F2P Aerie Peak 3v3 Arena Tournament

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As if we didn't slaughter everything before?

Exactly so. Aerie Peak Alliance and Horde used to have very balanced and matched sides, to the point that every all-AP game was nearly a draw and always a fun and challenging game. Then a couple of Alliance players got a bug up their ass to put their own desires over the community's health, and switched to Horde for faster queues (though why that would matter on a toon with full BoA is beyond me), Taking the balance of power and most of our key P2P group-makers with them. Then several other Alliance played follow-the-lemming and jumped to Horde too, because we all know that wtfsteamrolling is much more important than balanced, challenging play, and thus Alliance became a ghostland. Exacerbating the problem are those remaining Alliance who became so disgusted with this appalling display of egocentrism that they stopped PvP'ing, or in some cases stopped playing altogether, having had their belief that community was important to us all effectively shattered by these actions.

So yes, Horde slaughtered everything before, and now Horde are the only ones who can do any slaughtering, and yes, this is why there appear to be no Alliance left playing. Because, at least considering those that were on Alliance during Aerie Peak's prime, there aren't any left playing.
sorry man, but you are just over-thinking this by several orders of magnitude. the fact of the matter is that almost everyone on AP alliance was god-awful and the queues lasted forever. i don't blame earl, shaurooke, and the rest of the people who re-rolled horde at all. i don't see why *anyone* would want to play on AP alliance. there is nothing at all stopping you from just re-rolling a toon on AP horde

and don't give us that bullshit about:

because we all know that wtfsteamrolling is much more important than balanced, challenging play, and thus Alliance became a ghostland. Exacerbating the problem are those remaining Alliance who became so disgusted with this appalling display of egocentrism that they stopped PvP'ing

you're the one who rolled alliance in this bracket; clearly you did not give a crap about balanced, challenging play, or you would have rolled horde in the first place. seriously, give me a break. the only time horde EVER wins in this bracket is when either AP is playing or their team is randomly stacked with a bunch of 24s. i have alliance toons too. i know how it works.

re-roll horde if you're interested in group pvp. if people, you know, actually did arenas in this bracket, this wouldn't even be an issue at all because faction wouldn't matter
the fact of the matter is that almost everyone on AP alliance was god-awful and the queues lasted forever. i don't blame earl, shaurooke, and the rest of the people who re-rolled horde at all.

Almost everyone who were on AP Alliance are the very people you just listed. Earl, Shaurooke, and the rest of the people ARE the ones that comprised almost everyone on AP Alliance. So which is it? Are they god-awful? Or did you only think they were god-awful when they were on the other side of the battlefield from you?

the only time horde EVER wins in this bracket is when either AP is playing or their team is randomly stacked with a bunch of 24s.

Wait, you just got through insisting that Alliance was god-awful. If Alliance is so god-awful, then why do you feel that stacking all the talent on the Horde side is, as you say, the only way Horde can win? Are you even aware of the hypocrisy of your statements?

I can see where Earl 2.0 gets his doublespeak rhetoric. Funny how he used to talk about what an asshole you are, and now he spouts off the same self-contradicting views that you espouse here. You, Cotus, were never one of the ones on Horde side who demonstrated any respect for people on the AP Alliance side--the same people that you just named above. From what I understand, you never respected your own players on the AP horde side either, and to be sure, your attitude towards this bracket and everyone in it is directly counter to the mutual respect that I and my (former) compatriots used to get from AP Horde players.

These days though I can't open a thread without you and all your little converts spouting off about how terrible the Alliance is, and demeaning insults that chalk up any talent we do have to the presence of the eyepatch (I am SO SICK of that lie by the way), and yet you still claim it was necessary to take the once-balanced talent across AP and stack it all on your side, because that's the only way the Horde can win? I must say, I'm willing to bet that the REAL Horde AP folks that I know would not take kindly to you simultaneously saying that Alliance has no skill and yet you must stack the talent on Horde AP in order to beat them. Sounds like a fantastic way to alienate yourself from both sides... not that that ever mattered to you.

