How should I go about farming HKs?

I know I said I would make a post in a few days about the instant Rez zone I found but yeah been busy with work. My plan was to get a screen shot of exact location but that will have to wait a bit. The place I found does only work for killing alliance as horde toons get rezed in a different map. The gy is in southern barrens, top leftish corner near the great rift or what ever it's called. Have to be bout 15-20 seconds away from the gy to get instant rezed otherwise will work like normal. Will try to post a pic when I get time =)
I know I said I would make a post in a few days about the instant Rez zone I found but yeah been busy with work. My plan was to get a screen shot of exact location but that will have to wait a bit. The place I found does only work for killing alliance as horde toons get rezed in a different map. The gy is in southern barrens, top leftish corner near the great rift or what ever it's called. Have to be bout 15-20 seconds away from the gy to get instant rezed otherwise will work like normal. Will try to post a pic when I get time =)

I'm curious to see the screen, this place can be very interesting.

So, I'm also working about a method to get a lot of HKs (3000/hours with 10 accounts), but I need to test it, in a few hours or tomorrow.

However, I have some questions. ^^'

1. Why do you not ask other people who want to farm 100 000 HK too, in order that they help you with 10 other accounts ? For example, If you find 4 other people, you can increase your farming speed by 5 !

2. If there are two people in one group, and an other alone, they will all have HKs ?

3. Is your Level 1 Twink who must to kill in order to have a HK ?

4. Can a level 85 wins also HKs ?
@balthronus > I had a toon in Barrens and I could test this... This is very impressive. However, as this does not work with Alliance Twinks, I can't love this technic.

Yet, I have a great news because my idea mentioned yesterday works perfectly. Easily 3 000 HKs per hour. I just need answers to my questions in order to resolve a last problem.

Please, help me and I could give you a tutorial.
I'm curious to see the screen, this place can be very interesting.

So, I'm also working about a method to get a lot of HKs (3000/hours with 10 accounts), but I need to test it, in a few hours or tomorrow.

However, I have some questions. ^^'

1. Why do you not ask other people who want to farm 100 000 HK too, in order that they help you with 10 other accounts ? For example, If you find 4 other people, you can increase your farming speed by 5 !

2. If there are two people in one group, and an other alone, they will all have HKs ?

3. Is your Level 1 Twink who must to kill in order to have a HK ?

4. Can a level 85 wins also HKs ?

1. Many of the twinks after this are all on different servers....if you can find ppl on same server then sure ask away

2. No must be in the same grp and lvl 1's cant form a raid so the max ppl you could do this with is 5 ppl =(

3. No again so long as you are in party with who ever is doing the killing and within range you will get the HK

4. Not sure what exactly your asking here but if its refering to the previous question then an 85 getting HK's in your party with you in range will work.
if you can find ppl on same server then sure ask away


Not sure what exactly your asking here but if its refering to the previous question then an 85 getting HK's in your party with you in range will work.

I guess many people would accept, at least I hope.

So, thank you for the answers.

I will make a tutorial video, but it takes me a few hours.
Unfortunately, I don't have time to do a video.

But I'll explain the principle of my method.

It only works in theory, but I tested all of its components, missing only that someone is trying.

However, note that there is an annoying problem (but not decisive) you can help me to solve, I hope.


When your character dies, he can find his body to resurrect, without honorless debuff. This resurrection is first instant, and then there is a timer of 30 seconds before another of 2 minutes.

However, this timer is reduced even if you are offline!

The technique is based on that. You must have an account with 10 characters at level 5. And you must to put them near of the Spirit Healer, in a place where you can log out immediately, without the usual 20 seconds. And since Cataclsym release, capitals allow that.

I tried, and I realized that the time to kill each of my 10 characters, the first timer had expired.

This means that you can do this in a loop:


--- 1 ---

• Connect your #1 Character.

• Accept instant rez. [Without this the first time.]

• Kill your #1 Character.

• Release spirit.

• Accept instant rez.

