Got a rant, had a bad day? TELL IT HERE

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I especially love the hunters that think their a melee class and come right in front of your face, running circles around you.

I came across a melee hunter the other day. I thought it was a rogue with a level 20 battle pet until I realized his nameplate was greenish instead of yellow. I wish I would have gotten a screen shot. He was dual weilding daggers.
I reinstall wow last night and I keep it running all night since it's only at 200ish KB/s and I tell my mom not to close it and just minimize it and open the internet.. Soo I get home from school and she tells me it was only at 80% so she closed it because it was making the internet slow and now I have to reinstall it... fml
i have never had a moment where i really want to throw my computer out of the window and stop playing wow. i have roled a 12 on MTB and felt less annoyed.
but today at stranglethorn fishing contest i was hapily fishing when a (loomed) hunter came my way (i was playing a under geared lock) i feared him off a school of fish and he then proceed to gank me and sit on my corps for the next 34 minuets, by this time i was fairly tired of it so i called in the help of a pally who was also fishing and after alot of chasing (as we all know huntards can run forever) we finaly killed him i though this was the end of it but then i saw his name pop up in the f2p chat, a level 1 nightelf ... what followed was a very strong language conversation which i do not wish to repeat where he said i was a bad player and a chicken and that i should learn to play Etc he then loged and /sigh carried on camping me for the remaining duration of the fishing extravaganza. i will not name said huntard but it is people like him who give hunters a bad name and make this game not fun to play.
i have never had a moment where i really want to throw my computer out of the window and stop playing wow. i have roled a 12 on MTB and felt less annoyed.
but today at stranglethorn fishing contest i was hapily fishing when a (loomed) hunter came my way (i was playing a under geared lock) i feared him off a school of fish and he then proceed to gank me and sit on my corps for the next 34 minuets, by this time i was fairly tired of it so i called in the help of a pally who was also fishing and after alot of chasing (as we all know huntards can run forever) we finaly killed him i though this was the end of it but then i saw his name pop up in the f2p chat, a level 1 nightelf ... what followed was a very strong language conversation which i do not wish to repeat where he said i was a bad player and a chicken and that i should learn to play Etc he then loged and /sigh carried on camping me for the remaining duration of the fishing extravaganza. i will not name said huntard but it is people like him who give hunters a bad name and make this game not fun to play.

you feared the guy off a pool he was fishing and expected a /hug? i would of ganked you for the rest of the day...
Im having a really bad day, whenever i login I get a 3000 ms latency and I dunno why(my internet speed is as usual, no background downloads etc)...
Cant enjoy my friday + AB CTA ;(

Fucking hell im really mad atm, friday evening is THE wow time and I cant play, Pvp nor pve because of that brutal latency :mad:(((
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Been farming Foreman's Leggings on my paladin on and off for over a year with no luck. (Holy, so I don't *really* need them, but still.) Rolled a druid on Vashj for some wpvp, and wouldn't you know it, those fycking pants dropped MY FIRST KILL... WHAT IN THE ACTUAL FUCK. >,
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I wanted to like this bracket again, but 26% miss chance is too broken for me right now. Looking back at an old video where we still had cone of cold made the contrast even more stark.

When Prot Paladin throws his Avenger's Shield,
All those who oppose his shield QQ.

and now Warrior are buff, they are awesome
then again Shield Slam will bring more QQ,

and they looking foward BOA shield.
parody retro Captain America cartoon.

QQ, fair well, class diversity

in one match, alliance have 4prot paladins, horde have 4prot paladin, 2jaja prot paladin, and a prot warrior,
a snyc Avenger's Shield X4 bring gear FC down in sec.
warrior claim Shield Slam 1413damage(idk the target is gear or not)

until i figure out a way,
i'm not looking forward BOA shield in the next major patch.
maybe re-roll warrior.
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