F2P Aerie Peak 3v3 Arena Tournament

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Look, a couple of people who don't know a thing about me, claiming to know everything about me. On the internet. One of whom NOBODY even likes.
I obviously cannot attest to EVERY premade. You better fucking bet if I'm in there or beefstock is in there we will be asking people to back off if they move too close to the ledge or if we take our time getting the flag.


My tone is pretty harsh. Not exactly my intention <3 u bp as well as everyone (except realtalk, he can diaf), especially kin and rhae.

crap u blown ma cover

dam cotus didnt even read when i said i was sorry D:
crap u blown ma cover

dam cotus didnt even read when i said i was sorry D:

sorry for what?? dude we're on the internet, you're not gonna hurt my feelings

i'm sorry i flamed kincaide so hard, but honestly i'm just tired of the non-constructive whining from APers. it's not like he's the only one who has ever voiced complaints. he already said he's gonna change his attitude and try to get people organized, so i think we're done here

also, all of the people who "re-rolled" horde still have their alliance toons. it's not like they can't play them if we wanted to ever get 10v10s or 15v15s going. and yeah, despite what you say, it *is* about the 10v10s and 15v15s (and arenas?), because pubbing is totally irrelevant and we're all already aware of the factional imbalance in this bracket (or are now aware of it after reading this thread?)
Sorry I'm late guys, but I just wanna say a few things...

1. I didn't mean to hurt anyone's feelings..

2. This isn't the first time that I have played horde for an extended period of time..

3. I'm almost completely playing horde because its where most of the players that want arenas are...

4. I'm more than happy to switch over to alliance to make groups for you guys, just let me know and as long as I'm not in wsg or doing arenas ill make your group...

And last but not least... Nvm i think i pretty much said it all


Kincaide, I think you don't fully understand the thing Cotus is saying. If you ever played Horde, you'ld know Horde PuG's lose 90% of the time. When playing premades we win. Unless they got more than 7 Hunters and 24s. Its come that far, as Horde, I don't like 10 or 15M BG's anymore. Cotus, Sabe, Decem, ... are mostly 5manning AB just to make it a little more exciting. Even then we just win easily. Its just a fact Horde simply can't win and gets GY farmed in WSG; the very same in AB.

I totally understand where you come from. It isn't really fun as community to play without the ability to group. However, just log over to Horde and ask someone. I'm pretty sure any P2P would want to group you in order to get arenas or premades going. Thats what the point of being on the same server is all about. I've been trying to get some arenas going for some time now against Alliance, and mostly nobody even bothers replying on my questions to play. Then, I must assume they don't like a fair fight and just like farming Horde over and over, because that's mostly just it.

If you play Alliance, and you don't meet an AP premade or against some 24s, you simply win. The class imbalance, Alliance mostly consists of Eyepatch wearers only, and thus the gear imbalance, makes it just impossible to win. I'm not talking about skill, or anything, but facts only. And thus you get people to change from Alliance to Horde. You get faster queues and more pleasant matches: Less steamroll and more skill. It seems the better players switch over to have more competitive games (and I'm not stating all the leftover Allies are baddies). I like playing with and against AP A. I wouldn't mind losing a 3 - 0 against them just because it would be more competitive in any way. Mostly, I jump for joy if I see we meet AP A in one of our premades, because we would get some resistance from 3 capping and making it an even game. For me, that's what makes this game enjoying, and I think this is for the most of you.

Making 10v10 games going should have happened a long time ago. Period. Its what we all want.
If anyone from AP Ally needs a premade/arena grouper, I am more than happy to make an Ally toon on my subbed account to group for you all, as long as I am online and I am told.
Listen guys, I really appreciate the outflow of support. I have to apologize for listening to Cotus's personal opinion of AP Alliance, and wrongly attributing it to the rest of you. I had really hoped that calling him out on it would inspire the rest of you to speak up and soundly reject him and his opinion, and I am relieved to see that that has happened.

I have a lot more to say, and have rewritten this post several times already and then erased it, but I've come to the decision that the conversation isn't one that should happen inside of Cotus's arena thread. I'm going to take more time to sort through my thoughts, and then find a way to talk to you guys about it in a more respectful venue.
Listen guys, I really appreciate the outflow of support. I have to apologize for listening to Cotus's personal opinion of AP Alliance, and wrongly attributing it to the rest of you. I had really hoped that calling him out on it would inspire the rest of you to speak up and soundly reject him and his opinion, and I am relieved to see that that has happened.

I have a lot more to say, and have rewritten this post several times already and then erased it, but I've come to the decision that the conversation isn't one that should happen inside of Cotus's arena thread. I'm going to take more time to sort through my thoughts, and then find a way to talk to you guys about it in a more respectful venue.

Don't demonize Cotus. I don't see anyone not having his back, for good reason.

