Hatred of the F2P players

well with all due respect to f2p players(I abide by f2p gear myself inb4 you begin a qq war with me nerds )

a f2p just now posted in the 24 screenshot thread trying to provoke 24s again (not what I necessarily support 24s myself but f2ps are just as retarded)

That they won against a 5 man 24 team twice(the same analogy i can think would be like 24s posting screenshots of endlessly farming f2ps, I remember they used to do that before the forums got separated and 24s got their own section) but even when 24s did that-they got massively QQd and frowned upon and threads got closed
Xibalba please go after HC now. I know that when y'all keep stomping these mediocre 24 guilds it won't change anything in the bgs but atleast it will take away alittle bit of their epeen they've gotten from stomping f2p pugs for so long.

Don't bg thatttt much though cuz your guild makes the bgs boring and it's fun to beat up on 24s without 24 help :p

shhh! Let all the 24s level to 29 months early based on a small hunch. Think of the joy for us 20s once all the 24s are gone come WoD :D

No disrespect (seeing this is a recruitment thread I'll remain neutral) but you'd get more competition from facing a solid group of F2Ps then you will from those 2 guilds. If competition is your real goal then:

1) Why roll P2P? Roll F2P and face the abundant amount of horde P2Ps and you will get your challenge for freee
2) Do not attempt to challenge any of the "top" guilds. There are no top guilds atm so if you are making a team of good/great players in hopes to find competition against the avg guilds running around atm you will probably be disappointed..

Trying to remain neutral it's just that I've seen some good 24s come into this bracket looking for a challenge and quickly leaving once they see the current state of 24s that inhabit this bracket. Anyways gl with getting any premades and cya in the gulch

For those of you even contemplating this guild. Below avg gy farmers (can't even contain right just straight gy farms) that have temper problems. Me and the mage had to fight to get 3 caps thanks to the hordes 2 rogues that was working together and made the allies premade look like a joke
[MENTION=14218]Lil[/MENTION], should i keep going? That was just off the second page of your post history...
[MENTION=14218]Lil[/MENTION], should i keep going? That was just off the second page of your post history...

annnd what is your point?

I do not see one thing besides saying anything even remotely mean besides "mediocre 24 guilds" and "below avg gy farmers" which is EXACTLY what they are so id you'd like to have a civil debate and talk like we're on the same level I will gladly reply ONCE you provide atleast something to reply to
annnd what is your point?

I do not see one thing besides saying anything even remotely mean besides "mediocre 24 guilds" and "below avg gy farmers" which is EXACTLY what they are so id you'd like to have a civil debate and talk like we're on the same level I will gladly reply ONCE you provide atleast something to reply to

Every one of those posts are provoking and some did start flame wars. That is trolling my friend.

Don't try kid a kidder.

I could say something about hunters being OP knowing it would provoke a reaction from you... Then all I'd have to say is I was stating a fact.
which is exactly what you do nearly everytime so....? Point is it doesn't matter if I'm the one saying it or if someone who's posted 3 times is saying this. This is OUR forum don't come in here telling us how to act.

Then don't go in other forums doing it, simple right? That is my whole point. You (not just you) go in other sections telling people how to act and play but you don't like it back.

Maybe I'm asking to much... Don't worry about it. I'll do my own thing, you do yours.

EDIT: At the end of the day, I'll always be able to beat F2Ps with my gear, and I'm pretty capable in the trolling department. So as you were.
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hahaha our forum, too bad a lot of the ''more humble or whatever'' f2ps are literally disgusted to even play a hunter they dont even want to que with them , unless you are like me who likes to top DPS charts gy farming , be an asshole, etc then hunter is for you. Lets look at this from a neutral perspective.

Playing a hunter should be like being a 24 in disguise.

24s have been ruining this game for how long? 2 years?hunters haven been ruining pvp in every single bracket for 6+ years and counting in almost every twink bracket AND max level since cata/MoP.
Those that know twink history might remember that hunters were banned from 29s because they were that retarded.

let me break down hunters for the nerds that never paid for wow or played endgame, what happens at high level since we all know that low level hunters wearing intellect can outdamage and outCC 2.2k arena players

Lets face the facts here:
Hunter cc is completely retard proof if you know what you're doing because at max level you get like three different ways you can get it off. Then almost every hunter cc is on a different dr.

Positioning is pointless vs a hunter. A melee struggles to get close, and once he does, it doesn't change anything.

-Melee are punished when being attacked from range.
-Casters are punished when attacked in melee range (interrupts and cast-time knock backs).

But Hunters? Don't worry, get 2 yards away and they'll still deal 100% damage.

. There's no interrupts or cast-time knock backs you can cause a Hunter by being close to him. They're basically a melee class with the ability to shoot from 40 yards

Let me recap what happens to casters, when being attacked by melee, have to deal with;(especially if you aren't a f#$# retarded mage or lock that gets to insta cast)

- Cast time knock backs
- Interrupts
- Fake casting
- High damage intake
Hunter's shot casts can't be knocked back or interrupted, they don't have to fake cast, and they have the second best armor class in the game.

Nothing can compare, not even 5.4 patch 24s (unless they are stacked in 4 or 5+) to the amounts of the retarded skillcapped class .

