Got a rant, had a bad day? TELL IT HERE

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I take door number two. When they return, miraculously, I act like an entitled DB :(

Sorry guys.

Don't farm anymore :(

You inspired me!
<Team Lucky Foo>
<Team Lucky Foo>
When our team GY farms and refuses to stop, we drop the flag in our tunnel instead of capping.


On topic, my rant for today, same BG:

Thought spell hit would be fixed, still borken.

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Darn you Tkatii! Stop forcing me to give you likes!!!

/salute Certainly, without delay. :3

For people complaining about their team wasting time in mid instead of going for the flag, you have to cross mid to get there, and if the other side holds mid, and you're not a stealther, it's not as simple as going to EFC. You have no choice but to fight them off as you advance.

Well my team would have to delay past 3 or 5 stacks to get me to boiling point. Of course this varies depending on how many of the enemy have managed to do their jobs and get to me. (Also when my whole team is under the enemy gy, it's obvisauce that they're not being "prevented" from returning the flag)

As for crossing mid I've played enough games on non stealth toons to know that usually, under normal circumstances, yeah it is that simple. Usually if you really try to get across mid, the enemy's not gonna be able to stop everyone. Of course that's not if you charge straight thru, sometimes you have to do some avoidance, but it is generally possible.

When I see a team that refuses to leave mid, it's not because "oh their team is so OP that they're wiping all of us out before we get there." It's because people stop. They see a fight, they run to it, they dismount, and they proceed to run to every red nametag there is. Does it frustrate me to see people doing this, with no more than 1 person ever making it to the efc at a time, while I'm waiting to cap with up to 10 stacks on me (usually busting my ass to stay alive)? You bet it does.

It's the fastest offense that wins games. The team that goes straight to the efc, and doesn't get distracted killing other stuff on the way. But when people act like they have all the time in the world to get to the efc, and like every second they delay isn't making it harder for me to do my job, I get "irritated." >_>

Of course I'm probably just expecting too much from pugs.
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The way I like to play is to control mid. Completely. Don't let EFC cross mid. It is incredibly effective.

Well I agree that would be preferable, but once the efc does get across mid, sooner or later you gotta go kill him. It's not a strategic choice to let the efc twiddle his thumbs in his base while the enemy team gangbangs your fc. Unless your plan is to let the other team cap just because they got their carrier home.
glad i'm not the only one that turns into a "rage monster" when the team is in mid doing nothing or gy farming. they deserve every obscenity i type as i rage-pound my desk/keyboard and make constipation faces/grunts.

i should make a youtube of just my facial expressions as i play, god, it would be terribly hilarious.
I like slaughtering alliance and sending them to what we call the hk factory processing plant.Again and again.

I used to play alliance too ,but had to adapt when you realize you have retards on your team and the best players ONLY play horde and the brighter minded people are horde inclinded I had to switch. Never regretted it.
The way I like to play is to control mid. Completely. Don't let EFC cross mid. It is incredibly effective.

Dominating mid doesn't mean much if you're dominating 5 Brazilian teenagers at the graveyard while EFC goes ramp and proceeds to turtle with the healers who were smart enough to let the stragglers die. I know you don't do this, but a good percentage of mid heroes would rather deathmatch than play capture the flag, which is what people are complaining about.

That said, I agree that mid is the best place a DPS class can be when the other team doesn't have flag or EFC hasn't made it back to base yet,

y no luv fur cute allie pvpurs?

Anyways, looks like today is the day of shit wsgs
drood party huehue

Horde had 6 druids, 3 of which were p2p 24 ......

Time to queue for AB....

Don't sweat it, I don't consider that game a total loss, it was extremely close. Would have capped the flag for a lead in those last 5 minutes was it not for the cap spot bug allowing a repick followed by zerg on 80% debuff.
I like slaughtering alliance and sending them to what we call the hk factory processing plant.Again and again.

I used to play alliance too ,but had to adapt when you realize you have retards on your team and the best players ONLY play horde and the brighter minded people are horde inclinded I had to switch. Never regretted it.

am 2 lazy 2 gear a hordie + i prefer fighting good players instead of roflstomping baddies
Used 7 free day pass, couldn't play my monks
That's super unfortunate. One of the best classes in the game. Once you get past that level 40 hurdle.

Yep, solo'd Zul'Farrak in mid 40s had a blast.
Well in other news, Yde finally got her beautiful priest her lfh :)
Like inc tomorrow. :)

Actually, both priests, same day! ;D
Woah gratz Yde :)

Anywho for my rant: game I just got out of I was playing balance and the Allies capped a flag right before I could get there for the repick, and their obnoxious beingapallyisn'topenoughsoimaroll24 fc decides this is a good time to spam /rofl. Decided it would be fun to get some lols of my own in, so I went ahead and ran offspec and capped 2 for a lead. Holding the last flag with 5 min and of course we're not returning, so I figure running for defense is the thing to do. I go gy with a hunt and warr on me and lo and behold, NONE OF THE REZZERS EFFING STOP AND PEEL, just mounted up and left me to deal with charge stun charge disorient solo, and you can guess how that ended. Another defeat snatched from the jaws of victory : /

So now I have to go teach in a bad mood. Sure we're just watching Lilo and Stich, but I shall do it as pessimistically as possible*!

*not possible at all that movie rocks.
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