You misinterpreted what he said, and took it personally. Everyone is in the same boat - rolling AP Ally is a pointless exercise in twinking. The faction imbalance heavily favors ally side (because the eyepatch draws in more leather, which happens to be the most powerful classes), and in exchange for your easy wins, you must wait 15 minutes for a queue pop. Your presence in a PUG makes very little difference - your team would have won or lost without you, because it really comes down to the horde side (AP premade or stacked 24s). Running as a premade just makes the situation worse. As a horde twink, I enjoy the challenge of a PUG, knowing that every action I take directly affects the tide of battle. That's the beauty of twinking - making yourself good enough to overcome the challenge that normal players could not. I personally don't enjoy our steamroll premades, and that's why many of us prefer AB/Arena.

He was just pointing out the reality of the situation. Rolling AP Ally doesn't make you a bad player, it just doesn't make sense (who wants a combination of both long queues and boring games?) He did not direct this insult at you, but you seem to think he has. If you need an outlet to prove yourself, we are looking for arenas all the time. Better yet, reroll AP Horde...we need warriors to test in new comps.
<3 The sweet sound of harmony

I'll level a character for you and gear it to pre-boa bis if you like

Ventilo Info for the Twink info ventrilo:

Server: "voice.gameservers.com"

Port: "4277"

If you don't come in vent already we always have a blast, peak hours there is always at least 5 people in there and you dont need to have a mic, just come listen. My voice is soothing enough to keep you coming back, ask anyone.
Rolling AP Ally doesn't make you a bad player

The assertion he made was very specifically that all AP Alliance were bad players... he said it multiple times. That is what I was addressing. And your statement quoted here demonstrates exactly what I said: that nobody agrees with him about that.

In the future, please try to understand what I'm talking about before you tell me I'm wrong about it, and, worse, tell me how I feel about it.
The assertion he made was very specifically that all AP Alliance were bad players... he said it multiple times. That is what I was addressing. And your statement quoted here demonstrates exactly what I said: that nobody agrees with him about that.

In the future, please try to understand what I'm talking about before you tell me I'm wrong about it, and, worse, tell me how I feel about it.

Actually, after going through and filtering through his posts, I just see mentions of "almost all" or "most."

Unless I'm missing that post, he never said "all AP ally players are bad." Keep victimizing yourself, even though your name never even got mentioned. Cotus might throw out blanket insults, but this is WoW, and everyone calls "everyone" a baddie. You on the other hand, are specifically targeting Cotus, one of the most active AP twink players I know, in an attempt to do what? You talk a lot about alienation, but you just keep instigating fights. By shunning an active arena player and organizer, you are doing more damage to the community (need I remind you that this was the intent of the thread, made by that very same person)

I personally tried to extend the olive branch out, and you told me off. My statements support Cotus in full, and I do not disagree with him on any points. In the future, please try to understand what I'm talking about before you tell me I'm wrong about it, and, worse, tell me how I feel about it.
Actually, after going through and filtering through his posts, I just see mentions of "almost all" or "most."

Unless I'm missing that post, he never said "all AP ally players are bad." Keep victimizing yourself, even though your name never even got mentioned. Cotus might throw out blanket insults, but this is WoW, and everyone calls "everyone" a baddie. You on the other hand, are specifically targeting Cotus, one of the most active AP twink players I know, in an attempt to do what? You talk a lot about alienation, but you just keep instigating fights. By shunning an active arena player and organizer, you are doing more damage to the community (need I remind you that this was the intent of the thread, made by that very same person)

I personally tried to extend the olive branch out, and you told me off. My statements support Cotus in full, and I do not disagree with him on any points. In the future, please try to understand what I'm talking about before you tell me I'm wrong about it, and, worse, tell me how I feel about it.

OMG, you are the one instigating fights dude.

"the fact of the matter is that almost everyone on AP alliance was god-awful"

"the 10v10 AP games that i have participated in were for the most part complete scrubfests that boiled down to which side had more incompetent players."

"i'm referring to the AP alliance players sucking, not the faction."

"let me state it again one more time, to make things 100% clear: the people on AP alliance suck complete ass other than a handful of players, most of which play arenas almost exclusively."

I was thanking a bunch of AP Horde people for being willing to help out the Alliance despite the fact that Cotus stated ALL of the above quotes, and YOU are the one who decided to get a bug up your ass because I didn't agree with Cotus and come to his defense.

Everyone knows that Cotus does far more to alienate people in this bracket and on this server than anybody else, and everyone knows that I do more than anyone else to try to foster this community. And where is this olive branch you extended? Because all I see you doing is posting about how I misinterpreted things, and how I took it personally, when it turns out you didn't even know what I was talking about.
Furthermore I never said he said -I- was bad... I know I'm not bad, and I don't care what Cotus of all people thinks of me. But please, continue to attempt to paint this as me just victimizing myself... you are full of crap and, to turn an overused phrase, "You don't know me!"

Every single time you tell someone what they think or feel, like you know, your argument becomes laughable.

EDIT: Oh wait! Aren't you that Goldendays guy that everyone hates because you are a bot? Hahaha! What do I care what you think? You and Cotus are two peas in a pod.

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