F2P Addon

Due to the fact that I am no longer playing WoW, I have stopped developing F2PAddon, and I am not providing support for it.


Current version of F2PAddon: http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/f2paddon

(For help installing addons, see here)

IMPORTANT - If you find a bug:

  • Download the latest version. The errors in the version you have might have been fixed (not every change goes into the logs).
  • Try the '/reload' command. The addon is set to wait a short time after you get into the game to read some information. If you have bad lag it can ask before the information is available, which may cause some errors.
  • In the WoW options check Interface > Help > 'Display LUA Errors', so you can see when the addon has messed up (you might see errors for other addons though).
  • You can use the slash command '/run F2PAddonGlobalVars.verbose = true' to turn on additional messages from the addon for debugging. '/run F2PAddonGlobalVars.verbose = false' will turn the messages off again. You will however miss the messages that would be displayed at start-up, unless you make the change to the file f2pconstants.lua, where F2PAddonGlobalVars.verbose is originally set (probably as 'nil', but that is the same as 'false'.
  • See the macros below for a couple of other fixes.
  • Provide as much information as you can. 'It doesn't work' will get the response 'I don't care' (if any). The less guess work I have to do to reproduce your error, the more likely I am to get round to fixing it.
  • Do not send me PMs. This thread is the place to report errors, because there are a few people who read it besides myself who can help.


Fixes for some issues you might have with the addons (don't use for just any problem, as these are rather drastic measures):

/run local f = GetNumFriends(); for y=1, f do local name,_,_,_,_,_, note = GetFriendInfo(y); if (note==nil) then RemoveFriend(name); end end
Will remove every friend in your friends list that hasn't had a note added.

/run F2PAddon_Variables = nil
Will wipe the database completely. Log out and in again immediately after doing this, or you will get more bugs as the addon tries to add people coming into the channel to a non existant database. It will rebuild the basic structure when it starts up with no database.

/run F2PAddonGlobalVars.verbose = true
Will turn on the test messages for the addon, to help with debugging, and:

/run F2PAddonGlobalVars.verbose = false
will turn them off again.
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I might have to give them a try. What does the addon do if you have too many friends? Would be nice to have an option to remove friends if there are too many. Have it keep track how long friends have been offline for and remove them if necessary.

Also perhaps an option to only add players of a certain level. Much appreciated working on this addon. Will be a big help I am sure.
MISC MACROS: (not related to the addon)

Fishing competition turn in (also works for other turn ins, like sons of hodir rep items).

/script SelectGossipAvailableQuest(1)
/script CompleteQuest()
/script GetQuestReward()

Used to hand in all your tastyfish quickly. You need interract with target bound, then you just spam that key and this macro together on the quest NPC.

Toggle click-to-move.

/click InterfaceOptionsMousePanelClickToMove 1

Click to move can be pretty handy (like when you're too lazy to walk over to something), and is needed for Interract With Target to work fully. It's pretty funny to use IWT with melee attacks, because it can make you run in circles round the target due to lag. It can be a PITA though when you're trying to click nameplates or targets, and don't want to move when you miss them, so a button to toggle it without opening up the options makes sense.


If you've got the Ambassador title, and all the mounts you can get with it, this'll let you show them off a bit better (works for any number of mounts though):
 /run if not a then a = 0 end; a = a +1; if (a > (GetNumCompanions("MOUNT"))) then a = 1 end; CallCompanion("MOUNT", a);
It cycles through the list rather than picking mounts at random, as you regularly get the same kind of mount several times in a row if it's random.

If you have flying mounts though, it'll also include them in your rotation (non-epic land mounts aren't a problem, as they now go at 100% speed if you have the training).

Toggle Hunter Tracking.

Toggles hunter tracking on and off for the types you use in BGs.
/run for x=1, GetNumTrackingTypes() do a,_,b=GetTrackingInfo(x);  if string.find(a, "Beasts") or string.find(a, "Humanoids") or  string.find(a, "Hidden") then SetTracking(x,not b); end end;

Level Enchanting Quickly.