10 v 10 AP games used to be fun, challenging, strategic events with dance parties thrown in. It was the height of Aerie Peak's legacy. You and your new followers have ruined all that.
the 10v10 AP games that i have participated in were for the most part complete scrubfests that boiled down to which side had more incompetent players. (disclaimer - we did have a couple legit good ones thrown in there). i honestly don't have that much interest in 10v10 AP WSGs, but if i did, i'd take a few minutes of my time and try to set them up - kind of like i tried to do for arenas (the thread for which we are conveniently posting in).

i've been on AP alliance recently. there are more than enough people still active there to do a 10v10 if you spent even a modicum of time trying to put it together instead of complaining about things that are 100% your fault. hell, you could do 10v10s on a daily basis. it wouldn't even be difficult to set up. maybe someone else could invest a tiny bit of effort into it?

and i don't know how you're still misunderstanding that i'm referring to the AP alliance players sucking, not the faction. the factional imbalance in this bracket, apart from AP horde, is still just as bad as it has always been. every time i queue on my alliance toons, and the horde team isn't stacked with 24s, it's a stomp that degenerates into a GY camp. every. single. time. i don't know how that can possibly be fun for you or the rest of the players on TI who roll alliance twinks in this bracket, but it clearly wasn't fun anymore for the former AP alliance players who re-rolled horde, and that's why they switched
the 10v10 AP games that i have participated in were for the most part complete scrubfests that boiled down to which side had more incompetent players.

Touching back on that alienate-everyone-possible theme again... you openly state here that both Horde and Alliance on AP whom you played against in AP 10v10s were incompetent... overlooking the fact that all the AP Alliance that played those games most often are the very ones that have switched to Horde now. So I guess you now count those very people among the Horde's incompetent players instead of the Alliance's?

i've been on AP alliance recently. there are more than enough people still active there to do a 10v10

You just got through saying that AP Alliance were all scrubs. Assuming that that were true, and assuming you weren't including all the players you filched from Alliance, then wouldn't that mean that there's nothing but scrubs left on AP Alliance side? If that were true, what does it say about you that you want us to gather all those people whom you believe are complete scrubs together so that you can wtfpancake them and inflate your ego about how superior AP Horde is? That's a pretty self-serving stance.

it wouldn't even be difficult to set up. maybe someone else could invest a tiny bit of effort into it?

Maybe you conveniently overlooked the part where YOU STOLE PRACTICALLY ALL OF OUR P2PS.

and i don't know how you're still misunderstanding that i'm referring to the AP alliance players sucking, not the faction. the factional imbalance in this bracket, apart from AP horde, is still just as bad as it has always been. every time i queue on my alliance toons, and the horde team isn't stacked with 24s, it's a stomp that degenerates into a GY camp. every. single. time.

Okay, let me make sure I have this right, so that everyone here on TwinkInfo knows exactly where you stand on the matter:

1) All Alliance players are gods, except Aerie Peak, where by some fluke of statistics, they all suck, and

2) All Horde players suck, except Aerie Peak, where they are all gods.

Your perception defines your reality.

i don't know how that can possibly be fun for you or the rest of the players on TI who roll alliance twinks in this bracket, but it clearly wasn't fun anymore for the former AP alliance players who re-rolled horde, and that's why they switched

First of all, it isn't fun for me, because I don't play PVP anymore, because the thought of having to face the new wtfstacked AP Horde that stole all our talent would just be adding insult to injury. It's bad enough to have been made to feel less important than queue times; I don't need to be graveyard-farmed by my former friends on top of that. Oh yeah, I've heard the reports that the "new" Aerie Peak Horde routinely graveyard farms. How the once noble have fallen.

And second of all, your argument that those people switched sides because they got tired of winning too easily when by your own accounts, AP Horde routinely won easily even before you stacked the deck in your favor.

You know, I don't even know why I'm continuing to argue this. It's not like I want those people back, especially Earl, after the way he routinely implicitly insults me, the person he once considered one of his closest allies and friends, and after the way he openly and directly insulted Rhaellia, my best friend on the server, and one of the kindest and most innocent and undeserving of scorn people I've met in-game. You're crazy if you think this new change has been good for anyone except the people who have selfishly benefited from it at the expense of others. At least on the Alliance side (can't speak for the others) we used to have a caring, supportive community. Now what we have is a group of selfish people who left, and a group of bitter people who were left behind.
you are completely full of shit, i'm sorry, there's no other way to put it. you are a nice guy, but completely full of shit

i just logged on AP alliance. there are 17 level 20s in the F2P channel.

just logged on AP horde. there are 21 level 20s in the F2P channel.

what you *mean* to say is that we "stole" (no idea who "we" is here, but whatever") earl and shaurooke, 2 of your few good players (also, apparently these 2 individuals have no free will of their own - we stole them!)

again, just completely full of shit

if you cared about setting up 10v10s, you'd set them up. 17 players on alliance right now. 21 on horde.

m-m-m-m-monster bullshit
Insults are the last bastion of the weak, and the completely wrong. You totally overlooked my points above and jumped right to the insults, which is par for the course for you.

