[EU] Cyclone need more 39s

Rezist said:
Wow, guild leader and admin, I'm impressed...

You know who else is impressed?! The one giving birth!! To you :p
horde side is kind of split up.

Kopnuss and more left < Panic > because < Johnny Berlin > seems to have their Gleader back active and such.

some folks in < Mit dem roten Halsband > wont join any other because they are too "loyal"

so we're 3 lvl 39 twink guilds on Ravencrest Cyclone horde side.. kind of.. wrong?
Hiidden said:
Yeah, I know it's guides on the website but no 39 druid twink guide :S

Myself I got a 39 druid, and its the most probably worst pvp class at 39. its a survival class.

Balance and healing specc = you're dead within 5secs vs rogue, no chance at all.

Feral you can't do any real damage.

as healer you must have Feral specc (yes ferral specc) so you can survive by HP / armor while u got healer gear.

Myself I've quit my druid *Bagdig* (horde ravencrest) to lvl a rogue.
What it is.

Johny Berlin - a guild of quality - the pearls, if you will.

MDRH - A guild full of bad players, in a friendly guild.

Panic - A guild full of bad players, who thought they would market themselves differently, in order to lose the stigma that they are bad players. But ended up looking like a group of bad players, in a socially incompetent guild.
Well Res, since you left JB, MYL became significantly stronger - to the point of beating JB and MDHS/Panic with little effort. You and Ishh are the core of that setup, without your leadership it all starts to fall apart.

We had some new players that came over which either turned into good players, or were good to start off with. Marrykate was at least as good as you on shaman. Stunted brought himself up on a par with Overload, in most scenarios. Medan was a good rogue from day one to the point of pressurizing me and Kopnuss, and continued to improve. Since Chubbs went feral with healing gear he could showcase his skill, and his partnering with Stunted was pretty good. I'll even say that Kutty played to a standard on his WL - although his gearing and spec is grossly OP.

I'm not into bullshitting, just the facts. MYL were the premier side after you left, no contest. It's up to you if you can bring that back around again, or if it's even possible with the player base.
beating a couple of JB players playing with other guilds doesnt count :/ ppl were already getting bored before I left ;o not about core players really

myl became the premier guild 'cause as soon as jb stopped the bar dropped to the bottom again i can only guess ;>

And stop with the whole comparing thing lol -_- it's so pointless and the basis that you're using to judge is so outta whack ;>
The benchmark that MYL set after you left got progressively higher, although objectively speaking, perhaps a little below JB, at its peak. The bar was clearly not at the bottom, as the MYL bar was above MDHR and Panic, and the 'none core players of JB' as you indirectly put it. So that would include Kopnuss, Zires, Celinde, Healhaul, Onya, Cologne, Shao and Hope, presumably?

You cannot have your cake, and eat it Res, and you certainly cannot argue with the facts. Now get back to running the premier 39 twink guild.
Don't take his trollbait again seph, it's clear that res is trying to ''state the truth, and show some facts!!'' again. Lol I missed this guy actually xD

Isn't the reason JB split up because MYL was becoming so strong res ? It certainly looks that way from my point of view. We were on par with your lot just before you left.

Nothing like the slaughters you used to hand out to us :p

Seph is right, we faced most of your core members as well after you left, and played a few games Ishh was in on his new rogue(After the botting ban thing)

All in all, MYL can stand up to you guys comfortably now, Specifically in arena. Just remember that we have never had a core MYL members team VS a core JB team. I would of paid good money to see how that turned out :p
Rezist said:
I heard myl shares the same attributes as no. 3 C/D????? :cool:

I heard MDRH shares the same attributes as no.3 C/D ???? :cool:

Edit : I can see where this is going, and I don't think you should ruin yet another thread Res.

If you want to ''state the truth'' and ''sift through the bullshit'' and whatever other excuse you use for trolling, why not come on over to MYL forums, I think you can get the adress (well you should know it by now though :eek:)
I'm not taking the bait Kutty - Res genuinely believes this.

Gotta say Res, he's right. Kutty will vouche that I've always put the 39 community over MYL, and I respect the good players, including yourself.

I'm gonna put some propaganda up later to get ready for tomorrows pre-mades. Usually running Sunday 6PM GMT+. See what you can do in this time frame.
elesian said:
I'm not taking the bait Kutty - Res genuinely believes this.

Gotta say Res, he's right. Kutty will vouche that I've always put the 39 community over MYL, and I respect the good players, including yourself.

I'm gonna put some propaganda up later to get ready for tomorrows pre-mades. Usually running Sunday 6PM GMT+. See what you can do in this time frame.

Well , if he has some sense of fair play, He should join us on our forums then for a little witty banter, not on a Cyclone recruitment thread. When people see arguments between the faction guild leaders etc, I am pretty sure it will put em off.

Edit : That being said, Res can brag all he wants about his old guild etc, because essentially that's all he is doing in these threads, saying things he beleives to ''compare'' us with them.

Edit 2 : At the moment Cyclone DOES need more people on both sides to cope with the people that have moved on/ quit. hence the reason this thread was made.
virre said:
Fuck no! Im not playing wow!

Viktor Nillson drinks em Beers amirite?
elesian said:
What it is.

Johny Berlin - a guild of quality - the pearls, if you will.

MDRH - A guild full of bad players, in a friendly guild.

Panic - A guild full of bad players, who thought they would market themselves differently, in order to lose the stigma that they are bad players. But ended up looking like a group of bad players, in a socially incompetent guild.

no clue I was in MDRH for 2days then it split for Panic, my goal has always been to join JB when i reached lvl 39 and got some skills, and hopefully I can impress them when i ding my rogue and such 39, so I can join them.

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