F2P Addon

Addon for those who like to premade full BG teams.

OK, so first off, I'd like to say I've started working on a new addon to help queue full teams for BGs.

I didn't originally want to actually say I was doing this, or release it under my own name, because I was under the impression that this kind of addon is banned, but then I came across Preform AV Enabler, which does almost exactly the same thing as what I've been working on, and it would appear that it's all perfectly WoW legal, seeing as it's on Curse, and has been around for years.

So what's different with my premade addon?

It's tailored for F2P, so it will work off the existing friends list, and we won't need to group up (although it should still work with groups of 2-5).

It's going to be set up to work for teams of 2-10 for WSG and 2-15 for AB. Hopefully, once I've got my head round programming for the WoW UI, it could look a little like this:

                [COLOR=yellow]Queued[/COLOR]+   +[COLOR=lime]Can Enter[/COLOR]

                      |   |

        [COLOR=red]Not Queued[/COLOR]+   |   |   +[COLOR=blue]In BG[/COLOR]

[B]All[/B]             |   |   | [COLOR=lime]*[/COLOR] |   |


[COLOR=#FFF569]Ambasador[/COLOR]       |   |   | [COLOR=lime]*[/COLOR] |   |

[COLOR=#9482C9]Bizr[/COLOR]            |   |   | [COLOR=lime]*[/COLOR] |   |

[COLOR=#ABD473]Bubbacrush[/COLOR]      |   |   | [COLOR=lime]*[/COLOR] |   |

[COLOR=#69CCF0]Doabarrelrol[/COLOR]    |   |   | [COLOR=lime]*[/COLOR] |   |

[COLOR=#FFF569]Déxtér[/COLOR]          |   |   | [COLOR=lime]*[/COLOR] |   |

[COLOR=#ABD473]Hottacos[/COLOR]        |   |   | [COLOR=lime]*[/COLOR] |   |

[COLOR=#F58CBA]Javarules[/COLOR]       |   |   | [COLOR=lime]*[/COLOR] |   |

[COLOR=#F58CBA]Mccxvi[/COLOR]          |   |   | [COLOR=lime]*[/COLOR] |   |

Missbehavior    |   |   | [COLOR=lime]*[/COLOR] |   |

[COLOR=#F58CBA]Nyoreign[/COLOR]        |   |   | [COLOR=lime]*[/COLOR] |   |

[COLOR=#69CCF0]Penix[/COLOR]           |   |   | [COLOR=lime]*[/COLOR] |   |

[COLOR=#FFF569]Skilcritz[/COLOR]       |   |   | [COLOR=lime]*[/COLOR] |   |

[COLOR=#FFF569]Skiny[/COLOR]           |   |   | [COLOR=lime]*[/COLOR] |   |

[COLOR=#FF7D0A]Çer[/COLOR]             |   |   | [COLOR=lime]*[/COLOR] |   |

[COLOR=#0070DE]Ðarkhoof[/COLOR]        |   |   | [COLOR=lime]*[/COLOR] |   |

What if Blizzard don't like the idea of trials doing premades in regular (XP locked) BGs?

Firstly, lol. Heirloomed 24s.

Secondly they should fix War Games so that trials can do them instead. There is no mention anywhere that BG War Games aren't available to trial accounts (either in the Starter Edition FAQ, or in the War Games interface), but so far all we have been able to do is arenas. It seems that as soon as the group size goes from party to raid, War Games fail to work.

I would much rather be developing a class/gear limiting front end/referee addon for War Games, giving the new trial players (and anyone else, at any level, who sets up class/gear lists for the addon) a way to avoid Heirloom-Heros, class stacking, and class imbalance, through improving the way War Games are started, but if War Games don't work, I'll be making addons to get the most out of what's available to us instead.
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Thanks again for making the free to play community possible.

/love the sig comic
You're not creating the invite addon anymore? We could still use a helpful "pre"-grouping addon that makes all the "pre"-grouped toons send inv at once then queue.

Did you stop work on the premade addon altogether?
Everything's going into one big addon, to save everyone having to unzip lots of sperate parts, and to make sure that everyone has all the bits needed (too many aren't getting the F2PQ addon), so there won't be a seperate group addon any more.

