F2P Toys

Upswag thanks for the reply and letting me know.

It's going to be very hard to tag a mob before a level 90 does, without dying, especially when I'm doing this with a stranger I high no synergy with.

Does it matter if I die or do I just stay a corpse, near the mob so I am included into the loot table when it dies, then I resurrect once I see its a lootable corpse and claim it?

I'm a Night Elf Rogue, so I could throw a knife and then shadowmeld away? but in doing this it will reset his combat phase unless a higher leveled player attacks him before I shadowmeld.

It sounds very hard.

Are the mobs/rare spawns in the timeless also like this?, or are they on more of a share-able (without party/invites) loot table?

I just use a 90 mate :/
Are you sure that wisp amulet and bones of transformation are attainable via archaeology on a death knight?

I didn't seem to come across any at all, someone let me know, if so, ill begin farming it immediately, it is too good to give up.
Are you sure that wisp amulet and bones of transformation are attainable via archaeology on a death knight?

I didn't seem to come across any at all, someone let me know, if so, ill begin farming it immediately, it is too good to give up.

Said that before and gonna say it again: it's not in any archaeology guide, no pure f2p achievement hunter has them. It's probably impossible.
Sorry crystal for the spam, If solvogero is listening, his guides are great but if he could just put a subsection or comment saying (f2p attainable but needs p2p help) or w/e it would be helpful, like his pet guide does.

I only ask all these questions because I have noone on my server to ask x.
Sorry crystal for the spam, If solvogero is listening, his guides are great but if he could just put a subsection or comment saying (f2p attainable but needs p2p help) or w/e it would be helpful, like his pet guide does.

I only ask all these questions because I have noone on my server to ask x.
i went ahead and deleted them...i think there's numerous other toys obtainable by f2p DK's that i'm not going to bother with. my general list MO is that if there's just a couple items that are obtainable with a Dk, i'll add them to the list...otherwise i ignore them. Anyone dedicated enough to create a new DK every day to farm low drop-rate items is dedicated enough to figure the stuff out themselves. :)
Can get the presents for a long duration? or strictly on Christmas day?

Christmas day, but you can keep them forever. Some people may have the toys early if they kept unopened presents from last year or before, because they recently updated the contents of the present.
I have around 35 characters level 20.

I think I'm going to prepare them all for christmas day.

Is there any materials for quests needed? (I remember 2 years ago was eggs for egg nog etc etc) that need to be handed before acquiring the presents.

If so I'm going to prepare now, and place all my toons near the tree so I don't have to waste too much time on Christmas day.
where are both the Christmas trees placed? I remember 2 years ago it was in ironforge, I don't know about the horde side though.

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