Hatred of the F2P players

If you read the OP, it was not about f2ps QQing about p2ps every now and then in the f2p section. It was about f2ps QQing about p2ps in the f2p section, the 20-24 section, the 25-29 section, and in nearly every thread. Read the original post again, with thought please.

The premise of your OP is incorrect. f2ps don't bitch in nearly every thread. You overly exaggerated (and continue to exaggerate) how often it happens in this section, acting as though it's a relevant problem of this section, when it, in fact, not.
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The premise of your OP is incorrect. f2ps don't bitch in nearly every thread. You overly exaggerated (and continue to exaggerate) how often it happens in this section, acting as though it's a relevant problem of this section, when it, in fact, not.

Your ti account is three months old. I suggest you do some searches.
The premise of your OP is incorrect. f2ps don't bitch in nearly every thread. You overly exaggerated (and continue to exaggerate) how often it happens in this section, acting as though it's a relevant problem of this section, when it, in fact, not.

Certainly the 20 people who clicked like for the original post did not think I was exaggerating o_O Like I said in the OP

This obviously does not concern every f2p player as most of them behave very nicely, so don't let this post get into your feelings if you're one of the good guys ;)

So just relax, qt.
Could you elaborate on this, please?

The first post itself doesn't really follow this section's posting guidelines. Its tone strongly conveys p2p vs f2p opposition and hostility, especially with the call to the mods to silence one of the disagreeing sides.

Now, I don't really care what happens in 20-24 and 25-29 sections, but here such threads (about how p2p have glaring advantage and generally make the games unpleasant) will keep appearing, because it's only natural to talk about problems that are real and severe - until blizz gives us something resembling balance, which won't happen in the forseeable future.

cuz dis is der forom and dey r de only 1s alowed in ofer foroms.

That's part of the argument too. Telling f2ps to stfu, on their own board at that, is a bit much.
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That's part of the argument too. Telling f2ps to stfu, on their own board at that, is a bit much.

Another one that can't see the wood for the trees.. Your buddy's are doing it in other peoples sections.

if you shit in next doors garden expect to receive a terd in the near future.
The first post itself doesn't really follow this section's posting guidelines. Its tone strongly conveys p2p vs f2p opposition and hostility, especially with the call to the mods to silence one of the disagreeing sides.

Now, I don't really care what happens in 20-24 and 25-29 sections, but here such threads (about how p2p have glaring advantage and generally make the games unpleasant) will keep appearing, because it's only natural to talk about problems that are real and severe - until blizz gives us something resembling balance, which won't happen in the forseeable future.

First of all, the call to mods was mostly because I started seeing p2p flame more and more, by f2p players, in the p2p sections of this forum. There is even a sticky thread (which is linked in the OP) that says f2ps coming to p2p sections with the intentions to flame p2p players will result in infractions and bans. I'm seeing no actions being taken against these shitposters, however.

I guess it's ok for f2ps to hate p2ps in their own section as much as they want. Question is, is there any sense in doing so when it has no effect in solving the actual problem? Sure, sometimes you just need to let off steam and a common place to do it is on the forums. That's what you have the http://www.twinkinfo.com/forums/f43/vent-your-frustrations-ii-54485/ -thread. No need to state how you hate p2ps and their OP shit in every thread, or really any thread at all that does not concern p2ps in some way, it does nothing to solve the problem and is boring as hell to read. Everyone knows p2ps have the advantage, there is absolutely no need to keep on stating it in every other post.

Yeah, I guess you are free to flame p2ps in the f2p section. You are also free to take a shit on your own carpet. Not everything that isn't specifically forbidden is a wise thing to do.
Yeah, the bracket is inherently flawed.

So what? Another reason to keep relations healthy, so the flaws of the bracket bother people on a minimal basis. Instead, we aggravate these flaws with our bickering.
This is the root of the issue. How can one present an argument to Blizzard promoting fairness in the bracket? To complain about the quality of a gift is the height of ingratitude. The bottom line is, Blizzard designed the catch intentionally. That leaves three options; pay, quit or accept the gift for what it is.

If you don't want to pay, Blizzard (as a business) needs a return. They have deftly ensured they will get one. Trials get farmed by players who pay to farm them. They fill slots in random dungeons, helping paying players who spend to grind for the product Blizzard is invested in: endgame. If you choose to pay, Blizzard is happy with the money and I would like to believe you are satisfied with your new options. The last choice is to quit, which most likely IS the best choice.

Most people don't want to be confronted about taking advantage of the trial option or their time spent playing WoW. So they rant and rave. Those who are capable of dealing with this confrontation either quit or stay out of the mess.

To put the business tactic into chess terms, "The only way to refute a gambit is to accept it."
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This is the root of the issue. How can one present an argument to Blizzard promoting fairness in the bracket? To complain about the quality of a gift is the height of ingratitude. The bottom line is, Blizzard designed the catch intentionally. That leaves three options; pay, quit or accept the gift for what it is.

