hardest 29 toon/spec to play?

Arcane Mage take's me a month to learn how to play it
I heard it took you even longer to learn to spell it...

People have been doing this since forever. Confusing hard with underperforming.
Could you elaborate on what you mean by "hardest to play"?

Because nothing is exactly hard to play. I assume you mean difficulty to perform well & contribute with?
My take would be Fire Mages, Demonology Warlock & brewmaster Monk.

Edit: It is shameful to witness a staff member contribute to the conversation in such a toxic way. I dont think we should ever forgive him.
I agree it is a bad look having a staff member post that. :rolleyes:

I'd have to say that Balance Druid is the highest skill set or hardest class in the bracket. It's poorly represented 99% of the time. In terms of spells/abilities to chose from, it has the most. Their talent choices are OP too.

Roll a Boomkin and you'll fall in love with all they can do and the potential game changing plays you can make!
Playing video games aren’t difficult. It is just a matter of memorizing a few basic keystrokes. ie; “mashing buttons”
Playing an older video game (WoW) is even easier. Playing it at lower levels are even simpler still.
Try playing a healer. Very few people have mastered the “art” of healing well in PvP. The few healers you do see at low levels spend much of their their time healing themselves and doing damage instead of healing their compatriots and dispelling.

Playing video games aren’t difficult. It is just a matter of memorizing a few basic keystrokes. ie; “mashing buttons”
Playing an older video game (WoW) is even easier. Playing it at lower levels are even simpler still.
Try playing a healer. Very few people have mastered the “art” of healing well in PvP. The few healers you do see at low levels spend much of their their time healing themselves and doing damage instead of healing their compatriots and dispelling.


Just... fucking gold. Day in and day out. How do you do it?
Sorry, reading the original post "hardest to play" is definitely very relative lol. Most of you have figured out what i meant and answered with what i was looking for. Obviously not meaning that its hard to press a limited number of keys at the lower skill choices of low lvl twinking. Hell...if that were the case, i guess i could keybind skills randomly all over the place, or play with no keyboard for that matter haha. I meant something that isnt 1 key spam to be viable. Something that can still perform well, but isnt fotm. I think the 3 mentioned above that fit what im looking for as a challenge are demonology lock, ww monk, and holy pally. That should keep me entertained for awhile. Thanks to all the posts...even the "toxic" ones made me laugh a little when i read them. See yall in bgs!
People always think classes are hard to play because they’re garbage tier classes, that’s not really true though is it. Usually it’s the more OP classes that are harder to play because you can do so much more and carry games on your own, sadly many people tend to just run around doing random shit on the OP classes.
It’s no troll, I have 29s and from my experience these days none of them are hard to play. He asked for opinions so I gave him mine :D

29s lol. Unless it was in wargames thats a pretty shitty measuring stick. And hard to perfect and hard to kill levelers with are two very different categories. But it's fine, of all the staff members to completly ignore all of it and say something of no importance. You're the one we expect it from.
Not to be too much of a pedant but "hardest" implies a statement of relative difficulty, not absolute difficulty.

Thus drawing into question not only your abysmally boring attempt at trolling but your overall reading comprehension
assassination rogue.

lacks everything

Sure mm can be played at 29 “well” with minimum effort due to aimed shot and incendiary but how often do you see pets actually being managed effectively. Arcane is also very easy to perform well with because of missile spam bit very rarely do you find one actually polying appropriate targets, positioning well and not getting faked.
Sure mm can be played at 29 effectively with minimum effort due to aimed shot and incendiary but how often do you see pets actually being managed effectively. Arcane is also very easy to perform well with because of missile spam bit very rarely do you find one actually polying appropriate targets, positioning well and not getting faked.
Hell, half the arcane mages in this bracket cant even manage a frost nova. By all rights, Arcane should be untouchable. Instead, they're all going 14-5 standing in mid and crying about warriors.
It’s no troll, I have 29s and from my experience these days none of them are hard to play. He asked for opinions so I gave him mine :D
I'm obv talking about the way you expressed your opinion. I respect that ppl have different opinions but as a mod answering like that is just disrespectful. I mean, this is a site where we are supposed to highlight our brackets and even if you think that way you cant express it like that. Not everyone know this site inside and out and it could cost us serious members in the future. Maybe a bit dramatic but is there nothing serious about this site left? At least explain why next time and don't make it so obvious that the mods doesn't care at all.

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