For the moment Dragonsblood's invite addon does the job, and gives me a bit more time to work on learning all the interface stuff I'll need for a combined grouping/queueing section for the main addon, that will need lots of buttons, that can use some of the stuff I've been working on. It should work something like this:
  • Someone who wants to premade opens the premade window for the addon, selects the BGs they want (wargame arenas could be started simply by right clicking the other group leader's name in chat), and clicks 'start premade'.
  • An icon starts flashing on everyone else's UI to say that a premade is being formed, and if they want they can join that premade (or possibly someone else's premade if 2 people queued at the same time).
  • Once it looks like no-one else is going to queue, the leader hits a button and:
    • If there's a P2P online, the group will be formed, the inviter will drop, the leader will switch to party, and everyone will queue.
    • If there isn't a P2P, everyone will solo-queue.

The list of people making premades, and the list of people who have joined the same one as you, will be shown in what is currently the F2PQ window, and it's pop tracker will only be showing people from your premade.
One request I'd like to make if possible. Leave an option in the addon for people to make a group without auto-que for things like dungeon runs, world groups, questing/leveling, ect.
The group leader would pick what the group's going to do before anything else happens anyway, so there'd be an option for a non-queued group.
Seems like the new addon is really nice, thanks! =)

I would say this thread would be in the F2P Twinking section instead of guides cause it's so important to have.
And not really a guide (well maybe the installation and usage bits, but the rest is more of a suggestions / feature requests / update notifications / bug tracking thread).
Yasueh, is there a way you could make the f2pchat addon use another channel then f2ptwink for me and my friends? We don't really want to use this channel name but one wich is similar to our guilds name? That would be nice but if it's to much work nvm
It'll be changable through an options panel at some point, but until then the chat channel each addon uses is the first variable set in the .lua files. Make sure to change the channel the addon uses to communicate too.
Everything's going into one big addon, to save everyone having to unzip lots of sperate parts, and to make sure that everyone has all the bits needed (too many aren't getting the F2PQ addon), so there won't be a seperate group addon any more.

For the moment Dragonsblood's invite addon does the job, and gives me a bit more time to work on learning all the interface stuff I'll need for a combined grouping/queueing section for the main addon, that will need lots of buttons, that can use some of the stuff I've been working on. It should work something like this:
  • Someone who wants to premade opens the premade window for the addon, selects the BGs they want (wargame arenas could be started simply by right clicking the other group leader's name in chat), and clicks 'start premade'.
  • An icon starts flashing on everyone else's UI to say that a premade is being formed, and if they want they can join that premade (or possibly someone else's premade if 2 people queued at the same time).
  • Once it looks like no-one else is going to queue, the leader hits a button and:
    • If there's a P2P online, the group will be formed, the inviter will drop, the leader will switch to party, and everyone will queue.
    • If there isn't a P2P, everyone will solo-queue.

The list of people making premades, and the list of people who have joined the same one as you, will be shown in what is currently the F2PQ window, and it's pop tracker will only be showing people from your premade.

You're a fucking genius.
I would like to request the following additions to the master addon:
  • automatically unbind S key for all hunters upon login
  • edit the line "/afk" into all macros for warlocks upon login
  • automatically delete blue quality head slot items for all characters
  • add the phrase "herp derp derp" to the end of all chat messages by characters at exactly level 24
  • set up a word filter to randomly (~5%) switch the words "do" and "don't", "is" and "isn't", etc.
  • search BGs for the presence of Kale@Dreadmaul and track time to afk
  • run "/script ConfirmLootSlot(2)" whenever a loot dialog box pops up from fishing or from a treasure chest.

Thanks for the consideration. Love your work so far, yasueh.
I thought I'd celebrate getting back into the much more visible F2P section of the forums by releasing the beta version of F2PAddon

Consider this thread the right place to give feedback on it
I thought I'd celebrate getting back into the much more visible F2P section of the forums by releasing the beta version of F2PAddon

Consider this thread the right place to give feedback on it

You're welcome

Just reported the thread and they moved it right back.

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