Against the level 70's I predict "miss miss miss parry miss..."
Also, hunters should probably get these for the expertise, since enemies can dodge bullets now.
Scorched Scarlet Key - Item - World of Warcraft
Edgemaster's Handguards - Item - World of Warcraft
Hyena Hide Belt - Item - World of Warcraft
I have both except for belt right now, which I'm working on. The gloves are BoE and shouldn't be too hard to find on the AH. The belt drops from a few bosses in Dire Maul - Gordok Commons but doesn't drop from tribute chest. The necklace drops from the last boss in Scarlet Halls, which you can easily solo at level 50 (I just ran past most of the instance and feigned death in the boss's room). Took me 5-6 runs for the necklace to drop.
Getting these 3 will only somewhat reduce the amount your shots are dodged, there's just not enough expertise at our level to stop getting dodged. Pretty awesome