Growing and protecting and growing the 20-24 bracket

No landslides anywhere , bracket is balanced. Amen

Yde for president

/Tickles for Yde

People just choose to que their hunters. To each their own. Eyepatch theory out the door
Well I wouldn't call that balanced. Also Eyepatch theory still makes for more damaging hunters Alliance side.

But no rational base for the factions to sling stones at each other, which I hoped to stop.

Oh well.

If it is on the internet it must be true. :rolleyes:

What is this? This is a graphical display of data submitted from the Warcraft CensusPlus UI Mod. The collected World of Warcraft Census information gives a general view of server, faction and overall population trends. Only characters level 10 and up that have been seen in the past 30 days are included in this data.
Taken from: Warcraft Census -

I don't use that mod, do you? What number of users was this bracket information obtained from? I used to use warcraftrealms but their data is questionable. Last update to the mod was December 2010. Total downloads in the last two weeks is 16. 56k downloads since October 2006 with the vast majority being prior to 2010. The percentage of WoW users who downloaded this mod compared with current subscriptions is 0.0056%. That number is most likely much lower as many subscribers from the period this mod was peaking are no longer active. How many of them still do, no one knows. Talk about tiny sampling...

I would love to discuss even those numbers and what you say they suggest. 19,167 Alliance Characters to 15,646 for the Horde in the bracket? Only 20% more Alliance Characters yields such a queue difference that we experience? The DATA is not from WSG but from REALMS. It is gathered by a tiny percentage of wow users and is only for a realm, not battle grounds. Upon closer inspection the data you linked is not relevant.

I prefer doing our own research in light of the facts.
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Gj Yde. You were just trying stop the factions from slinging stones at eachother. People just love kicking a dead horse. You can take 100 screenshots . What's it really going to do also. Thoses are the people you hate to invite to parties and never discuss politics or religion around. They can't walk away and say " let's agree to disagree".

Thx for your valid effort anyway.

/Agree to disagree

If it is on the internet it must be true. :rolleyes:
No it doesn't necessarily have to be true because it's on the internet. By the way, condescending again.

I don't use that mod, do you? What number of users was this bracket information obtained from? I used to use warcraftrealms but their data is questionable. Last update to the mod was December 2010. Total downloads in the last two weeks is 16. 56k downloads since October 2006 with the vast majority being prior to 2010. The percentage of WoW users who use this mod is 0.0056. Talk about tiny sampling... I prefer doing our own research in light of the facts.
The thing is it doesn't sample the percentage of WoW users who use this mod, like you seem to think. It runs a /who on the servers the contributiing people were online on in the last 30 days.

In the last 30 days exactly 19,189 separate level 20-24 characters were online and picked up by /who, on an admittedly not complete sample of US servers. These are the basis of the above calculations.

Of course the data is questionable, as 19,189 character profiles collected from a small amount of servers is still too small a sample to be a reliable base for extrapolation.

I'm just saying that any "research" you do is bound to be even more questionable due to the incredibly small sample size. I'm sorry if this insults you, and I encourage you to go through with it anyways and not let my opinion distract you.

EDIT: Ah nevermind the above. Obviously invalid. Missed Crit's post edit. As I said, go ahead with your research. Aww honey badger, you do care. :) /tickle

/Agree to disagree
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In fact I think I will be participating in Crits "study", so I get a chance to meet the elusive Honey badger. :) Can you believe that I've never queued into a game against him? I want a /tickle
Steps to meet Honeybadger
1) pick up alliance flag
*** Click -Clack ***
2) choose your path:
a) graveyard
b) tunnel
c) ramp
d) top of tunnel
***Click - Clack***
3)you get tickled 2-3 times
***Click - Clack ***
4) Maybe sapped ( if sapped * you get tickled*)
***Click - Clack***
---Goes blurry----
5) Rezzing at Graveyard

/Click Clack

*bored , I'll be talking in 3rd person for rest of the week, I encourage more to do so, threads seem less serious. Lol*
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In fact I think I will be participating in Crits "study", so I get a chance to meet the elusive Honey badger. :) Can you believe that I've never queued into a game against him? I want a /tickle

You don't want to meet Badger in a bg, He gets his sick kicks from 2 shotting people then /tickling them to death. The biggest insult is his flag of ownership in your corpse.

