How do you healers avoid getting blown up in midfield?

I love trinketing sap on my hunt cause I normally just turn around and hit my stealth macro then rogue is dead... Trinketing sap has it's benefits ^-^

but you haz track hidden :(
I actually think I would get more attention if I stood on the stumps, Swoops.

That was [MENTION=15173]Kibbies[/MENTION], but I've found the same thing. You should use the stumps to your advantage kiting and getting a quick heal off, but don't stay up there for long.

I try to keep moving/circling at range around the outside of a midfight. Staying in one area for too long will eventually draw attention to you, even if you're at max range. I find most early fights are kind of a clusterfuck around the middle stump on the Horde ramp/zerker hut side of mid. You usually have a good amount of space to move around the big stump toward the ally side of the map. The early fights are generally the reluctant loop-around once the teams cross each other, so you have a lot more room to work with than a typical head on battle.

Controlling mid is the best way to win games, but a lot of teams aren't capable of doing it (or you'll run into teams that are more capable than of it than yours). If you're the only healer, you need to recognize when a midfight starts going downhill and start working your way out of it. Keep tossing out heals when you can, but you'll have to leave people behind. Don't worry too much about keeping up melee anymore here. You can usually make it pretty safely up Ally tunnel/ramp. It might not always help, but try to call out what you're doing here and ask others to try to do the same.

I assume after this, no one else on your team will leave the midfight early enough. Try not to break your nose facepalming as your FC runs straight into their entire team and dies while theirs RP walks across mid untouched. If you can kill EFC, wait to grab flag until they pick up boots and sprint alone into FR. If you can't, grab and go on Ally tunnel roof to start complaining about your team being useless. You'll be pretty free to type out all your rage here - it takes like 8 stacks to hit before someone on the other team can figure out how to get up there.

lol, I just realized this is exactly how I play hunter too!

Umm, for situations other than extremely specific fail midfights at the beginning of a game, other people have covered positioning pretty well. The only thing I'd add to that is do as much damage as you can to overextended DPS. Generally if you're positioned well, melee attacking you will be ranging their heals. You need to take advantage of that yourself, because you can't always rely on your team to recognize that someone is overextended or attacking their healer.
That was [MENTION=15173]Kibbies[/MENTION], but I've found the same thing. You should use the stumps to your advantage kiting and getting a quick heal off, but don't stay up there for long.

I try to keep moving/circling at range around the outside of a midfight. Staying in one area for too long will eventually draw attention to you, even if you're at max range. I find most early fights are kind of a clusterfuck around the middle stump on the Horde ramp/zerker hut side of mid. You usually have a good amount of space to move around the big stump toward the ally side of the map. The early fights are generally the reluctant loop-around once the teams cross each other, so you have a lot more room to work with than a typical head on battle.

Controlling mid is the best way to win games, but a lot of teams aren't capable of doing it (or you'll run into teams that are more capable than of it than yours). If you're the only healer, you need to recognize when a midfight starts going downhill and start working your way out of it. Keep tossing out heals when you can, but you'll have to leave people behind. Don't worry too much about keeping up melee anymore here. You can usually make it pretty safely up Ally tunnel/ramp. It might not always help, but try to call out what you're doing here and ask others to try to do the same.

I assume after this, no one else on your team will leave the midfight early enough. Try not to break your nose facepalming as your FC runs straight into their entire team and dies while theirs RP walks across mid untouched. If you can kill EFC, wait to grab flag until they pick up boots and sprint alone into FR. If you can't, grab and go on Ally tunnel roof to start complaining about your team being useless. You'll be pretty free to type out all your rage here - it takes like 8 stacks to hit before someone on the other team can figure out how to get up there.

lol, I just realized this is exactly how I play hunter too!

Umm, for situations other than extremely specific fail midfights at the beginning of a game, other people have covered positioning pretty well. The only thing I'd add to that is do as much damage as you can to overextended DPS. Generally if you're positioned well, melee attacking you will be ranging their heals. You need to take advantage of that yourself, because you can't always rely on your team to recognize that someone is overextended or attacking their healer.

Thanks you are the king of positioning, most of the time I don't even know you are there.
don't heal people in the middle unless you have no choice. don't heal people who don't peel, and when they QQ about it always answer with umad? let any hunter who isn't playing the objective die, then /w him with lol. if you're being gy farmed don't rez.

this is pretty much my approach. heal those that are useful, ignore the tardfest.

when it comes to gy farming i can't count the number of times i've been able to pull half the opposing team out of our gy just by riding through.

If the team is happy being farmed there's usually a movie i want to watch.

bubble, psy and fear can break up a group of gy farmers rather quickly.
Standing at the edge of a mob isn't always the best idea. Personally I try to circle around the back of an advancing mob and pick my targets w/o getting tunnel visioned by the mob. Sometimes there is safety in numbers.
The problem might be that my Priest is in a crit set rocking 1.4k hp unbuffed in bgs.
The problem might be that my Priest is in a crit set rocking 1.4k hp unbuffed in bgs.

