1. No.
2. No. There are a number of changes coming in 9.1 though, mostly regarding talents / spells, they seem fairly big - buffs to multiple casters, buff to surv (lol), nerf-buff to holy paladins, etc.
3. Read the thread. Too many different opinions. What I personally see (EU): hunters are strong, healers are strong, everything else is weaker, but if you have several twinks working as a team whether they queued as a premade or solo, any spec works. Eg, healer + any two-three "weak" specs will stomp three-four hunters who think they will be carried by being a hunter, and handily so. If you doubt you'll be able to have fun as a non-hunter / healer, queue as a premade or time your solo queue so that you end up with other twinks.
4. Talasite unchanged. Bramble staff unchanged.
When does 9.1 drop? I haven't touched WoW in months. I took the last page as evidence the whole thread had been derailed into something else and skimming through it from early april as not really being that helpful
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