Guide to Farming F2P BoEs from Chests

I already reported him so it's fine.

Regarding the hillsbrad map;

-1 always spawns in the houses with no roofs

Thanks, after 40 chests that's what I thought, too.

-5 is the same as 4 but doesn't spawn a chest at 5 it spawns a rare mob instead

I haven't sit at the spot to watch the spawn-order, but I have encountered Jimmy the Bleeder (the Rare) and the Chest at 5 (hollow tree, a favorite spot for Chest spawns up to and including in Ashenvale) at the same time at least half a dozen of times.

Jimmy (and the other Rares, for that matter) do have a faster spawn-rate than the Chests though, seems to be about twice as fast.
Was it a sturdy treasure chest? Because i've honestly never seen it spawn there while the rare was still up.
Some of the confusion might stem from way the Chests and Rares were (re)introduced, and the time the info on WoWhead etc. comes from.

The Chests were introduced with the pre-Cata Patch, but were bugged/didn't open (including a Chest that sat in Everlook on my own server for the whole time till The Shattering). At the same time Rares seemed to have become rarer, I ran into the guy that drop(pped) Chen's Robes a few times during the mad dash to stockpile Mallets of Zul'Farak on my 10-28's across various servers but that's about it as far as my own encounters at the time go (most weren't relevant to me, partially because I had already transferred my stockpile of Humbert's Helm from Horde to Alliance; I know, the irony). It could be that at that time the Chests and Rares shared spawns, as both rares and Chests could spawn at different spots.

However, The Shattering removed the Rares, and when they were re-introduced, their number of spawn-points had either been greatly reduced, or made singular, while the Chests had gotten their more variable, zone-based spawn-time. In other words, Rares will continue spawning in a zone till they're killed, Chests will only spawn to a certain maximum number/zone; the two aren't related (anymore).
Regarding 8, i've seen chests in Strahnbrad in the northern-most building only, the town hall type thing, next to the podium.

Also, would it be wise to create a set of screenshots regarding each chest location? or does that seem, like it sorta does to me, like it would create more competition for these chests?
Also, would it be wise to create a set of screenshots regarding each chest location? or does that seem, like it sorta does to me, like it would create more competition for these chests?

Think the current information on this map is fine for those who like treasure hunting and can find Waldo.

Perhaps more interesting would be getting out a map of another area, perhaps Wetlands or a Kalimdorian zone; it would still be informative and prevent certain areas from being 'flooded'.
If you check Ashenvale, Northern Barrens, Duskwood, Wetlands, Hillsbrad you can usually find 5-10 chests total and just keep looping and get more as they respawn.

Unless you have a life.
The chests in Northern Barrens only have greens. Only 20-25 zones always have 16-24 blues. It is possible to find 16-24 blues in higher zones, but those also contain much higher level items, reducing the chances per chest of finding what you're after, not to mention the extra hassle of higher level mobs.
Think the current information on this map is fine for those who like treasure hunting and can find Waldo, if I wanted to compete with knuckle-draggers over content I'd play end-game tbh.

Perhaps more interesting would be getting out a map of another area, perhaps Wetlands or a Kalimdorian zone; it would still be informative and prevent certain areas from being 'flooded'.

You can always use Tomtom addon and make macros for each areas like for example duskwood

/way 16.9 33.5

/way 19.9 44.7

/way 28.1 31.8

/way 27.1 34.1

/way 34.2 76.6

/way 35.7 80.2

/way 60.7 40.8

/way 77.3 35.6

/way 65.5 67.8

/way 66.1 76.6

/way 73.0 75.7

/way 73.3 72.4

plus macro that shows you nearest chest point and/or resets locations


/way reset all

Works wonders
i was farming solids in ash the other day and got the pink/purple mail armour, shat myself then realized i couldnt wear them
Besides the utter jank-counter rising (Deanship Claymore being the worst offender), I pulled Darkweave Breeches this morning. Nostalgia alert
Still grinding away for the Mantle (and Foreman's Leggings for my Ally warrior).

Seriously though, the numbers of too-high (75% ish)/too low (20%)/level 20 (5%-ish) have so far been pretty consistent for me for Hillsbarad/Alterac (+/- 50 chests now).

Do these numbers correlate with other people's findings and/or the Chests of other zones ? (I have had about 4 from Duskwood and 8 or so from Wetlands, which is a rather small sample).
20-25 zones drop 16-24 blues. Lower zones drop greens or whites. Higher zones can contain 16-24 blues, but also 25+ blues.
20-25 zones drop 16-24 blues. Lower zones drop greens or whites. Higher zones can contain 16-24 blues, but also 25+ blues.

Seems you misunderstood my question: I am aware that 20-25 zones drop 16-24 Blues etc, I just wondered wether the same ratio on those drops showed up for others in Hillsbarad/Alterac and the other 'prime suspect' Zones (Duskwood, Ashenvale and Wetlands) ie just 5% level 20 etc.
I was in the same position as you. I found zones other than Hillsbrad to be too much of a pain to get all that many chests from, so my sampling would be statistically insignificant. Wowhead doesn't make the distinction between zones or zone levels for the chests, so it's pretty difficult to say either way. I got maybe 15 chests total outside of Hillsbrad and 60+ within Hillsbrad before I got what I was after.

As far as exactly what level each zone gave, I didn't really notice a difference. I did notice I'd get 3-4 of one thing and then nothing of the others, but again, I didn't loot enough chests to be able to tell one way or the other. I got the impression that there were around 50 16-24 blues that were possible from 20-25 zones, and that they all had an equal chance of being there.
As far as exactly what level each zone gave, I didn't really notice a difference. I did notice I'd get 3-4 of one thing and then nothing of the others, but again, I didn't loot enough chests to be able to tell one way or the other. I got the impression that there were around 50 16-24 blues that were possible from 20-25 zones, and that they all had an equal chance of being there.

Thanks for the info. Seems I am having my stroke of 'luck' again (e.g. on my Alliance Warrior I literally pulled five consecutive Tumultuous Cloaks of the Moon from the Satchels) I guess.

Gz on the Mantle, Dark!
Thanks for the info. Seems I am having my stroke of 'luck' again (e.g. on my Alliance Warrior I literally pulled five consecutive Tumultuous Cloaks of the Moon from the Satchels) I guess.

Gz on the Mantle, Dark!

Sounds like you need to brush up against me for some of my luck dust ingame?
I already reported him so it's fine.

Regarding the hillsbrad map;

-1 always spawns in the houses with no roofs

-2 never spawns

-4 spawns at 4

-5 is the same as 4 but doesn't spawn a chest at 5 it spawns a rare mob instead

-8 is always inside the most westerly house with 1 mob inside it.

Not to derail the thread again or anything, but he's right and you're dead wrong. Might want to actually research before spouting off your mouth like that. Your account belongs to Blizzard. It's in their ToS, and they've stated it many times when referring to why you're not allowed to sell accounts. He's also right in saying that using outside programs that don't actually CHANGE the data should be allowed; however, Blizzard would ban you for them anyway if they had any way of knowing you were using them.
Sounds like you need to brush up against me for some of my luck dust ingame?

Considering how it's going so far (8th hour...luckily not consecutive), I could certainly use some luck with that Copper-dropping, Linen-hoarding, Speckled-Mushroom-abusing undead git Thistlenettle

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