...and you wonder why you're getting blown up? A low hp priest throwing bubbles everywhere? #1 on the kill order.
Also another thing is to not stay in mid ^-^ I rarely have a problem with staying in mid cause I just take the far right side over that stump and into zerk hut then kill or try killin efc and horde can do the same on the left side. Mid is easy to get through when you want to

Not with your typical ally team with 3 hunters, 3 prot paladins 3 rogues and a druid...

Sap, Conshot+ES+Arcane, Frisbee+HoJ, Ambush - dead

Not trying to troll you, but telling you that you're wrong if you try to say that it's easy to get through mid if the other team has a lot of hunters.

OT: Haven't been playing healer all that much lately (since I consider myself pretty bad at it) but I usually do what all the other people do: pick 1-3 good dps (people I know from pugging for example), stay with them, watch your positioning, NEVER just stand in one place and tunnel your heals; there's always some rogue that will sneak up on you, either killing you or delaying heals for your team, try to advance fast from mid if you get sucked into a bigger clash (tell the people you are healing, to do so as well) - on that note: I'd rather leave 1 or 2 behind to die, than lose because the other 4 people didn't make it to the efc/fc/whatever fast enough, tossing an apology to the people you left with a reason why will also help - and the biggest thing is: WATCH YOUR OWN HEALTH. I can't remember how many times I made that mistake before realizing it was one and it cost me the game.
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Step one roll Druid . Step 2 face ally team with 8 hunters as the only healer . Step 3 get 160k healing done in a 15min match . Never leave mid . If you are closest to flag you could be guilt tripped into playing objectively . Heal everyone cause even the retards, though you don't want to spend time with them one on one , are funny to have around in a group setting . And sometimes they can surprise you like one time a Jaja prot tossed me a heal ( that or he had a retard seizure and the heal kinda slipped out of his hands :eek: ) and it saved me . As for not being seen , Ignore [MENTION=15173]Kibbies[/MENTION] cause he doesnt know a thing about fashion. The key is not "dark cloths so people don't see u " it's actually no clothes . People will generally avoid looking at a nude troll . Use this to your advantage. always set up a picnic . Most good people will come and sit nicely and watch you own their team. Finally always carry a panda baby costume with you In case your chances of survival drop really low . I read in a textbook in highschool that retards like fluffy/rabit like animals ......... or was that " of mice and men "........ Either way gl and stay in the bushes
Not with your typical ally team with 3 hunters, 3 prot paladins 3 rogues and a druid...

Sap, Conshot+ES+Arcane, Frisbee+HoJ, Ambush - dead

Not trying to troll you, but telling you that you're wrong if you try to say that it's easy to get through mid if the other team has a lot of hunters.

I'm not trying to troll you but I'm saying you are wrong. Unless the horde team specifically is targeting me cause they know I'm the threat or unless it's pizza n his gang (best "containing" group I've ever seen) my method gets me through mid ATLEAST 80% of the time. Horde team can have as many hunts as they want lol.. All of them are gonna be mid probably not even realizing I'm going right by.

Run to the far right of map
Do that little stump jump
Go around the right of zerk hut
Get zerk
Go kill efc

There I just basically gave away my #1 strat lol
I really hate healing in mids, and i saw someone post that you shouldn't heal mids unless you have to.
A good way to get people out of mids is to /s and /y 'Get out of mids, let's get flag'. A lot of the time people do not see the chat (any form of it) in the textbox, but they WILL see the chat bubble above your head.

However, if you have to heal mids to prevent GY farming, or because nobody on your team is willing to play objective then either:
A. Leave
B. Don't heal.
C. Pick a few good players (check scoreboard if you have to) and heal those people as I'm sure they'll realize their dumb mistake of mid-fighting and go do objective.
I'm not trying to troll you but I'm saying you are wrong. Unless the horde team specifically is targeting me cause they know I'm the threat or unless it's pizza n his gang (best "containing" group I've ever seen) my method gets me through mid ATLEAST 80% of the time. Horde team can have as many hunts as they want lol.. All of them are gonna be mid probably not even realizing I'm going right by.

I'm talking horde, we don't have the option of a wide-spread ramp... US-horde rogues never go for zerk, huh?
Don't fight mid. Only time you will see me in mid is if im on a healer healing the FC, or on a dps toon killing the EFC. if i must cross i use the sides.
Can they resap? yes.
Do they always resap? Nope.
Does having a racial and a trinket allow you to outlast 2 saps, DoT the rogue and destroy them? Yes. Yes it does.

You can bash for trinketing sap all you want, but the truth of the matter is that sometimes you need to waste 2 CDs to get through a sap/resap, because if you don't you'll just sit there with spirals above your head while your team dies without any form of heals besides a draenai racial and a bandage by some new player who thinks that'll actually help.
always wear the most plain transmog and ride a default trial mount like a brown skeletal horse horde or a nightsaber alliance, nothing flashy like rivendales chargers, it somewhat helps with people not focus targeting you, but I would still get targeted often by the more experienced people.
Just did a bg healing on tree stumps, alot of prot pallys came at me. Lesson learned.
do you not trinket polymorphs either, cause mages can re-polymorph?

do you trinket random saps in mid for no reason?

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