Guild Wars 2 F2P Character List

Here is my current character list:
You can do smaller duels/groups if you want. I did a few 'duels' with arknoodle via the spvp servers, per his request.
It has indeed been confirmed, they'll also be implementing dueling systems too : )
I don't suppose anyone here knows anything about wineskin? Im trying to get gw2 to work on my mac without bootcamping (can't afford windows), but it just isn't working for me :/
I hope the EU-US latency won't be to bad, cause i'm coming in to bolster (I hope :p) the WvW off-hour potential of Darkhaven (NA).

WoW Name: Vanguard (US) / Bestevaer (EU)
Display Name: Bestevaer.5460
Server: Darkhaven (NA)
GW2 Name: Bestevaer
Race/Profession: Norn Engineer

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