Help me with home workouts.

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A lot of people actually gave you some real advice, but you keep being in denial, thinking you can get shredded eating diabetus food. Get a grip, open your fucking eyes and look at it realistically
A lot of people actually gave you some real advice, but you keep being in denial, thinking you can get shredded eating diabetus food. Get a grip, open your fucking eyes and look at it realistically
Well you can get shredded eating junk food there is no denying that.
Ok but his physique looks natural no red flags of drug abuse.


Look dude. I'm like 90% you're just trolling but in the off chance you aren't...

These fitness guys on YouTube are grifters. Every single one of them. Looking the way you want to look requires an immense amount of work, discipline and consistency. And a lot of good genetic luck.

You will not get there being a lazy piece of shit hoping to get jacked with some Walmart dumbbells and bigmacs. Not gonna happen. I've seen people try it. Hell, I've tried it. Guys like your are a dime a dozen, dude. I can't tell you how many people I've had to unfuck because they listened to some jack ass on YouTube tell them they could do chest flys and eat pizza and look stage ready in 3 months.

If you genuinely want to get jacked, stop being a bitch, stop looking for short cuts, get your ass a gym membership and learn how to cook.
Well you can get shredded eating junk food there is no denying that.

U can cut weight eating a calorie deficit. That's a fact.
But you can't get reliable and effective muscle gain from fast food.

You can't do any of that shit without training either. Sure you can cut weight and look in decent shape. But to get ripped with a decent 6 pack without looking like an anorexic twig will take some work.

You - Will - Not - See - Gains - Eating - Junk - Food - Unless - You - Train - Hard

Other youtubers you probably watch will have a good foundation of muscle they've been bulking into and then cut hard on a calorie deficit while doing weight/cardio work on top of potential performance enhancing drugs.

If you disagree with any of this you will be without a doubt, the thickest person on this site. (not thicc)
Everyone is aware a good physique is hard to achieve and takes years of discipline.

How is working out lazy, if I have a literal schedule and run everyday.

The difference between me and those other people is when I want something I will follow through with it no matter how hard it gets.

Am I looking for a shortcut? No.

Do I want to look reasonably good without a shirt on yes.
lol are you still here
He wasn't just a couch potato and started eating that outta nowhere. He already had a good body, worked out and did stuff before doing his "challenge". He already had a good metabolism, ofc eating "shit" for a month didn't affect him as much. And he kept doing a hell lot of excercise while on his challenge.

A lot of people are trying to help you, why won't you let them?
Another reason why changing what you eat is important it's because you need to learn how to eat for the rest of your life. If you just eat garbage, when you stop exercising, you're going to get your weight back because you never learned how to eat correctly :/


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He wasn't just a couch potato and started eating that outta nowhere. He already had a good body, worked out and did stuff before doing his "challenge". He already had a good metabolism, ofc eating "shit" for a month didn't affect him as much. And he kept doing a hell lot of excercise while on his challenge.

A lot of people are trying to help you, why won't you let them?
Another reason why changing what you eat is important it's because you need to learn how to eat for the rest of your life. If you just eat garbage, when you stop exercising, you're going to get your weight back because you never learned how to eat correctly :/

Ok not going to argue with someone that does not know what they are talking about. Heres some more anecdotal evidence.

Eating dirty food and powerlifting is one thing, you can eat junk to an extent, but if you really want to get as shredded as possible you really need to count your macros and not be lazy. You're going to need to do a lot of high rep low weight exercises, lots of cardio and high intensity workouts. A keto diet might work good for you, but simple carbs are your enemy when trying to cut.
All in all, if you want to eat McDonalds and shit, maybe you should invest in that squat rack and barbell and powerlift and say fuck it to getting shredded and just get huge.
not 2 familiar with specifics
r there some veggies that r no go 4 keto kiddos?

Yeah, I don't think this man wants to put the mc doubles down, you are right on that, no keto.
There's a ton of veggies that are a no go, and limited eating for keto.

Unless you're an epileptic 6 year old, keto is a terrible diet for you
Unless you're an epileptic 6 year old, keto is a terrible diet for you


You substitute carbs for fat and protein. It will take a while to get used to and you will need more than 3 meals a day. But done properly it's not a bad diet at all...
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