Got a rant, had a bad day? TELL IT HERE

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That's why you don't let the drunk girl get on top.

At least if she's on top she can't get pregnant.

@OP: I'm tired of being jumped by a rogue on my mage and kiting the rogue to near death only to be jumped by a second rogue. Playing my mage makes me feel like a succubus casting seduce on the entire other team, only it's not the CC seduce, it's the "You can't take your eyes off me" seduce followed by the "If you can't have me, no one can" = I'm dead.

Thank God for blink and blazing speed. I don't even need to be fighting anyone to have fun with those abilities.
@OP: I'm tired of being jumped by a rogue on my mage and kiting the rogue to near death only to be jumped by a second rogue. Playing my mage makes me feel like a succubus casting seduce on the entire other team, only it's not the CC seduce, it's the "You can't take your eyes off me" seduce followed by the "If you can't have me, no one can" = I'm dead.

Thank God for blink and blazing speed. I don't even need to be fighting anyone to have fun with those abilities.

Out of Coffee.
Last night during my 8 game losing streak in AB where 7 of those bgs had ppl at farm all bg just fighting while horde controls I finally realized the point of this bracket. It isn't to win or to be objective. It isn't to try and get better or show that you are good. It's only about having fun and following the crowd and the majority of the bracket only has fun while gy farming or doing something stupid like fighting at farm all bg while the other team 4 caps.

No matter how hard I try to tell people or try to "lead" or w/e it does nothing and I frustrate myself out trying to get brainless pugs to be objective based.. That losing streak made me realize to stop trying to do everything in pugs and to just stick with the crowd and soak up those hks for bloodthirsty. Not sure if this is a rant or what but felt like sharing. ^-^
Last night during my 8 game losing streak in AB where 7 of those bgs had ppl at farm all bg just fighting while horde controls I finally realized the point of this bracket. It isn't to win or to be objective. It isn't to try and get better or show that you are good. It's only about having fun and following the crowd and the majority of the bracket only has fun while gy farming or doing something stupid like fighting at farm all bg while the other team 4 caps.

No matter how hard I try to tell people or try to "lead" or w/e it does nothing and I frustrate myself out trying to get brainless pugs to be objective based.. That losing streak made me realize to stop trying to do everything in pugs and to just stick with the crowd and soak up those hks for bloodthirsty. Not sure if this is a rant or what but felt like sharing. ^-^


I try and tell myself the same thing, and I go on up and down streaks of not caring and having fun to blowing my brains out at what some people do when im trying to win. Just reminds me of Nihilism, its not a exact fit by any means but it just resonates with me when thinking about f2p twinking in bgs.
I just had a BG against 5 rogues 4 huntards and a prot warrior, that was soo fair... Im a pretty good healer id say, but its hard to heal through 5 subterfuge ambushes on a FC and having undergeared players and good players /afk cuz they dont like their bg didnt help either..
not really a rant but...

i was farming Khorium for the turbo roflcopter on my eng. 4 ores in 2 hours >,<
in the meantime, i DID capture Halaa and battle a 90 undead warrior until he got bored and left.
(my eng is an 87 prot pally. the warrior won, but he wasn't very good. i was just outgeared.)

so i decided to check the Isle of Quel'Danas. on my one trip around, i said, what the heck, i'll go run Magister's Terrace and kick Kael'thas's ass real quick.
ran the instance, ho hum. as i was at the innkeeper vendoring all the crap i picked up, i noticed something in my bag-- oooh, what is THAT!?
it was the Swift White Hawkstrider - Item - World of Warcraft

what do you know! :D
We're winning a close, fun game, then Swiftfoott from Shu'Halo grabs the flag and wall glitches and they zerg our flag carriers.

It's bad enough that Alliance and Horde are almost always crutching on 24's but then to cheat to win a competitive game that we worked hard on? Unacceptable.

If you're reading this we all reported you. Prick.
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It's bad enough Horde is always crutching on 24's
Are we serious here? Both sides have 24's almost every game... I definitely wouldn't say either faction is "always" crutching on 24's or even crutching on them half the time. The amount of 24's on each side has been more even lately than ever. In all honesty, I typically see at least one often 2 24 spriests or prot warriors on the alliance side. I don't complain though because more than likely there's at least one on my team and 24's just make the game interesting, but to say that either side is always crutching on 24's is just ridiculous.
Are we serious here? Both sides have 24's almost every game... I definitely wouldn't say either faction is "always" crutching on 24's or even crutching on them half the time. The amount of 24's on each side has been more even lately than ever. In all honesty, I typically see at least one often 2 24 spriests or prot warriors on the alliance side. I don't complain though because more than likely there's at least one on my team and 24's just make the game interesting, but to say that either side is always crutching on 24's is just ridiculous.

Over reacting to a generalization made by a frustrated forum user in a topic used for raging?

I'll edit my post, didn't mean to offend you.
I assumed editing my post and apologizing was sufficient. I didn't know this was a contest. You may have the last word in that case.
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