EU+US Gear Scaling Index

Some more missing items:


Lambent Scale Cloak 5 armor 6 strength 3 haste

Forest Leather Bracers 7 armor 7 agility
Robust Bracers of the Eagle 7 armor 4 intellect 4 stamina

Solid Bronze Ring 5 stamina 5 critical
Elegant Silver Ring 4 intellect 4 spirit


Hide Vest of the Shaman 13 armor 6 agility 9 stamina 6 critical
Bracers of the Ancient Grove 6 armor 4 agility 6 stamina
Tumultuous Cloak of the Moon 5 armor 5 intellect 3 stamina 5 spirit

Bloodcursed Felblade 16-31 damage (9.04 dps) chance on hit: reduce attack power by 16 for 30 sec
Fang of Adarogg 11-22 damage (9.17 dps) 5 agility 3 stamina
Buzz Saw 17-33 damage (9.62 dps) 4 agility 4 critical
Blackwater Cutlass 17-33 damage (9.62 dps) 5 agility 3 critical
Thief Blade 17-33 damage (9.62 dps) 6 agility
Cruel Barb 18-35 damage (9.81 dps) 4 critical 4 haste
Meteor Shard 12-24 damage (10.00 dps) chance on hit: 54 fire damage
Tail Spike 12-24 damage (10.00 dps) 5 agility 3 critical
Bite of Serra'kis 15-28 damage (11.94 dps) chance on hit: 6 nature damage every 2 sec over 20 sec

Venomstrike 24-46 damage (12.96 dps) chance on hit: 53 nature damage
(GF) Eventide Bow 27-52 damage (14.11 dps) 8 agility 11 stamina 5 critical
Ranger Bow 29-54 damage (15.37 dps) 4 agility

Bronze Band of Force 6 intellect +1 weapon damage
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Butcher's Cleaver (1h Axe from SFK)
22-31 dmg
speed: 2.60
DPS: 10.19
4 agi
4 stam

Serpent's Shoulders
11 armor
8 agi
6 stam
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Some more items:


Waterproof Leggings 12 armor 8 critical 6 haste
Legionnaire's Leggings 19 armor 8 strength 8 haste
Mighty Chain Pants 19 armor 8 strength 8 stamina

Viridian Band of the Eagle 4 intellect 4 stamina

Bristlebark Bindings 6 armor 5 agility 5 stamina
Ivycloth Bracelets of the Eagle 4 armor 4 intellect 4 stamina

Greenweave Gloves of the Eagle 6 armor 6 intellect 6 stamina

Woolen Boots 6 armor 4 intellect 6 stamina 4 spirit
Sanguine Sandals 7 armor 7 intellect 7 stamina


Snarlmouth Leggings 7 armor 9 intellect 9 stamina
Leech Pants 9 armor 13 intellect 4 stamina 7 spirit

Fireworm Robes 8 armor 8 intellect 6 stamina 8 critical
Robes of the Doomed Ritual 8 armor 9 intellect 9 stamina
Corsair's Overshirt 9 armor 11 intellect 8 stamina
Robe of the Moccasin 9 armor 8 intellect 8 stamina 8 spirit
Anacondra's Robe 9 armor 7 intellect 10 stamina 7 critical
Robe of Kelris 10 armor 8 intellect 13 stamina 8 spirit

Cookie's Stirring Stick 5-9 nature damage (4.38 dps) 4 intellect 4 stamina
Cookie's Stirring Rod 6-12 arcane damage (5.00 dps) 4 intellect 4 critical
Evocator's Blade 15-28 damage (11.94 dps) 5 intellect 4 spirit

Heartboiler Staff 30-46 damage (11.88 dps) 6 intellect 9 stamina 6 critical
Emberstone Staff 30-46 damage (12.67 dps) 8 intellect 8 stamina 8 critical
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I just have this last post from Quint and then my stuff is up to date. From there I can generate a new list of items for the front page, rather then trying to fix all these.

We are up 100 items from the MoP list, 450 or so now.

[MENTION=18959]Coryth[/MENTION] Can I get damage range/dps on

[MENTION=21201]DoByG[/MENTION] I have gone through all those images and updated, thank you.
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bronze band of force is 6 int 1 weapon damage

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