It's not about setting up 10v10s, it's about the balance of skill between AP Horde and Alliance. You don't want to directly address that, I imagine, because I've already demonstrated multiple times the contradictory and hypocritical nature of your stated opinions. Furthermore, even if it were about simply having the ability to set up 10v10s, your little smarmy reply did not address the question of what the class makeup was, or whether there were any P2Ps on, or whether all the people were geared for BGs or even whether they were level 20. But it isn't about that. It's about whether it would be any fun to do so. A point that you continue to conveniently sidestep.

I know how much you like trying to make everyone else look less intelligent and competent than you are (including, apparently from your multiple posts above, the very people who you now have on the Horde side) but in the end, that backfires on you.

You insult all the Alliance players saying they are incompetent, you insult the entire Horde saying they can't win without you, and I call you on all of that, and yet you want to claim I'm the one full of bullshit. Your ego knows no healthy bounds.

And yes, I do feel particularly betrayed by two people who sat in their pirate gear with Rhae and me and claimed that our fun community was the only reason they kept playing, only to then days later cast us aside in favor of shorter fricking queue times. But that's none of your business sir. I've made it a point of keeping this conversation about the detrimental effect that the change has had on our community, both Alliance specifically and also the Horde/Alliance mutual respect and admiration that once existed. I've made it a point of trying to keep my own personal struggles with these events out of this conversation, because God knows you don't give a shit about any other individual's feelings.
Kin, I don't see how you still don't understand the thing about how Alliance is horrible but still rape horde pugs. The alliance players are bad, but greatly outgear and outclass the horde PuGs. Anyone with any skill/merit rolled AP horde. AP horde = good. PuG horde = Pathetic. Horde pugs are fucking painful. I dare you to try and play some horde pugs. By the way, I didn't reroll, I went back to where I came from. Take a look at this date, over a month before I played AP alliance.


Earl 2.0
Kin, I don't see how you still don't understand the thing about how Alliance is horrible but still rape horde pugs. The alliance players are bad, but greatly outgear and outclass the horde PuGs. Anyone with any skill/merit rolled AP horde. AP horde = good. PuG horde = Pathetic. Horde pugs are fucking painful. I dare you to try and play some horde pugs. By the way, I didn't reroll, I went back to where I came from. Take a look at this date, over a month before I played AP alliance.


Earl 2.0

I'm pleased to see a response from you that strives to be more respectful than what I've been getting from Cotus. Having said that, I'm not going to be as quick as you to dismiss my Alliance compatriots as skill-less incompetents who just happen to win by having better gear. I really think that anyone who looks at that argument objectively will see right through it.

On a personal note, however, I still can't talk to you right now. After I heard about what you said to Rhae, I was beside myself. If you ever have any wish to bridge this gap, it's going to have to start with that. That's a matter for private conversations, however.
i'm not respectful toward you because you are 100% full of crap, ignore everything i say, and refuse to accept any responsibility for any of your own actions

Insults are the last bastion of the weak, and the completely wrong. You totally overlooked my points above and jumped right to the insults, which is par for the course for you.

It's not about setting up 10v10s, it's about the balance of skill between AP Horde and Alliance. You don't want to directly address that, I imagine, because I've already demonstrated multiple times the contradictory and hypocritical nature of your stated opinions

it's shit like this, buddy. first you whine at me for calling the people on AP alliance noobs. then you whine at me because.....the people on AP alliance *are* noobs....? and i.....apparently refuse to "address" that? pretty sure i've already "addressed" that any number of times. let me state it again one more time, to make things 100% clear: the people on AP alliance suck complete ass other than a handful of players, most of which play arenas almost exclusively. it doesn't take a rocket scientist to make the connection between alliance noobs rolling the dominant faction for easy wins and *all* of the rest of the 20 players rolling horde for halfway challenging pvp

i'll say it one more time: if you were actually interested in 10v10s, you would spend ~5 minutes of your time trying to set them up. never once have you logged AP horde to ask to set up a premade 10v10. never once have i seen you in vent trying to set up a premade 10v10. never once have i seen you make a forum thread trying to set up a premade 10v10

you are not part of the solution. you are yet another lazy 20 player who refuses to take responsibility for his actions or expend any effort whatsoever trying to set up an in-house game. you can bitch at earl all you want, but every single time he's online, he's setting up premades. you on the other hand do absolutely nothing. actions speak a lot louder than words