• Kill your #1 Character again.

• Release spirit.

{ Timer of 30 seconds before rez. }

• Don't wait and disconnect your #1 Character.

--- 2 ---

• Connect your #2 Character.

• Accept instant rez. [Without this the first time.]

• Kill your #2 Character.

• Release spirit.

• Accept instant rez.

• Kill your #2 Character again.

• Release spirit.

{ Timer of 30 seconds before rez. }

• Don't wait and disconnect your #2 Character.


--- 10 ---

• Connect your #10 Character.

• Accept instant rez. [Without this the first time.]

• Kill your #10 Character.

• Release spirit.

• Accept instant rez.

• Kill your #10 Character again.

• Release spirit.

{ Timer of 30 seconds before rez. }

• Don't wait and disconnect your #10 Character.

--- Repeat from step 1. ---


From my tests, it takes about 4 minutes to complete a loop. During a loop, you kill 2 times 10 characters, that makes 20 HKs every 4 minutes. 15*20 = 300 HKs/hour with a single account!


If you want 3000 HKs/hour, you need 10 accounts with 10 characters at level 5... That's a lot, I agree. However, it takes about 10 minutes to get a level 5 character. You must use your main character to group 4 alts from F2P accounts. Share quests and accept them with a "/script AcceptQuest();" macro if you want. It can go very fast, you can have your 100 characters to level 5 in one afternoon.

Then, take all of them to the farming place (I don't yet know the best place, then go see the section nammed "Problems").

In order to minimize the time during the loading screen, decrease all your graphics settings to minimum (including resolution, multisampling, etc.). Also note that your character appears in the game as soon as the loading bar is complete, even if you still see the loading screen. This period is shorter than it seems.

You will need two macros:

/script RepopMe();

/script RetrieveCorpse()

And also:


Bind it in your keyboard, you are going to spam it all the time.

You will also need a "key-broadcasting" software for all your WoW windows. Personally, I use the x1fr software (.exe here : ) but it is a bit limited. Really easy to use, but limited. The problem is that if we don't want to lag because of loading time, you have to minimize the WoW windows. And I think that the software does not work in this case. However, even if they were not, I have seen good times (10 seconds waiting). So if you have an idea of the software more convenient, feel free to give it.

Finally, you will need your twink and a character at level 85. The best is to use a second computer for this, in my opinion.


So, you must to use the loop I mentioned above. Substitute "Disconnect your character" and "Release spirit / Accept instant rez" by the appropriate macros. Pressing the button and all your accounts will disconnect / resurrect at the same time, if you use the key-broadcasting software. After disconnecting, wait 2 seconds and then press the down arrow on your keyboard. Then press the Enter key. When alts appear on the screen of your character to level 85, kill them with AoE spell. Follow the loop (don't forget to resurrect twice to be killed twice) and repeat, again and again.

With your level 85 character, you must also take care of city guards... Either by killing or controlling them. We will address this issue in the next section.


Here is the most important. For this technique, you will need a cemetery located in an area where you can log off immediately. Unfortunately, I know only two places where you can be instantly disconnected : capitals and inns. Since there is no cemetery in the inns, we can only use capitals. However, to resurrect nearly a Spirit Healer located in a city, you must belong to the faction of this capital. That's the problem. Because if you attack enemies in a capital city, you get a powerful guard who will bother. So, I need your help!

Maybe you know other places where you can automatically disconnect near a cemetery? Or a city where a guard will not attack you? I do not resubscribe to WoW and I can not try it myself... But I found Thunder Bluff very interesting... The cemetery is actually located outside of town where are all NPCs, below the lifts. But even there, my character from the alliance caused the arrival of a bluffwatcher when he attacked my Tauren alt.

But what would have happened with a character to level 85? If my character killing the guard, is another was to appear immediately?

