It was a good thread while it lasted. Shall I make a thread about 24s?
What is a 24?
It was a good thread while it lasted. Shall I make a thread about 24s?
What is a 24?
Unfortunately it has taken 17 pages of posts for us to realize that Goesid and Co. will never understand how obtaining Precious Ribbon and guild boas are, in principle, two entirely different things.
... die thread......... die.
They both involve P2P´s. How is it any different? You've yet to come with an explaination. And Kale is still a F2P twink. I think you are all just jealous because he could get some guild boas.
Just let it die. Look back at the previous 5 pages for your answer.
I will agree that obtaining Precious Ribbon and Guild BoA's are principally the same thing.
I care about enchants and boas that will be game changers.
At least for me, the point is:
I don't care if u get a unique and exclusive Ferrari mount (+60%speed) or Barack Obama shirt or Master of the Universe title THEY DON'T AFFECT BGS
I care about enchants and boas that will be game changers.
Thank you. I don't agree with using the guild boas either but the fact remains that you get them almost the same way only that there is no stats gain on the ribbon. But people seem to be on somekind of purist witch hunt.
Almost the same? You seriously don't see the difference between obtaining an item ON a f2p character and obtaining an item ON a p2p character and then sending it over? You guys can say that you don't care or you don't mind but saying that it's the same thing is just ridiculous.
The only way to obtain the Ribbon is to use yourself of a p2p, argument invalid.
You seem to be unable to grasp the concept of 'help' and 'character'.