Hatred of the F2P players

This is really nothing new. This bracket has had the same problems since it came out almost 2 years ago. If you haven't learned to adapt, then you will eventually. Besides, yelling at anyone other than Blizzard is rather idiotic and pointless.

Now, as far as harassment on this website, it needs to stop. There is way too much flame on these forums. The flame I see is not constructive, healthy, nor needed.
I see people using the words "shitty, silly, crappy, etc etc" to define this discussion AND the bracket.

To me? "Sad" would be perfect.

It's sad how a forum supposed to help people and be the point for F2Ps and helpful P2Ps to gather and discuss strategy, gearing ways and simply have fun, became another side of the terrible, sick and tiresome part of the game where people simply disregard any kind of education they had and treat other people like a steamy pile of crap.

Let me be the one to remind everysingleone of you something:

YOU'RE ALL PEOPLE. You're not the goddamn frostblasting mage with 1,4k shatters. You're not the demonsucking warlock with more stamina than Stallone. You're not the bladeweaving, 2button warrior that you see on the screen.

Be 24s, or 20s, or 80s, or 1000s, or 999s. LEARN TO FUCKING RESPECT EACH OTHER. It's easy to be a keyboard warrior, but this bracket is a piece of shit because those who have the capacity to change DOESN'T WANT TO CHANGE.

You pay your account? Nice! Why not try to reroll some nice underpowered classes and befriend some f2ps for some good premades? You're a f2p? Try to change sometimes, roll some classes that can be awesome if properly played.

You guys, you have the inteligence, and the knowledge of why this bracket is a complete garbage. Now, find the goddamn willpower to change it. Instead, what i see here, is a contest of e-peen waving by people who really can't say anything. 20/24 doesn't really take that much skill anyway, specially when you're 2shotting everything.

PLEASE, BE THE CHANGE. Break the goddamn cycle already.

TL;DR: The most important in this is the Health of the bracket. Not your e-peens. Make decisions to make the bracket healthy, not shittier.
Well, it's the internetz you can say whatever you want hiding behind a screen. That's ok, i feel you :)

I hope the ignoring part it''s a promise ;)
YOU'RE ALL PEOPLE. You're not the goddamn frostblasting mage with 1,4k shatters. You're not the demonsucking warlock with more stamina than Stallone. You're not the bladeweaving, 2button warrior that you see on the screen.

Be 24s, or 20s, or 80s, or 1000s, or 999s. LEARN TO FUCKING RESPECT EACH OTHER. It's easy to be a keyboard warrior, but this bracket is a piece of shit because those who have the capacity to change DOESN'T WANT TO CHANGE.

You guys, you have the inteligence, and the knowledge of why this bracket is a complete garbage. Now, find the goddamn willpower to change it. Instead, what i see here, is a contest of e-peen waving by people who really can't say anything. 20/24 doesn't really take that much skill anyway, specially when you're 2shotting everything.

PLEASE, BE THE CHANGE. Break the goddamn cycle already.

TL;DR: The most important in this is the Health of the bracket. Not your e-peens. Make decisions to make the bracket healthy, not shittier.
The bracket is inherently flawed. Take a step back and fully appreciate the reality. If you want to change the bracket itself, talk to Blizzard. I'd be interested in the conversation as a spectator.
The bracket is inherently flawed. Take a step back and fully appreciate the reality. If you want to change the bracket itself, talk to Blizzard. I'd be interested in the conversation as a spectator.

Yeah, the bracket is inherently flawed.

So what? Another reason to keep relations healthy, so the flaws of the bracket bother people on a minimal basis. Instead, we aggravate these flaws with our bickering.

For instance: I don't agree with most of things Lil believe, but i don't engage in namecalling and bickering with her. I also respect her as a hunter player.

Respect. That's what this place needs.

That, and some enforcement of the rules. I'm pretty sure these flamewars shouldn't be happening.
Yeah, the bracket is inherently flawed.

So what? Another reason to keep relations healthy, so the flaws of the bracket bother people on a minimal basis. Instead, we aggravate these flaws with our bickering.

For instance: I don't agree with most of things Lil believe, but i don't engage in namecalling and bickering with her. I also respect her as a hunter player.

Respect. That's what this place needs.

That, and some enforcement of the rules. I'm pretty sure these flamewars shouldn't be happening.
I'm not disagreeing with you in regards to respect. Those who are interested in engaging in respectful conduct with one another are a significant minority. At one time I believed this minority could be organized. Perhaps even show the rest a better alternative. Few are willing to try something off the beaten path. Every attempt thus far has been unsuccessful or unsustainable.

Even if interest in arena could develop into organized premades and the premades could be sustained... trials can't wargame BG. Syncing premades is not feasible. Interest will wane, impatience will grow and the project will implode. Because of the restrictions.