edit: and don't think that i'm trying to specifically call you out. at least you're marginally less lazy than the rest of these people - you've worked up the motivation to make a few forum posts! the rest of the people are even more comically lazy and selfish....lately our F2P chat is just a stream of randoms logging on, spamming "WTB PREMADE" or "INVITE TO PREMADE" or "IS THERE A PREMADE???"
This has nothing to do with my relationships with you, Rhae, or anyone.... It's a video game, not the high school social circle. My decision to play horde has nothing to do with you, or what I think of you, so stop bringing up our friendship. The fact that your judging me on how I choose to play with pixels on a screen is a little frustrating, after you tell me I'm the one taking it too seriously. You're blaming me and shaurooke for the downfall of AP alliance? Well, show me the downfall. I'm sorry that the occasional 10 man premade roflstomps some of the new eyepatch baddies. Also, we don't GY farm. Controlling midfield while we 3 cap in < 10 minutes isn't farming. But I'm sure plenty of the new AP alliance know that, seeing as they are masters of the GY farm.


Cotus, you are so far out in left field, you can't even hear your own echo. This isn't about being able to make 10v10s, and I'm not going to repeat myself again to continue to try to get that through to you.

And Earl is a P2P... he has the ABILITY to make premades. We don't have any P2Ps anymore except rarely when Groupmaker comes on. It's one thing to want something, and another thing to actually have the physical ability to do it. This is just another red herring argument from you trying to divert the conversation down a road that you think you have a leg to stand on.. and avoid the one in which you don't.

Do you even realize what a self-congratulating argument you are creating? The Alliance are all noobs you say... but then they still win most games. So any time you wtfstomp the Alliance, you can say it's because they are noobs, but any time the Alliance wins, you can say it's because they have this magical advantage, that we all know amounts to 5STA and 4AGI, and that's just for leather-wearing classes. Your narrow world view does not allow for the possibility for anyone to have legitimately beaten you. That's pretty insecure, in my opinion.

Right now I've gone ahead and logged into the game. Of those people you mentioned the Alliance had online, you failed to mention that 3 were level 6, one is level 3, one is level 12, and one is level 16. You can't even make a legitimate argument without twisting facts. You've always been this way, you'll always be this way.

On another note, though, not all of the remaining AP Alliance are bad players. Screw those people who chose personal gain over keeping the AP sides balanced. I had -thought- that we as a community had decided that balanced, AP vs AP games were the ultimate form of our art. If some of you decided to roll Horde because you wanted to... protect non-AP Horde from... non-AP Alliance... god it doesn't even make a lick of sense when I TRY. But the point is that by not thinking about what's best for the server, you've made absolutely no difference in the balance of the overall bracket (as some people point out, AP is only a tiny fraction of the overall F2Ps in the game) but you've completely broken the balance between the two AP sides. And yes, despite the claims by Cotus that AP Alliance all sucked (and he must have been including regulars like Earl, Shau, Mindy, Drunk, etc in that, since that's who played AP v AP games) the FACT of the matter is we used to have challenging, balanced PvP between the two factions on our server. If anything, the balance was already in favor of the Horde, as anyone who was at the Hellfire PvP Event can attest. Now it's even worse.

But you know what? Challenge fucking Accepted, sirs. As I was writing earlier posts, I realized that I was starting to sound like I agreed with you that Alliance is a bunch of noobs. We aren't. We are broken and disorganized because some people that we had come to rely on abandoned us, but we are NOT without skill, or without hope. As I'm sitting in game right now, I'm listening to everyone talk about how they're done with WSG for the night because they keep drawing AP Horde premades over and over again and how it's breaking the bracket worse than hunters even. And that pisses me off. A lot.

You think I'm lazy? Point that finger at the people who chose faster queues over a balanced server community. If Earl were being honest (as he is, from time to time) he'd say (as he has before) that few if any people have worked harder for this community than I have. And guess what? I'm not done. I'll figure out a way to gather up the truly talented people we have on Alliance on the server, and I'll figure out a way to get them into the same battleground without P2Ps, and together we're going to learn and practice and fill in the gaps left by the ones who left us behind. And we WON'T have self-aggrandizing assholes in our community.

I'm willing to even accept that some of you made the decision to switch to Horde because of a perceived lack of balance between the factions throughout the bracket. But I will tell you, you can't do anything about the balance of the bracket as a whole. You can, however, do something about the balance of the server. It used to be that AP Alliance and AP Horde both won the majority of their games. Now, only AP Horde does. If you think that's fair and "balanced", I can't help you. But if you think it sucks, and that we should have an even, balanced server like we used to... you know how to fix that problem.
I. Our 10 man got into the wrong BG's and both sides ending up getting GY farmed in their respective games.

Sounds like those 5 werent the best, and to cotus we CANT form 10 mans, since we dont have any f2ps as Kincaide said, but of course you ignored it.
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