Fun with Enhancement builds

So u gave up on EliteSpellHance? pitty

Spellhance needs mastery/X socket gear from farming and those can be a pita to get, thats the only thing stopping me from going 100% into it myself. That being said its actually decent.

im now at 1.9s and its feels like shooting from 18century guns (never tried but sure its slow af)

Yeah I would be okay with a 2s ele blast but 2 sec Lb is too much for me.
Spellhance needs mastery/X socket gear from farming and those can be a pita to get, thats the only thing stopping me from going 100% into it myself. That being said its actually decent.

Yeah I would be okay with a 2s ele blast but 2 sec Lb is too much for me.
how much mastery u planning to get?
btw what u think it must look in the end, full agi or 50|50 with talasites? did u test lavalash talent that gives u 100% FS dmg? i think in case u facing melees that can be an alternative to EB when u cant rely on cast but want to stay in spellhance build to use opportunities to cast from time to time
but had no chance to test it in bg yet(
The entire spellhance idea was that you use the Bamble Staff or the Crowwing Reaper with +4 Weapon damage and then use sharpening stones (or whatever the blunt one is) and just take stormstrike/lavalash off of your tool bar :p if you just stack mastery and dual wield your damage will just be ass compared to just stacking agility.

It was just a meme build to use elemental blast.
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how much mastery u planning to get?
btw what u think it must look in the end, full agi or 50|50 with talasites? did u test lavalash talent that gives u 100% FS dmg? i think in case u facing melees that can be an alternative to EB when u cant rely on cast but want to stay in spellhance build to use opportunities to cast from time to time
but had no chance to test it in bg yet(

Not sure actually, it depends I guess if the talent also buffs the dot then maybe? ill log in and take a look at it again. As for mastery? as high as possible.

The entire spellhance idea was that you use the Bamble Staff or the Crowwing Reaper with +4 Weapon damage and then use sharpening stones (or whatever the blunt one is)
Wight stones and yeah its meme build that does surprisingly well. If you are stacking mastery you will want to exclusively use lb and ele blast since mastery buffs the heck out of them. for straight up enhance agi vers is most likely the best bet.

Also I think you are wrong jade on the +4 weapon damage on weapon. I did some testing and 13 Ap on 2hander edged out +4 weapondamage by a a slim amount.
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Not sure actually, it depends I guess if the talent also buffs the dot then maybe? ill log in and take a look at it again. As for mastery? as high as possible.

Wight stones and yeah its meme build that does surprisingly well. If you are stacking mastery you will want to exclusively use lb and ele blast since mastery buffs the heck out of them. for straight up enhance agi vers is most likely the best bet.

Also I think you are wrong jade on the +4 weapon damage on weapon. I did some testing and 13 Ap on 2hander edged out +4 weapondamage by a a slim amount.

Noted. What is that enchant called that gives the AP... Massacre or is it something Superior Whatever?
its a wotlk 2handed enchant I think its greater savagery.
ner I was doing some testing with lashing flames and on a training dummy I was getting 110 ticks with flame shock after weapon swapping back to brambles. It does double the dot portion of the damage as well as it initial hit which is interesting.

With the talent buff flame shock hits for 174 and deals an additional 1084 damage over 18 seconds. My toon is not fully optimal though I lack the socket greens.
it does.

what i asked about was: does spellhance need some talasites or full glasscanon?

Depends on what you are doing, if you plan on diving in with weapon swaps then get 1-2 talasites, if you plan on hanging back using ranged spells then don't worry about it you are a backliner now and ppl will have to dive into you. aka you can mitigate ddamage now with good positioning and stuff.

Gonna spend a few hours playing around with flameshock and blast for a bit.

So far on just a training dummy with my gear ( no proc trinkets) Ele blast pulls ahead by around 30-40 dps. I can see pros and cons to running this in bgs.

Might try a ride the lightning set up with this talent at some point.
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A crit build might also work for the funky spell-hance thing... because it's only really special when you get critical strikes.
Trying out arena builds again as enhance. With hunters being banned feel like I'll have a better chance at living as enhance now :D Still got a bit to sort out as lot of my gear has intell gems from playing ele which I feel is a lot better than enha in arena rn. Still need to change my neck/cloak/legs gems. Any suggestions on where I can improve?én

currently sat at 140 agil, 197stam, 16% crit, 19% haste, 23% vers and 40% mastery. Unsure on whether ill be using lashing flames or forceful winds in arena yet.
With the talent buff flame shock hits for 174 and deals an additional 1084 damage over 18 seconds. My toon is not fully optimal though I lack the socket greens.

Can you even get near your enemies with this setup to lavalash them? The talent requires LL to hit the flameshocked target, right?
Can you even get near your enemies with this setup to lavalash them? The talent requires LL to hit the flameshocked target, right?

