Healers over dpsing everybody?

Maybe I'm just terrible at this game but how? I spam judgment and crusader strike... even consecration a lot in games and I do a fraction of the dps of a hunter pet. Am I doing something wrong? The dps output of holy paladins has been a joke since they removed denounce.

I could totally be wrong but at this point I feel like I have a pretty decent idea of what the class is capable of and this seems like a hyperbole to me. Dont get my hope up please :(

Holy Pally is probably the least threatening of the healers, but ele force and hidden satyr means everyone can do work.
other day i have had more dmg dealt than fury war i was healing

Ss or it didn't happen. I'm pretty sure ele force procs alone from a disc or boomie can out dps a holy paladin.
Holy Pally is probably the least threatening of the healers, but ele force and hidden satyr means everyone can do work.

You've obviously never met me! My dps is a joke but I also cant ever die. I'm that annoying fly that keeps buzzing around tossing the occasional hoj and speed belting away. My class is awful and I love it.
Ss or it didn't happen. I'm pretty sure ele force procs alone from a disc or boomie can out dps a holy paladin
i dont have that habit to ss every bg i win
but i have an addon wich is recording pvp statistics - maybe ill find something for you tomorrow.
also im lvl29 - this m8 make a difference

quite funny though, maybe hpally buy himself is not a threat, but if u dont have trinket and u got hojed - u will change ur mind as soon as 100rage x2 crus fury will charge into u :^)
It is not unnoticeable. Discs are monsters at 120.

As are MW and even Hpal when they pop AC

edit: just gonna throw this out there.

WoW - 60 kills, 0 deaths.png
It is not unnoticeable. Discs are monsters at 120.

Discs are a different story. And a silly one at that. They're overtuned in every possible way. They do the best or second best healing on almost every boss in Uldir whilst also doing damage similar to that of a tank. So sure it's not on the level of a dps but damn it's up there and it's silly.
fear not yung pondlings the master has arrived to shed sum wisdom take notes LMAO

Enlighten me, elightened one.

it doesn't really have anything to do with ability combos. boomkins pretty much have their core combo at 19

Of course. Balance druid is a good example because their Mastery sucks, so it's a viable counter argument.
Too bad they miss their burst buff (48), a rotational need (60), Moonkin Form part 2 (54) (useful in PvP), Sunfire part 2 (32), AoE (40), Starsurge part 2 (70), and talent rows 2 and up, Azerite traits, and PvP talents.

But yes, your core abilities are still there. Just not that many interraction between them, which is the main reason a DPS pulls ahead. If I spam Wrath on a resto and then on a moonkin, resto wins. If I use full rotations, resto falls behind drastically.

arc mages just use 1 ability, and they do comparably strong damage.

That's pretty true for endgame too, except worse because they run out of mana even slower.

They don't have those "inter-spell interractions" thus their damage is just flat spellpower. Makes them pull ahead on lower levels. And they're already strong at endgame, so there's that. The ones they do have are just mana savers, basically.

rshams do insane dmg with flame shock, mw monks with teachings of the monastery passive (which is an ability combo.)

Very true, rshamans do do quite a bit of damage. But again, buffed for soloing content and blizz doesn't look at early game for real balance. MW is strong as well for the same reason.

Resto Shamans are a little bit better in pure damage too because, unlike other healers, their damaging abilities cost mana (Except for Lightning Noodle)

this argument just doesnt consistently apply. also there's the basic logic that any damage boost to help healers level should NOT result in MORE damage than a pure dps spec. mw monk does astronomically more damage AND healing than ww monk which makes no sense,

I agree, it makes no sense. They should put in a scaling at lower level where damaging abilities deal less damage. And then per x levels it upgrades a little via rankings.

but they do less damage than arcane mage (a one-button dps spec) which makes even less sense.

Read above

if it's blizzard's goal to make healers more viable for leveling, then it doesn't make sense to make dps specs within the same class LESS viable for leveling. the penalty of living longer means killing things slower, that's how the game has been since day 1.

TLDR it's just a scaling problem and blizzard has sucked at balancing anything for 14 years.

It's definitely a scaling issue, I am not denying that. But in a way other than you imply here.

as leek said healers should just get a massive damage nerf, but blizz will not balance the game based on lower brackets. thats why arc mages got buffed while enhance shamans got nerfed.

This much is true. Lower brackets get ignored unless a massive amount of people cry out for a certain broken spec or class. Which.. Will still take them some time to actually bother with a deep sigh of "Yeah all right complaints been going for months now, let's do something."
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