F2P Aerie Peak 3v3 Arena Tournament

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Sounds like those 5 werent the best, and to cotus we CANT form 10 mans, since we dont have any f2ps as Kincaide said, but of course you ignored it.

then make a forum post or come log on horde and ask us to group you so we can 10v10. i know, thinking 1 step ahead is tough stuff

glad to see you can change your attitude, kincaide. hopefully we can get some 10v10s and 15v15s going
then make a forum post or come log on horde and ask us to group you so we can 10v10. i know, thinking 1 step ahead is tough stuff

Based on all of the post ive seen you make its hard to believe that you of all people would be willing to be helpful.
Do you even realize what a self-congratulating argument you are creating? The Alliance are all noobs you say... but then they still win most games. So any time you wtfstomp the Alliance, you can say it's because they are noobs, but any time the Alliance wins, you can say it's because they have this magical advantage, that we all know amounts to 5STA and 4AGI, and that's just for leather-wearing classes. Your narrow world view does not allow for the possibility for anyone to have legitimately beaten you. That's pretty insecure, in my opinion.

in this bracket I've never been legitimately beaten in a bg. Duels? sure. Arenas? totally. BGs? no.

I cannot recall a game that wasn't imbalanced for either side because of

1. 24s

2. imbalance of healers

3. hunters

Right now I've gone ahead and logged into the game. Of those people you mentioned the Alliance had online, you failed to mention that 3 were level 6, one is level 3, one is level 12, and one is level 16. You can't even make a legitimate argument without twisting facts. You've always been this way, you'll always be this way.

Did you log onto horde to see how many of them weren't 20?

But you know what? Challenge fucking Accepted, sirs. As I was writing earlier posts, I realized that I was starting to sound like I agreed with you that Alliance is a bunch of noobs. We aren't. We are broken and disorganized because some people that we had come to rely on abandoned us, but we are NOT without skill, or without hope. As I'm sitting in game right now, I'm listening to everyone talk about how they're done with WSG for the night because they keep drawing AP Horde premades over and over again and how it's breaking the bracket worse than hunters even. And that pisses me off. A lot.

Breaking the bracket? really?.....

I'm willing to even accept that some of you made the decision to switch to Horde because of a perceived lack of balance between the factions throughout the bracket. But I will tell you, you can't do anything about the balance of the bracket as a whole. You can, however, do something about the balance of the server. It used to be that AP Alliance and AP Horde both won the majority of their games. Now, only AP Horde does. If you think that's fair and "balanced", I can't help you. But if you think it sucks, and that we should have an even, balanced server like we used to... you know how to fix that problem.

The lack of balance is perceived? I hope you're not seriously implying it is balanced

Our 5 mans lose games just like you're 5 mans. I'm sorry our 10 mans beat your 5 mans, but it goes the other way as well

Sounds like those 5 werent the best, and to cotus we CANT form 10 mans, since we dont have any f2ps as Kincaide said, but of course you ignored it.

Does it matter if we weren't the best? my five man group got into 5 hunters, 2 of which were 24, 2 24 healers and an hpally, needless to say, our team was us 5, 4 people with less than 1k hp and a 24. We had no healers, and no chance

This is RIDICULOUS. Come on Kin, we STOLE your p2ps?

Every single pug I do, the horde consists of AWFUL TERRIBLY GEARED players with the VERY occasional geared/good player,while the alliance is similarly geared. The difference? Horde BiS pre-boa leather has roughly 1040 hp with goggles, while alliance EASILY surpasses 1200. AND the games are 7/10 eyepatch classes 9/10 games. The result? we lose every single pug that isn't perchance filled with the rare good players which then degenerate into 8/10 people GY farming the 2 rezzers or more on our team while they ignore chat messages to stop rezzing.

Horde AP premades DO NOT GY FARM. Just because the alliance team lacks the control to break out our team completely containing them while we constantly run flags does not =gy farm.










Horde AP premades DO NOT GY FARM. Just because the alliance team lacks the control to break out our team completely containing them while we constantly run flags does not =gy farm.

LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL Cotus many times have proudly announce that his horde AP premade gy farms

like i said noone gives a crap about gy farming both horde and alliance AP do it alot so dont paint horde AP as the victims.
What cotus would call gy farming and what i would call gy farming is not the same. I would not say containing a whole team in the area between the gy the leaf hut and the tunell is not gy farming. We're not standing in the gy, and we're not killing people as they rez instantly. I suggest you take a look at the screenshot thread, where you might find a screenshot of our 10 man beating an AP 5 man while we "gy farm" except that there are 4 of us dancing with mindy in mid
What cotus would call gy farming and what i would call gy farming is not the same. I would not say containing a whole team in the area between the gy the leaf hut and the tunell is not gy farming. We're not standing in the gy, and we're not killing people as they rez instantly. I suggest you take a look at the screenshot thread, where you might find a screenshot of our 10 man beating an AP 5 man while we "gy farm" except that there are 4 of us dancing with mindy in mid


so yea pretty sure both sides gets gy farmed and gy farms.
While this is a very interesting read, it is so far off topic. If you want to talk about this horde vs. alliance crap, or your personal problems, open a private message.
Horde AP premades DO NOT GY FARM. Just because the alliance team lacks the control to break out our team completely containing them while we constantly run flags does not =gy farm.

That thread proves nothing, Not to mention that the only people in those screenshots is cotus and his friends with joocy, NONE of which you can see in the OPs pictures

sorry my bad i though you meant ALL horde AP premades dont gy farm.
sorry my bad i though you meant ALL horde AP premades dont gy farm.

I obviously cannot attest to EVERY premade. You better fucking bet if I'm in there or beefstock is in there we will be asking people to back off if they move too close to the ledge or if we take our time getting the flag.


My tone is pretty harsh. Not exactly my intention <3 u bp as well as everyone (except realtalk, he can diaf), especially kin and rhae.
you are confusing GY camping with GY farming, for about the 1893842218935183798723th time. there's nothing wrong with GY camping. we just "gy camped" 3-4 games in a row when we were queuing up with our 5 mage WSG group for fun. it was a "GY camp" in the sense that we hung out midfield/at tunnel and did our best to not let anyone by, so our flag carriers could get by quickly and easily. there's nothing wrong with this. you can cry all you want about it - you are wrong, people will keep doing it, argument over

GY farming is sitting at the GY and seeing how many kills you can get. i've been known to GY farm when it's a group of opponents that i particularly dislike or want to prove a point to, but it's honestly pretty rare, because it's boring. i've definitely never done it in a game when i'm queuing with a group of people from the AP F2P channel

furthermore i don't see what GY camping or farming has to do with anything else we were discussing. i don't mind that you guys hijacked this arena thread to talk about this stuff, but now it's pretty much just a bunch of alliance players whining about silly things
this thread is a great read. shows how kincaide loves rolling with the wtfstomp crew but the moment we roll horde he stops playing because he doesnt want a challenge....ahhh alliance.
this thread is a great read. shows how kincaide loves rolling with the wtfstomp crew but the moment we roll horde he stops playing because he doesnt want a challenge....ahhh alliance.

true if anything make a horde character and join in the fun.
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