F2P Rankings: Achievements, HKs, and more!

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You can't really do that though, if I am a mage killing the EFC and there happens to be a rogue helping me, there is no way I can return that flag before him. That is the case most of the time, you zerg the EFC and then there are 2-3 people standing his body while you are 20 feet away.

Edit - Darn, 2-3 people said the same thing before me :(.
Its weird all my characters happen to meet the criteria for this tho. Altho, I do recognise people's playstyle are all different and such and thus my point was invalid.

I still believe the requirements to be on the list should be alot harder. Rogues with less then 1 flagreturn/win are mostly just bad Rogues, since this is mostly their role in the WSG environment. For other classes, like Paladins, the zone is much more gray because of all the different roles they can fulfill.
can this be stickied, it's annoying me having to search for it all of the time.
Ive gotten one "praire ring of eluding" but I personally think its most badass/effective off rogue subtlety nelfs, and if you can stack 2 of these thier quiet effective with agility stacking too have up to about 45%-59% dodge
O yeh and I also think "scouting tunic of agility" should be a legend item because its BIS for f2p agility stacking rogues/hunters (gives 10 agility, 13 for subtlety rogues) and its rare as fudge, I mean this has only ever dropped once for me but I got it needed off me, like who has seen this rare item drop? I mean not the tunic itself but the 10 agility enchant? this enchant can either be a 9 or 10 agility buff so fingers crossed when it drops for me itl be 10 agility.

Also "Fenrus Hide" is rare as fudge and should be a "grandfathered item". (6 agility 5 stamina, BIS for agility stacking in f2p)

Also an "onyx claymore" for 2 hander warriors (not 100% sure if its BiS but I think it is though)

Also "Tree bark jacket" (not 100% sure)

Also "staff of the blessed seer"

And ALSO the trinket you get from winning that booty bay fishing tournament, Im not 100% sure but wouldnt this trinket be heaps useful in Arathi basin?, you know like turning into a fish to rapidly move in the water to run away or catch up to enemies, also to get to the blacksmith ASAP to protect ur base if its just been capped?

Just making suggestions here.

thankyou :)
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I don't think scouting tunic of agility should be added because that opens the door to way too many items. But i hear you, it is quite rare.

Fenrus Hide is a grandfathered item, not sure why it wouldn't be on the list as such.

Onyx Claymore, to my knowledge, is not bis.

I like the idea for Hook of the Master Angler, but it also opens other doors as it essentially a vanity item.
If we start adding items like that, we can add Burgy Blackheart's Handsome Hat as well
But like rsq said, its just a vanity item, therefor it shouldn't be added to list.
Gear regarding, the list should maintain only BiS items (along with some GF items).

hm how about introduce a new list with vanity items?
(not that I think we need it tbh)
DUDE! ive had like doomspike for 3 whole days why doesn't it say DS next to my name
you know...... not that I care......
waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa :(

lol :)
Haha, just wait til it gets updated, Rhaebad.

WTB 6 more points on Salfir... Gief moar holidaze
Umm... about dat, I haven't done the Midsummer ones yet 8)

Keep eating your Wheaties sally, one day, one day!

Nah, I probably won't bother, too lazy xD;
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