If you don't want to pay, Blizzard (as a business) needs a return. They have deftly ensured they will get one. Trials get farmed by players who pay to farm them. They fill slots in random dungeons, helping paying players who spend to grind for the product Blizzard is invested in: endgame. If you choose to pay, Blizzard is happy with the money and I would like to believe you are satisfied with your new options. The last choice is to quit, which very likely IS the best choice.

Most people don't want to be confronted about taking advantage of the trial option or their time spent playing WoW. So they rant and rave. Those who are capable of dealing with this confrontation either quit or stay out of the mess.

To put the business tactic into chess terms, "The only way to refute a gambit is to accept it."

I understand all this. And yes, you're completely right.

Does not negate my point tho: "Why can't we respect eachother, and make a crappy bracket less crappy?"

If i'm F2P, it's because i accepted the restrictions of my account. That doesn't bother ME. Some people keep bitching about balance, and i do think 24s aren't really the most "honorable" choice, BUT, i don't engage in character-bashing just because.

WoW isn't balanced, true. But relationship between people part from the assumption that there IS a balance between the two counterparts. Instead, we treat eachother like garbage, we get pissed, rage, rave, etc etc...

...and the bracket stays the same.

People here want change to happen. But at the same time, they want OTHER people to make those changes happen.
It's too easy to move our mouths. But to move our hands, shit simply doesn't fly.
Fuck i am f2p but have a dishwasher... Mesi dont fuck with me brainz.

Actually I like 1-3 p2p in BGs. If you are fully geared a "common" f2p is no longer a real threat so in terms of challenge I do apprechiate p2p.

sell your dishwasher = P2P for a few months :)
I understand all this. And yes, you're completely right.

Does not negate my point tho: "Why can't we respect eachother, and make a crappy bracket less crappy?"

If i'm F2P, it's because i accepted the restrictions of my account. That doesn't bother ME. Some people keep bitching about balance, and i do think 24s aren't really the most "honorable" choice, BUT, i don't engage in character-bashing just because.

WoW isn't balanced, true. But relationship between people part from the assumption that there IS a balance between the two counterparts. Instead, we treat eachother like garbage, we get pissed, rage, rave, etc etc...

...and the bracket stays the same.

People here want change to happen. But at the same time, they want OTHER people to make those changes happen.
It's too easy to move our mouths. But to move our hands, shit simply doesn't fly.
Perhaps a new server established around respect would work. If it could be healthily managed, I could see it working.
Perhaps a new server established around respect would work. If it could be healthily managed, I could see it working.

If there was a movement to get all the serious people in the bracket together on one server, where there was a level of respect where everyone feels comfortable, I would make love to anyone who got it working for a week.
I don't ever remember life without a dishwasher or a washer and dryer. And that is since the sixties. I am not sure where you people live. But I did not live a pampered lifestyle growing up by any means. At least by American standards.
I see not much has changed in the past year... haha.


Uncle Drünk
I'm sure you mainly play your P2Ps seeing you had a total of 50k hks on those toons you posted. Even still with you playing P2P more you must understand that like you said "Sure, there's a major difference between a f2p and p2p player, I get it. Sure, it sucks a dick to queue into a 5man 24 premade or get globalled by a backpedalling pay-to-win. I get it, it happens every now and then to anyone who plays this bracket" however when that happens to you I can probably guess what happens, you get on your P2P and do the same thing you just got mad about. You get frustrated when it happens on your F2P but when you're on your P2P everything is peachy.

Guess what, not everyone here can/will just jump on their P2P when they are getting facerolled by the no skilled 24s. Guess what else, people vent frustration through talking. Guess what lastly, this is OUR forum to vent that frustration. Idc if you play F2P 75% of the time and P2P 25% I STILL wouldn't want you coming into the F2P section telling us how to act when it comes to P2Ps seeing you know exactly why we say what we do. Frankly you came here and told us (F2Ps) how to act in our own forum towards P2Ps who (unintentionally or not) grief us and that did NOT sit well with me or others clearly.

If you don't like that frustration don't bg (seeing majority of bgs are composed of F2Ps) and stay in your OWN forum (where I do agree you should be safe of F2P hate).
Like I said, I agree P2Ps should be able to sing and dance and frolic in their own section(s) but this is the F2P section which imo shouldn't have people who don't even play F2P posting in it every other day trolling. Go ahead and ask yourself, do you honestly see more trolling from people that don't play P2P in the P2P section or from people that don't play F2P in the F2P section?

Read the original post again, with thought please.
Like I said, I agree P2Ps should be able to sing and dance and frolic in their own section(s) but this is the F2P section which imo shouldn't have people who don't even play F2P posting in it every other day trolling. Go ahead and ask yourself, do you honestly see more trolling from people that don't play P2P in the P2P section or from people that don't play F2P in the F2P section?

But i do play f2p.... And AGAIN, you, and your buddys, do the same thing in other sections. You must want this section as holy ground while you crap elsewhere.

the other part of your post seem to be you talking to your self, so i won't address that.

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