ever since I focused on pushing and getting hero, I kinda abandoned it. Is it worth logging back on and finish gearing them? Or are the games stales and one class is just overdoing the bracket.
hunters are pretty overrepresented and overly strong. Pugs are "roll or be rolled" more than they ever have been and the presence of multi hunter/multi heal premade groups is honestly pretty staggering. On both sides. It can get extremely frustrating and kidna precludes the casual "just gonna have a few beers and play some games" playstyle of Legion and BFA.

That said!

Competitive games (BG wargames and arenas) are incredible. Controlling the hunter population a bit and playing full teams of aware twinks... they are significantly better than they were in BFA. I was telling someone just this past weekend that playing warrior in wargames right now is the most fun I've had in twinking since Wrath. The balance between classes (again, controlling for hunters) is really exceptional.

So if you're looking to jump in with pugmade wargames or get into the arena scene... VERY worth it. If you just wanna casually que? eh... I guess.
So if you're looking to jump in with pugmade wargames or get into the arena scene... VERY worth it. If you just wanna casually que? eh... I guess.
Assuming these wargames are weekends only again and vets only, not F2P.
Was hoping pugs would better overtime this xpac, but apparently not. Quite unforch tbh.
Assuming these wargames are weekends only again and vets only, not F2P.
there's no longer a gear difference between F2P/Vet (with some very, very minor exceptions) due to f2p gaining full access to professions. You can check out the F2P and Vet warriors in my signature to get an idea, if youre curious. So the wargames happen... whenever. you can join the 20s wargame discord here. I've seen them pop off on multiple weekdays, so catch them when you can?

Was hoping pugs would better overtime this xpac, but apparently not. Quite unforch tbh.
yea, its kind of a bummer that casual games are pretty "meh" at best. You'll see some funny shit every now and again but other than that, its pretty annoying. both from a winning standpoint and a losing one. I'm not really one for GY farming, so a i spend a lot of games just kicking it at a picnic basket.
Assuming these wargames are weekends only again and vets only, not F2P.
Was hoping pugs would better overtime this xpac, but apparently not. Quite unforch tbh.

Yeah quite the opposite, pugs are getting worse and worse very few good games to be found rn in that area.
the bramblesurv cancer is spreading more and more, ruining what was the best class balance i've seen in a long time.

premade v premade is hard to get but great when you do. probably 80% faceroll when you're in a big group. during extremely off hours there's some really fun matches where it's one or two twinks and the rest pugs on each side.

the prepatch excitement has waned and there are finally quiet times during those super-off hours where there aren't fast queues or anyone online in the community chats, which hadn't been the case in months. same for the boe market, it's dying down outside neck/cloak/ring.
Yeah bramsurvers are pretty obnoxious...honestly being queing more arena then bgs because of the triple hunter double healer premades I keep queing into. Blizz could nerf bramble and it would help a bit, surv is still super strong with just the ilvl34 artifact.

the presence of multi hunter/multi heal premade groups is honestly pretty staggering. On both sides. It can get extremely frustrating and kidna precludes the casual "just gonna have a few beers and play some games" playstyle

yes it feels pretty gross to que into ( both with and against mind you) Like idk I have never seen such sweaty groups in all my years of twinking...although that was mostly at 60 not 20.
I second that, low level PVE twinks have more to do then ever before. Im a sucker for the simplified rotations that force me to use foundational abilities in creative ways to compensate for the lack of higher level abilities and I love having my engineering gadgets and various other toys and profession perks be a staple of my rotation due to the limited move set.

