it's pretty much a nit-pick, but you have Battle Healer's Cloak listed Alliance side.
on Alliance, it's Caretaker's Cape. the stats are the same.
thanks for an awesome app!
I'll fix today, ty!
it's pretty much a nit-pick, but you have Battle Healer's Cloak listed Alliance side.
on Alliance, it's Caretaker's Cape. the stats are the same.
thanks for an awesome app!
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View attachment 3184
View attachment 3186
Think their is something wrong with crit calculation.
sorry for bad screen shots
Dignified Headmaster's Charge
with int enchant
It is correct cause program and wow have same spellpower
I was gonna test some gear sets to give you numbers but I had good bgs and decided to actually play instead.. However I tested out the basic stats that I was already given with what I had in bgs
HP: 1663/1663
Stam: 106/106
Agi: 162/162
Str: 27/27
Haste: 2.275/2.3
Hit: 9.34/9.34
Crit: 13.49/16.55
Resil: 40.79/40.82
Armor: 1001/1001
Crit is messed up quite a bit actually however I think it has something to do with blizz as it seems to change sometimes. Resil formula is off just a tad.
Fixed the haste rounding.
Checking out crit and res today... Weapon speed/damage/dps have been added.
Can you please tell me your crit formula for Subtlety rogues? No matter what I do, the results on your software are not the same with the ones on WoW even if I use the same gear on your software and ingame.
LE: Oh nevermind, I saw you're aware of crit calculation being wrong. I'll wait for a fix. Great software btw, hope you can implement the save/load feature soon also
PS: Maybe you forgot to put Sinister Calling - Spell - World of Warcraft as passive ability when subtlety.
Nah I'm accounting for the extra 30% agility. I think the problem is I've been using chardev.org to tell me how much crit you would get per point of agility. And those numbers don't match the game.
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9A: StatsLike said in gear post there is no such thing as a definitive "BiS" set. There are popular and common sets that have alot of the same stats. Obviously some stats are more important for a hunter to be geared to the fullest potential, for ex. Agility>Spirit is an obvious one. However a tougher choice is choosing if Agi>Crit. Some people decide to Crit stack and some decide to Agi stack instead. Both can be considered "BiS"
Some stats are simple and the numbers are easy to find out to possibly try calculating which could be best. Some examples are:
1 Agility: 2 Ranged Attack power
~0.08% Crit
~0.14 Damage Per Second
~0.11% Dodge
1 Crit: ~0.232% Crit
# Damage DPS AP Crit % Dodge % 0 N/A N/A 132 2.78 10.84 1 N/A N/A 134 2.87 10.96 2 N/A N/A 136 2.95 11.07 3 N/A N/A 138 3.03 11.18 4 N/A N/A 140 3.11 11.30 5 N/A N/A 142 3.20 11.41 15 78-116 33.45 162 4.03 12.53 20 80-118 34.16 172 4.44 13.08 30 84-122 35.59 192 5.27 14.18 40 88-126 37.02 212 6.10 15.25 50 92-131 38.45 232 6.93 16.32 60 97-135 39.87 252 7.76 17.36 70 101-139 41.30 272 8.59 18.39 80 105-143 42.73 292 9.42 19.41 85 107-145 43.45 302 9.83 19.91 87 108-146 43.73 306 10.00 10.11
Recorded on a nelf hunt so base stats maybe slightly different.
Was using Naga Heartpiercer.
N/A means no weapon is equipped so no number could be given.
1 Hit: ~0.406% Hit
# % Added % per crit 4 0.93 0.2325 5 1.16 0.232 6 1.39 0.23167 8 1.86 0.2325 9 2.09 0.2322 10 2.32 0.232 11 2.55 0.23182 34 7.89 0.23206 37 8.59 0.23216
1 Expertise: ~0.406% Expertise
# % Added % per hit 1 0.41 0.41 2 0.81 0.405 3 1.22 0.40667 7 2.84 0.40571 8 3.25 0.40625 9 3.66 0.40667 29 11.78 0.40621 30 12.19 0.40633 37 15.03 0.40622
1 Haste: ~0.325% Haste
# % Added % per exp 4 1.62 0.405 5 2.03 0.406 9 3.66 0.40667
# % Added % per haste Change in
Attack Speed 5 1.63 0.326 0.05 7 2.28 0.32571 0.06 10 3.25 0.325 0.09 12 3.90 0.325 0.11 14 4.55 0.325 0.13 17 5.53 0.32529 0.15 24 7.80 0.325 0.21
Recorded with 2.90 Attack Speed weapon
15 haste: Lifeblood (Rank 2)
7 Haste: Swift Hand of Justice
5 haste: Vigorous Belt of the Wild
5 Haste: Lifeblood (Rank 1)
10% Attack Speed: Crackling Howl, Serpent's Swiftness
1% Attack Speed: Time is Money
20% haste: Beserking
Also if you could possibly maybe add in a pet option for 10% attack speed and 5% crit that'd be great!![]()
Oh you hunters lol
Thanks for the Time is Money link, I forgot about the goblin racial... This is interesting, was this in a BG as 24? No idea if one class would get more crit per agility than other but I'll test rogues and see if they match up to this.