I too pine for the days when a f2ps were f2ps, and we fought against the evil hordes of hunters and 24s. But those days are gone. The whole game is about to go f2p, more or less, with the tokens, so this is all going to be a moot point very soon. If you've got enough time, you can buy gametime on the AH using gold you farm in the game. That means the only difference between starter and every other player will be which expansion they've paid for. In essence, WoW will actually be buy-to-play. For people that like to do things the hard way, and have plenty of time, you can buy whatever expansion you want, and never pay again if you don't want to. That means the only difference between starters and everyone else in the game, will literally be whatever they charge for the battlechest.
Circumstances have changed. Remember when they sold the WoW CD with a 14-day trial for $2 ? For a little more than the cost of a few weeks of old trial time, you will soon be able to play WoW ad infinitum.
I always railed against the 24s that used to troll our bracket as pay-to-wins, and they always used to say that we should buy the game. I feel like I was right, at the time. But now, I feel like true trials are just not facing reality, and looking a gift horse in the mouth. WoW gave everyone what they wanted: they took away the pay to win element in the bracket. You don't have to subscribe, ever, to play. You could literally pay the five dollars, or whatever, for the battlechest, and farm enough gold to pay for your game time from that point on. You can twink 20, 29, 19, 39, 70, or whatever. You can play with old school restriction. You can do whatever you want now; we got what we wanted. We won: it will be all be f2p.
WoW will be f2p.