Can you guys check for reds and grab what you can... we are so close to a complete list.
F2PDev is getting close, I have some RL programming I need to do so it's going to be delayed a bit :-/
I've noticed a few buggy things with WoW:
-If I enter with all my gear and then take it all off I get 5 more Stamina then if I just enter naked. The naked numbers are the correct ones.
-Resilience works, it doesn't do much since everyone has 0 at start. So if you equip items with res it's going to be a few % if that. I'll keep it in there.
-Hopefully going to add some info for resistance. I had a Fireblast partial resist the other day. Looking to get some clarity on if things partial resist always or can fully and if that's a random thing or not.
Thanks all