It would be great if enough people wanted to shift into another bracket for quality's sake.
This is OUR section and OUR bracket. You don't like the hatred GTFO of our section as we are allowed to say whatever we want (as long as it doesn't break the CoC) in our own subsection. If you don't like F2Ps feeling entitled to their opinion go to a different bracket? We make this bracket possible, you make this game possible HOWEVER there are many different brackets in this game yet you chose to come to the one we made possible. If you came to our bracket and have severe advantages compared to us then expect to be resented and frustrated at. If you don't like that frustration don't bg (seeing majority of bgs are composed of F2Ps) and stay in your OWN forum (where I do agree you should be safe of F2P hate).

P.S. mods if you are actually reading this pointless thread PLEASE do something about the CONSTANT 3-5 people that ruin every single thread with their offtopic bitching. That is where your attention should be not a P2P coming into the F2P section telling F2Ps how to act

Mesikämmen @ Aggramar - Community - World of Warcraft
Mesikämmën @ Twisting Nether - Community - World of Warcraft
Mesikämmën @ Aggramar - Community - World of Warcraft

I play both f2p and p2p. I don't care if someone QQs if I'm playing one of my p2p toons and being overpowered becasue of that, it's not going to stop me from playing p2p and probably isn't going to stop anyone else either. If you read the OP, it was not about f2ps QQing about p2ps every now and then in the f2p section. It was about f2ps QQing about p2ps in the f2p section, the 20-24 section, the 25-29 section, and in nearly every thread. Read the original post again, with thought please.

"This is NOT saying the BITCHING isn't annoying. It's quite annoying seeing a thread every other day about a topic just to completely bitch about something."

This is the only sentence in your post that made sense, props to you.

Lukeqt said:
Your example with the dishwasher was completely retarded. You purposefully excluded the fact that p2p twinks have a negative effect on f2p twinks in order to make you seem like less of the bad guy. And you made it seem like the solution was buying the game, but that's not the reason many of us don't play p2p-geared twinks. Many of us (myself included) have p2p accounts. Your "solution" just makes the game not challenging or interesting for me, and even less challenging and interesting for those around me. I'm sure, however, you know this, and it just slipped through your mind when you were writing your very not biased post.

Honestly, the dishwasher metaphor was the first thing what came to my mind, and it seemed to fit pretty well so just went with it. It's not a perfect metaphor for this, but the bottom line is: if you have a problem, there's 2 things you can do about it. Either fix it, or shut the fuck up because moaning wont fix anything.

Annymous said:
GTFO of the bracket? Or are you too stupid?

Thanks for the warm words, although I did not quite catch why you want me to leave :p
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I will begin to clean this up,,

edit: Thread open again. Continuation of the stuff that has been happening here will result in way bigger punishments
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Here's a thought: What if both F2Ps and P2Ps are full of mostly inherently bad players? What if most of those bad players roll overpowered classes to make up for that (after all, they aren't going to play a game where they just suck/lose EVERY GAME)? What if, and here's the crazy part, everyone arguing on TI doesn't belong to that particularly unfortunate subset of the playerbase and therefore the arguing is pointless? The P2Ps with enchants that are as good as the good F2P players will always win. They have the advantage. That's obvious. No P2P denies this. However, having those enchants doesn't make them worse than 99% of this bracket (which is where most F2P seem to become far right-wing crazy when it comes to logic).

TLDR: F2P and P2P have shit players (shit players make up 99% of this bracket). The best P2Ps are going to dominate the best F2Ps by virtue of gear. The best of F2P and the best of P2P will both dominate the other 99% of the bracket. The P2Ps complaining about shit players, always OP hunters etc. are complaining about that 99%. The F2Ps complaining about super OP 24s that faceroll, backpeddle and would "otherwise not win," are also complaining about the SAME 99%. You literally have the SAME enemies. The same hunters, the same BRs, the same bad players are giving you the shit games. Get over it.

PPS: Want to prove me wrong? F2P's, are you really going to tell me that you hate the good 24s (I mean the ACTUALLY good 24s) more than you hate the 6 hunters EVERY game on both sides? The combination of paladin/rogue/druid/hunter every SINGLE game is less tiring than the 3-4 24s that both sides usually have? Really?

P2Ps, you're really telling me you believe that most F2Ps don't have P2P accounts? What, we magically discovered how to twink? We just somehow all know the landmarks of twinking like Lucky Fishing Hat, AGM, BoA's etc. without having touched the pay to play version of the game? That you lose games to F2P players in your 5 man premades and don't get embarrassed by it?

Come. On. Stop complaining about the 99% that DOES NOT EVEN READ THESE FORUMS.
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