Probably I mean enh has ghost wolf and frost shock. Would I play this over ele blast? probably not.
Can you even get near your enemies with this setup to lavalash them? The talent requires LL to hit the flameshocked target, right?

You can't look at it like that. If you are thinking enhance is good compared to Priest/Hunter (or you know... anything) you are be disappointed every.... single.... time.

The bracket is trash right now, in fact I think it's the worst a bracket has been... ever. A bunch of retards got mega weapons and are now basically the middle-aged down-syndrome guy I saw at Toy-R-Us when I was 6. He had taken a WWE plastic championship belt out of the package, put it on and was making gorilla noises as he body slammed a giant pink panther doll... repeatedly... I was fucking terrified.

You are not going to live 1 SECOND versus a hunter with a bramble/i49... slackjackson has 5khp in a BG and 30% verse... guess what? IT IS WORTHLESS, W O R T H L E S S. You are not going to overpower a disco priest that has ANY IDEA what they are doing (not even good) just an average jackass pressing buttons will beat you over time.

Enhance also is not a good target for dedicated heals... why would I want to heal you when I can heal a fury warrior that is going to pop off with crusader and has Execute... all you have is some average dps and no finisher... its just a bad idea.

You are there to slow shit... hope counter strike totem works versus trash players... and off heal... and unload once or twice IF you decide you can get the kill.... which you can also do... as resto.

Are you gonna be able to post a game once a week where you you played at 1am and were the most geared twink/lit up some trash... sure? Most of the time you are just gonna get Aimed shot/Raptored in the face by some blond-banged-chubby-cheek... that honestly somehow magically thinks it's his skill and not blizzard just changing his shitty-diaper for him.

Enhance is incredible.
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You can't look at it like that. If you are thinking enhance is good compared to Priest/Hunter (or you know... anything) you are be disappointed every.... single.... time.

The bracket is trash right now, in fact I think it's the worst a bracket has been... ever. A bunch of retards got mega weapons and are now basically the middle-aged down-syndrome guy I saw at Toy-R-Us when I was 6. He had taken a WWE plastic championship belt out of the package, put it on and was making gorilla noises as he body slammed a giant pink panther doll... repeatedly... I was fucking terrified.

You are not going to live 1 SECOND versus a hunter with a bramble/i49... slackjackson has 5khp in a BG and 30% verse... guess what? IT IS WORTHLESS, W O R T H L E S S. You are not going to overpower a disco priest that has ANY IDEA what they are doing (not even good) just an average jackass pressing buttons will beat you over time.

Enhance also is not a good target for dedicated heals... why would I want to heal you when I can heal a fury warrior that is going to pop off with crusader and has Execute... all you have is some average dps and no finisher... its just a bad idea.

You are there to slow shit... hope counter strike totem works versus trash players... and off heal... and unload once or twice IF you decide you can get the kill.... which you can also do... as resto.

Are you gonna be able to post a game once a week where you you played at 1am and were the most geared twink/lit up some trash... sure? Most of the time you are just gonna get Aimed shot/Raptored in the face by some blond-banged-chubby-cheek... that honestly somehow magically thinks it's his skill and not blizzard just changing his shitty-diaper for him.

Enhance is incredible.

I have to say, i'm not really playing the bracket right now, still gearing my shaman, but all you've said made me remember Cata hunters, and it sounds exactly the same. You got pummeled by Explosive Shots from 40y away and each proc hit like a truck full of trucks.

It was specially triggering if they were jumping Worgen Hunters using bows.
I havent found resto shamy topic so I going to ask here:
3int or 2int/2vers socket?
I have outside bg ca. 2300hp / 19%crit / 19%has / 80%mas / 11%vers / 173int
But I have still ungemmed 11 sockets. I got many gear to going with any stat further.
Havent played resto shamy in the last 2 years. Are they in good spot atm in the bracket?
I see intellect boosts your hear quite good, but I am little hesitating over versatility.
Vers is awesome for disc or holy pal, but I dont have experience with shamans nowadays.
I see a solid mix of haste vers and some mastery stacking enhance. How good is mastery for enhance that I would stack it?
Yeah, im thinking the same for me as well. Might slap a little mastery on, but mostly haste/vers and crit.

Personally, I avoid mastery like the plague. I try to go balanced between the 3. With highest value on haste/procs. And you get a decent amount of crit through the TBC-socket gear and desolation. If you look at my shammy.

However there might be breakpoints where mastery is more valuable. When you have like 25 crit and 20 haste +procs and about 25 vers. I would assume that mastery becomes more valuable then vers then, but mastery sadly doesent increase dmg on stormstrike, since thats physical.
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