US FIFTY - Classic Raiding done right - We need YOU!

Alright, I'll halt the lock and roll a warrior. Good thing I have most of the BoA gear for all classes ^_^

Thanks for the BiS resto shammy gear. Turns out she already has the BoA gear so the hard parts out of the way
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I edited my other post. Go ahead and skip back and read it.

The nice thing about gearing up a resto shaman is you can basically get 90% of all your gear from BoE/BoAs. Then you gotta get like 2-3 items from a dungeon and 1-2 items from Honor Points and boom, your BiS geared(minus enchantments and professions)

btw i just found out blizzard nerfed my DPS with a hotfix on the 20th ):

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I sent a couple chardevs to the new couple there with the bis gear for their respective twinks. Sorry if they're long, I like talking, and there's some things a chardev link can't tell you. Hope you find this helpful and welcome to the project.

Also some of the heirlooms(Cough REAPER) still have messed up stats, and it looks like sapphire signet has the same problem as cogspinners, so I'm a bit hesitant to make the official gearing chardevs.
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We'll probably need to do more testing, but currently Caster DPS isn't possible because you cant achieve enough hit rating to do DPS past 250 on single target. Most DPS need to be able to do 450+ DPS to get through progression.

With Chardev not up-to-date, it's fairly difficult to Link a BiS Chardev/armory.

Currently the Viable DPS are:

Feral Druids(requires more testing)

We foresee Monk's being incredibly viable DPS(they very well may be the best DPS)

Elemental Shamans are the only Caster DPS that can achieve the most Hit rating, but until further testing is conducted; we've concluded that it's still not possible to achieve hit cap with them nor is it possible to get to 450 DPS in raids on bosses.

Resto Shamans however have a lot of great buffs and CDs that are very useful to the raid. For 40man Raids, Resto Shaman's will be offhealing the raid while keeping their health buff up on all the tanks(there will be 5+ tanks in 40man raids).

I'll do my best to link you BiS Resto Gear for Shamans.

BiS Race: Draeni

BiS Professions:


BiS Consumables can be found here:

BiS Gear:

Helm: Cogspinner Goggles of the Invoker(int/Crit)
Neck: Horizon Choker
Shoulders: Ironfeather Shoulders
Back: Ancient Bloodmoon Cloak +resist to all
Chest: Green Dragonscale Breastplate +6 stats to all
Bracers: Slimescale Bracers +12 int
Hands: Green Dragonscale Gauntlets +20 spell Power
Belt: Thuzadin Sash
Legs: Green Dragonscale Leggings +Silver Spellthread
Feet: Rocket Boots Xtreme Lite +surefooted
Ring1: Brainlash
Ring2: Sapphire Signet of Intellect(18 int)
Trinket1: Power of the High Chief
Trinket2: Price of Progress
Weapon: Devout Aurastone Hammer +22 int
Shield: Crest of Supremacy +12 int

You want spirit around 300 spirit so you dont oom
how do u oom with 5000 mana, Water Shield, Price of Progress, and your crits restore mana.
I'll make necessary adjustments to my gear until my mana issues are a thing of the past
i'm gearing up a resto shaman :D
well what I am hoping for is that with the design resto shamans have right now, you can get more than 33% more mana than a disc priest. Resto shamans also gain mana from critically healing. When we critically heal, our Health buff is increased and we give out Ancestral Awakening(basically heals the most injured person in the group for 30% of the amount healed). then you have water shield which passively gives you quite a bit of mana back AND procs mana back when you are hit(and how often are our heals NOT being hit?). Then you add price of progress procs.

My Theory was that a Resto Shaman could get away with having low spirit and stacking high int/crit. With such a high mana pool, high int(bigger heals) and high crit rating(bigger heals), a resto shaman might actually be just as good as a healer as a Disc Priest. Even though Disc priests have access to eng trinkets, they have to stack a lot of spirit or else they OOM.

This is just a theorycraft but it makes sense in my head :p

edit: now that I think about it, haste would be a bit more benefitical seeing how there's haste breakpoints for riptide.
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That logic is fine. However priests get a biased ratio on spirit or just high base regen, because thelse has about 50 less spirit than me and a bit more regen (qq op priests AGAIN). I wouldn't worry a ton about haste for riptide because you would take away crit, which in your case is mana regen, for one spell and not the rest of them. Not to mention solo healing a tank just doesn't allow global cooldowns to be not used for flash heals sometimes.
Yea seriously guys you talk about 5k mana which dont get me wrong is a ton for level 50 but still, so far I have not oomed once in a raid and that is without using mana pots, neck consumable shadowfiend etc, so its awsome you can get this much mana but in the current raiding tier we are in we wont need to worry about ooming as a priest and most other low mana consumption classes.
I can't remember a raid where I didn't oom. Give me your shadowfiend. You're not using it.

ALSO Cer, might I suggest instead of crest of supremacy? and probably pvp bracers. I think your crit build has promise and needs testing.
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pvp bracers are grandfathered.
Just checked. PvP bracers are NOT grandfathered, so chill out. Like I said before I personally checked, you guys keep forgetting to click the filter in the top right and set it to "All".

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