/script DoTradeSkill(3); UseInventoryItem(9)
/script ReplaceEnchant()
Applies the enchant on line 3 of the enchanting panel to slot 9 of your inventory (bracers), and bypasses the check if you want to replace an existing enchant (DoTradeSkill() needs the enchanting pane to be open to know which trade to use). Skill 3 is 'Enchant Bracer - Minor Health', if you've only just learned enchanting, and is good up to level 75. With a stack of 80 strange dust, you can use this macro to level enchanting with a lot less hassle than usual. Just make sure you don't mind replacing the enchant on your equipped bracers before using it. Once you're at 75 you can learn 'Enchant Bracer - Minor Stamina', and change the macro to use skill 2, which will get you to 100.
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Idea: Add "f2p" as the note to every added player automatically, and then only whisper people with f2p in the note. Also, the macro should be integrated into the addon somehow, with some kind of F2P control panel for chat that takes all whispers with an [F2P] tag and integrates them into a "fake" channel. This would be spammy for people without the addon though, but since most people in f2ptwink are from TI it shouldn't be a big problem.
I've got a whole load of features to add to this.

One of which is going to be blocking whispers from people who are not on your friends list, that contain the word 'guild' ;)
Yasueh said:
I've got a whole load of features to add to this.

One of which is going to be blocking whispers from people who are not on your friends list, that contain the word 'guild' ;)

Hah. win.

I really think the chat feature should be implemented. Would make things SO much easier than using a macro. Typing in a fake channel that whispers everyone with [F2P] tag. The addon could parse these whispers and insert them into the fake channel as if they were normal messages. Voila. Real "fake" chat.
Think you could get this on Curse? Would be nice to update via Curse Client.
If this thread is also about useful gameplay macros, I'd like to add a useful rogue macro by Nikbo (Arenajunkies)


/use [nomodifier] Instant poison; [modifier:shift] Crippling poison

/use [button:1] 16; [button:2] 17

Basically it is a poison applier macro. When you left click the macro, it will add instant poison to your mainhand, and rightclicking applies instant poison to your offhand.

If you hold shift, it will do the same but it will add crippling poison.

Also a PvP "GTFO" macro mostly for humans/gnomes.

/cast [modifier:shift] Insignia of the Alliance

/cast [nomodifier] Escape artist

Pretty self-explanatory. Casts escape artist/Every man for himself when clicked, and shift-clicking casts insignia of the alliance.
I don't think it is. You can get tons of useful macros from wowwiki.
Actually forget Curse. Would rather keep this addon less public so Blizzard is less likely to do something about it. That is if you do the chat feature, which is probably a no no.
I'm auto joining the channel on characters I've just rolled on the account, as well as every time I log in. It's not that hard to type '/join f2ptwink' that I'm making it a priority to include that in the addon.

Any further development is put on hold until I've got a working website for it, although I do have a lot planned.

Oh, and:

Yasueh's macros and addons for F2P

The version I'm running at the moment is saving the list of friends to a file every time you log a character out, and loads that list in when you log any other character, so you'll have an up to date list on anything new you roll (does need seperate lists for horde and alliance though).

The only problem is I've hit the 100 friends limit for the in game list on my horde character, so I'll have to work out how to clear that and only put the names of people who are online into it as needed. Probably the best bet is to load them from the f2ptwink channel, and watch that for people joining/leaving. The addon still adds new people to it's own list with the game list full though.

Developing this addon just got a lot more complicated.
Yasueh said:
The version I'm running at the moment is saving the list of friends to a file every time you log a character out, and loads that list in when you log any other character, so you'll have an up to date list on anything new you roll (does need seperate lists for horde and alliance though).

The only problem is I've hit the 100 friends limit for the in game list on my horde character, so I'll have to work out how to clear that and only put the names of people who are online into it as needed. Probably the best bet is to load them from the f2ptwink channel, and watch that for people joining/leaving. The addon still adds new people to it's own list with the game list full though.

Developing this addon just got a lot more complicated.

Glad to see you developing around the 100 friend limit. Unfortunately there will be a problem if more than 100 people are online at one time on a certain faction, but realistically that will never happen.
The real problem is going to be the number of people you can whisper at once with a trial account, as I'm already seeing more people online than the macro can send to. I'll have to get around that with another addon that sends a whisper to some of the people online, and also sends the list of who's left to send to to one of them, so they can send the rest (and so on if it's too many for them).

We can have a pretty normal chat, but it'll only work if everyone's running an addon.
Yasueh said:
The real problem is going to be the number of people you can whisper at once with a trial account, as I'm already seeing more people online than the macro can send to. I'll have to get around that with another addon that sends a whisper to some of the people online, and also sends the list of who's left to send to to one of them, so they can send the rest (and so on if it's too many for them).

We can have a pretty normal chat, but it'll only work if everyone's running an addon.

Sounds like a really annoying workaround, but yeah it could work as a normal chat. We CAN add it to normal channels and make an API for it right? So it could work with other chat addons?

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