I like Thunder Bluff because I believe that only a guard appears, and because it is far from the other NPCs in the horde. So rather than kill him, I imagined that we could CC this Bluffwatcher. The Paladin Repentance spell seems appropriate : 1 minut CC / 1 minut CD (and instant cast time). But having to do that every minute is annoying... Do you have any other ideas?

Perhaps we may also ask any person to take care of it, in exchange, he also won HKs.

Once this is resolved, and although it is not, you can enjoy a lot of HKs. Sure, it takes time to set up, but if you think it works, I think it is the best way. The method is not perfect, but I think it will soon be finalized. You can tell me what you think, if you saw flaws or improvements especially!

For your tests:

I put at your disposal the accounts that I used. These are the European servers, and I do not know if it works with US WoW Launcher. The characters are on the Ysondre (FR) server.

I can give you 10 accounts with characters at the Stormwind cimetery, an account with 10 level 5 characters at the Stormwind cimetery, and two others accounts with an Alliance character and an Horde alt at the Thunder Bluff cimetery. Just ask me or send me a PM.

Please, comment!
eww now this is a good try for sure bro but.

i farm 8 trials killing one every 7 seconds so that is 60seconds divided by 7 = 8.571 kills per minute

thats 8.571 times 60 minutes = 514.28 kills per hour so if you take my method and,

do it times 10 which is what you are doing with yours it would be 5142.85 per hour

thats 5142.85 times 20 hours = 102857.14 kills per day

your way with logging out with the 100 toons instead of 80 my way is 3000 per hour times 20hrs

= 60000 per day and im using less trials aswell as not having to log them out

but this was alot of research and interesting to read;)
This could be a good an alternative for those with an old computer or laptop? Doing this on 1 account with ya 10 toons might be an only option for some lol. I could run many wow windows on my pc how ever I will probs just wait till i win the lotto (plan to do this soon btw). Go to a cyber lounge or something any pay the 50 ppl there to open 10 accounts n let me kill em. 500 accounts = 37500 kills an hour will only take 6-7 hours for 250k =D
I started farming again 48 hrs ago and i am now at 133500 with 12 accts and 2 lvl ones killing so thats like 33k from the 100012 i had before not too slow even with 12 accts its 720 per hour

i will update magelo
wintergrasp graveyard <3

I had thought... But first, it is accessible only from level 75 (although I think I know an exploit to go anyway), and secondly, when rescucite in Wintergrasp, we have a invulnerability buff.
Not sure if this helps or not, but if someone attacks you first, then the guard never spawns. The guard only spawns if you get in the first hit.
lol i think the fastest way and only way is what i have been doing and if you have friends make accts it gets even faster not 22k/hour but it works i was at 133k the other day now almost 160k and thats with getting dced and missing lots of hks
When the battle is not going on there if you've picked up the fp you can go there anytime you want

Okay, I was wrong.

Not sure if this helps or not, but if someone attacks you first, then the guard never spawns. The guard only spawns if you get in the first hit.

Really interesting, thank you... However, this would involve adding a macro "/cast X [target = 'My_twink']" which would lose much time. In my opinion, it is easier to CC if it is a single guard.

lol i think the fastest way and only way is what i have been doing and if you have friends make accts it gets even faster not 22k/hour but it works i was at 133k the other day now almost 160k and thats with getting dced and missing lots of hks

Sure, it works great and is really easy to use. But 500 HKs/hour is very little for those who do not have much time to play.

My method requires a lot of preparation time, but produces 6 times more HKs than yours. Or maybe there is something that I do not understand...

You said:

i farm 8 trials killing one every 7 seconds so that is 60seconds divided by 7 = 8.571 kills per minute

thats 8.571 times 60 minutes = 514.28 kills per hour so if you take my method and,

do it times 10 which is what you are doing with yours it would be 5142.85 per hour

If I understand you make 514 HKs/hour using 8 accounts. But in order to make 5000 HKs/hour, you would to use 80 accounts? A single computer can support it, and no one has seven different computer at his disposal... So how do you do?

With my method, we just need 10 accounts, which can easily be done on a single computer.

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