CURSE YOU BADGER!!! WE WILL MEET AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Regardless of the many differing opinions, I think there has been some intelligent and mature debate here. If NOTHING else, it is heartening to know that not everyone in the game is a 12 year old kid looking to start a flame war on the Internetz. If some people actually DO get this little census project off the ground, it will be interesting to see the results and it would be great if this were a running project / thread, instead of a one time deal.

@Crit, despite our differing opinions, I DO respect you and your ideals for this bracket. I only wish there were more people of your moral caliber (and that they were lvl 20...).
I would encourage more of the p2p 20 players than level 24 players. 4 levels is too much to make it even remotely fair or close from the games I have experienced. IE: hit rating, 20 vs a skull level 24 means missed attacks etc and the 24 doesn't have to compensate until fighting other 24's. I have a 24 and 2 shotting 20's and who ever gets first hit vs 24s led to said 24 rotting atm. As a level 20 gnome rogue I can stealth out of the gy farms that happen and still be effective vs 24's. I am no where near as geared as I could be nor max professions. I have had more fun and challenging games on my p2p 20 than my 24. While the p2p enchants help vs the 24's its not game changing vs opposing f2p 20's.

TLDR: more p2p 20
Honeybadger thinks a Lvl 20 p2p is just as hated or even more than a lvl 24 . 20's feels like you trying to fool them.

/Tickle lvl20 P2P
I didn't get any grief about being p2p as a level 20, but then again Im not reading Horde bg chat either.
Honeybadger doesn't think lvl 20's see anything wrong with lvl 20 p2p as long as you have f2p restrictions such as f2p enchants ,no guild, 100 profession,no ah or mailbox use, no real id to cross realm real Id Premade with , etc.... If you want to grind like a f2p just make one. Hell it's free.

/Click clack
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I've taken the stance now, if you pay you can do whatever you want. If you don't, you can try to do whatever you want.

I don't care what you do or don't do.

I expect the same indifference in return.
Truth is truth is truth.

If I got in a tiffy about every road warrior, res sick, 200 HP, loud mouth, gy farming, skeying turd, etc I'd be in a rough way.

So do what you want, whether it be GY farming, exploiting, sobbing softly into your pillow or anything else I don't want to know about. You get a giant I don't give a crap from me.
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Honeybadger doesn't think lvl 20's see anything wrong with lvl 20 p2p as long as you have f2p restrictions such as f2p enchants ,no guild, 100 profession,no ah or mailbox use, no real id to cross realm real Id Premade with , etc.... If you want to grind like a f2p just make one. Hell it's free.

/Click clack

Some eat government cheese and others pay for xyz brand. Both are cheese, but there must be a difference in quality and or taste. You get a few more options paying for a product. 85% of a complete product for f2p and 100% options for p2p. Some are happy with 85% and others aren't.

What I think a majority of the players in 20-24 bracket are there for is the pvp and the community behind it. I know that is what first attracted me to considering this bracket. You didn't have the whiners and afk when faced with a competitive match or lopsided pug group. Its part of seeing the WHOLE complete picture as playing as a level 20 f2p good and bad. Deal with the current situation as best you could and work together [attitude / team] play that many of the original f2p did.
In fact I think I will be participating in Crits "study", so I get a chance to meet the elusive Honey badger. :) Can you believe that I've never queued into a game against him? I want a /tickle

Don't hold your breath, I've been at least 3 games with leBadger-that-don't-care and has had no tickles :( Or hugs. And I was promised hugs.

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