Hunter is such a retarded class atm its just sad and funny in same time. BM pet pros skill capped. JK

Thesaint dude, its pointless she got owned with arguments now shes throwing out completely random answers

I know I do that shit too when I don't know what else to say when the opposite side to my argument says the truth but I don't want to be proven wrong.
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I scanned that essay, glanced at lil's sig, and smiled.
that's what it takes to explain what high level hunters are like in depth.

why..i play with hunters and I play against hunters. I don't really complain about it its just how this class works. but its unfortunate that you refuse to understand it maybe the extremely prolonged exposure to the f2p 2-3 button bracket does affect the mind in a negative way
I'm sure you mainly play your P2Ps seeing you had a total of 50k hks on those toons you posted. Even still with you playing P2P more you must understand that like you said "Sure, there's a major difference between a f2p and p2p player, I get it. Sure, it sucks a dick to queue into a 5man 24 premade or get globalled by a backpedalling pay-to-win. I get it, it happens every now and then to anyone who plays this bracket" however when that happens to you I can probably guess what happens, you get on your P2P and do the same thing you just got mad about. You get frustrated when it happens on your F2P but when you're on your P2P everything is peachy.

Guess what, not everyone here can/will just jump on their P2P when they are getting facerolled by the no skilled 24s. Guess what else, people vent frustration through talking. Guess what lastly, this is OUR forum to vent that frustration. Idc if you play F2P 75% of the time and P2P 25% I STILL wouldn't want you coming into the F2P section telling us how to act when it comes to P2Ps seeing you know exactly why we say what we do. Frankly you came here and told us (F2Ps) how to act in our own forum towards P2Ps who (unintentionally or not) grief us and that did NOT sit well with me or others clearly.

Like I said, I agree P2Ps should be able to sing and dance and frolic in their own section(s) but this is the F2P section which imo shouldn't have people who don't even play F2P posting in it every other day trolling. Go ahead and ask yourself, do you honestly see more trolling from people that don't play P2P in the P2P section or from people that don't play F2P in the F2P section?

Thanks for missing the point of the OP yet again buddy. Thanks for spreading your p2p hate in this thread, greatly appreciated. Yeah, sometimes when I get frustrated from a bg, because I am a p2p I can log my 90s, 10, 20-24 or levelling toons. Trust me, it's a lot more fun than sitting 15min deserter and raging in the forums meanwhile :D Me playing p2p, however, doesn't conflict with anything I said in the opening post.

I'm sick and tired of seeing this shitstorm of f2p vs p2p in every damn thread, it never gets anywhere, it never solves any problems, it never makes for an enjoyable and informative read. I'm fairly certain that such a shitstorm is bound to happen in this thread aswell. Hopefully not, though.

Guess I was right :p

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which is exactly what you do nearly everytime so....? Point is it doesn't matter if I'm the one saying it or if someone who's posted 3 times is saying this. This is OUR forum don't come in here telling us how to act.

I'm Sorry but reading your replies, lately I can't get a picture out of my mind, of you in some extremist conservative party, working as a border patrol; "This is our country you stupid poor Mexicans, gtfo!"
Makes me giggle a bit :)

I'm sure they would even let you have a dog and a bow to shoot them with ;)
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So p2p's felt frustrated on f2p's bashing them(for good reasons) and needed to make a topic on f2p's section to cry and victimise.

2 Newsflash for you:
- as long as p2p's will continue to que into f2p's, you'll get what you deserve since your not man enough to fight f2p's on the same level. Blaming f2p hunters and rogues it's just a poor excuse;

- there's always the report button if it's something that is offending you. Start using it instead of playing internet heroes.

Last post of mine on a topic that should have been closed long time ago.


Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
So p2p's felt frustrated on f2p's bashing them(for good reasons) and needed to make a topic on f2p's section to cry and victimise.

2 Newsflash for you:
- as long as p2p's will continue to que into f2p's, you'll get what you deserve since your not man enough to fight f2p's on the same level. Blaming f2p hunters and rogues it's just a poor excuse;

- there's always the report button if it's something that is offending you. Start using it instead of playing internet heroes.

Last post of mine on a topic that should have been closed long time ago.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

But but but... I wanted more redundant newsflashes from a fotm exclusive viewpoint.. QQ : (
It's your (f2ps) forum, but it's our (p2ps) game. Don't come tell us how to play it.
It's your (f2ps) forum, but it's our (p2ps) game. Don't come tell us how to play it.

When it got free, stopped being "YOURS".

It's not even YOURS. You rent the right to be part of it, also, the ENDGAME population keeps the game. If blizz were to depend on p2p twinks, she would be f*cked.

But, nevermind. I give up.

Keep fightning, keep bitching, keep whatever.

From what i see in this thread, you all deserve the bracket you have.
Too much talk. Too little change.
So a few assholes on both sides will keep slinging feces at each other. Stinking up the whole place for everyone.

Glad that's settled.

The thread was an attempt to address that. Look where that got us :rolleyes:.
When it got free, stopped being "YOURS".

It's not even YOURS. You rent the right to be part of it, also, the ENDGAME population keeps the game. If blizz were to depend on p2p twinks, she would be f*cked.

But, nevermind. I give up.

Keep fightning, keep bitching, keep whatever.

From what i see in this thread, you all deserve the bracket you have.
Too much talk. Too little change.

What is mine is my account. I PAY (weird right?) to do what i want within blizzards Ts&Cs. Be pleased you have any involvement at all. Have a nice day :).
The thread was an attempt to address that. Look where that got us :rolleyes:.

The thread was an TERRIBLE attempt to address something that YOU guys also do.

It's too easy to point fingers, but this thread is exactly the same thing you all claim to be "bullshit" or whatever.
It's not an attempt to make the bracket and the forum healthy, you just want to make things burn in here.


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