Huntard main here, no shame. But you're not likely to see me in a BG, not my cup of tea. Much more likely to see me doing free island/dungeon carry's, or working my way through loremaster.
@Resto All opinions aside, I'd suggest making a character and giving it a shot if you got the time. Then you'd have your own views on the pros/cons of the bracket. If you end up liking it cool, if you don't then I'm sure it's not the first time you've wasted time in WoW :monkaLaugh:.
I have been actively solo queuing and the games are quite fun. after i made my infamous thread, i actually found the two factions to be quite evenly matched once i played more games over a longer period of time, keep in mind that i mostly solo queue.

as someone that is quite active in this bracket, i strongly disagree with the negative sentiment above as the hunter problem appears to be exaggerated. both factions have access to plenty of hunter twinks and plenty of healer twinks, so whatever imbalance there may be would affect both factions.

furthermore, hunters aren't that scary without heals (see SS below where alliance had 6 hunters but no heals), which brings up my next point: just roll something that can heal if you plan to solo queue and if you plan to group queue, any class/spec with good gears and smart play will do just fine!

I have been actively solo queuing and the games are quite fun. after i made my infamous thread, i actually found the two factions to be quite evenly matched once i played more games over a longer period of time, keep in mind that i mostly solo queue.

as someone that is quite active in this bracket, i strongly disagree with the negative sentiment above as the hunter problem appears to be exaggerated. both factions have access to plenty of hunter twinks and plenty of healer twinks, so whatever imbalance there may be would affect both factions.

furthermore, hunters aren't that scary without heals (see SS below where alliance had 6 hunters but no heals), which brings up my next point: just roll something that can heal if you plan to solo queue and if you plan to group queue, any class/spec with good gears and smart play will do just fine!

4/6 hunters in this SS are lvlers, just saying.
furthermore, hunters aren't that scary without heals (see SS below where alliance had 6 hunters but no heals), which brings up my next point: just roll something that can heal if you plan to solo queue and if you plan to group queue, any class/spec with good gears and smart play will do just fine!

i think this screen shot accurately gets at the state of the bracket, though perhaps in a way Glance didn’t intend
i think this screen shot accurately gets at the state of the bracket, though perhaps in a way Glance didn’t intend
Yeah, tested one out on my F2P. It was just a straight faceroll. /afk out before we won.

@Resto All opinions aside, I'd suggest making a character and giving it a shot if you got the time. Then you'd have your own views on the pros/cons of the bracket. If you end up liking it cool, if you don't then I'm sure it's not the first time you've wasted time in WoW :monkaLaugh:.
Already got a few twinks on F2P that have been geared. I know what it was like. Was asking if it changed.

Isn't worse than the current end game pvp we have right now tho
[doublepost=1619045477,1619045240][/doublepost]In all seriousness, the gearing process is probably the most enjoyable thing of the bracket.
Was under the impression everyone's still wearing those greens that are either A. 500k-2m gold or B. Horrendous to farm.

Based off responses, pugs seem to be a clear no go. I'd do wargames, but those greens are just out of reach. Unless there's an easy way to farm them or there's a server with funding. Got a lot of the intel I mainly needed about the bracket though.
Yeah, tested one out on my F2P. It was just a straight faceroll. /afk out before we won.

Already got a few twinks on F2P that have been geared. I know what it was like. Was asking if it changed.

Was under the impression everyone's still wearing those greens that are either A. 500k-2m gold or B. Horrendous to farm.

Based off responses, pugs seem to be a clear no go. I'd do wargames, but those greens are just out of reach. Unless there's an easy way to farm them or there's a server with funding. Got a lot of the intel I mainly needed about the bracket though.

The greens that matter after you get BC gear are fine even with out sockets... most cases its like 4 pieces tops... some million dollar baby will be 2% better than you with +8 extra int or whatever... don't let that stop you.
The greens that matter after you get BC gear are fine even with out sockets... most cases its like 4 pieces tops... some million dollar baby will be 2% better than you with +8 extra int or whatever... don't let that stop you.
I did some comparisons with players that went BC gem gear compared to the green gem gear. Their vers was doubled as well as their HP due to more sockets. That alone was enough to stop me :)
I don't know if anyone was even talking about faction imbalance, the hunter problem doesn't really have anything to do with factions, only that they are profuse throughout this bracket and the lack of diversity makes the bracket less fun. The hunter problem absolutely effects games negatively and also makes some classes very difficult to enjoy solo queuing with.

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