[EU] Cyclone need more 39s

elesian said:
Lol, i've seen you play, you're a scrub no way you're getting into JB.

You dont need skillz to get in... just make a good looking apply with some Bshit about having glad-ranked mains.
elesian said:
Lol, i've seen you play, you're a scrub no way you're getting into JB.

I like the way you try to make people feel worse so you can feel better.

I did some arenas, no BGs on my druid which I have quit, in other words:

"No you haven't seen me play rogue"

Rogue is the only class i played since wow started to TBC, long time ago but shouldn't take so long to get the feeling back.
elesian said:
The day you beat Kopnuss, once, is the day I can accept you on rogue. GL beating Kopnuss.

I know thats not gonna happen, so you don't accept Rushh, slashtaunt og any other rogue twinks because they are not #1?
You beat Kopnuss based on getting every single opener and tidal. Equal gear you have very little chance. Having said that you were pretty good as I remember.

RvR once the technique down is almost scripted, its the rng elements that decides the game, if both rogues play near perfectly, given same gear/spec.
Isn't the reason JB split up because MYL was becoming so strong res ? It certainly looks that way from my point of view. We were on par with your lot just before you left.

heh i gotta gief u some probs kitty, u made me laugh when i saw u play n u defently make me laugh now that u quit, and can talk shit without ever backing it up... srsly dat is epix!

we lost top notch players like Overload etc, due to the fact that there where no real competition, besides the inguild arena we played..

myl has imo some very good players, sadly u where nevar one them, which ofc was kinda unfortunate for cyclone since some good leadership can bring things fare.

I do agree with seffy, MYL has lately improved, despite losing some strong forces like zvit, sync etc. and i rly hope that will continue, cause who knows, if u guys decide to step it up a notch we might get some of the players back, that originally came to just play some good games...

N bragh u know i miss u <3
We'll see, I just want to play with the best that's it, and I know JB is the best at 39, and I know the strongest opponents are MYL, so I guess that's what I'm aiming for

got a warr with agm sat doing FA on rampage at 2x. Worth making the trans to cyc?

or would prefer having a lock over?

Firstly, lolx1000.

Secondly, when the laughter wears off, you actually realise how dark the tale of this Kutty character truly is. I hope that Psychology course helps you to evaluate your mind.
Lol Res that was pure win :D

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