EU 39 idea about Restoreing

Would you come back to 39 or make a 39 if it restarted in EU?


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I personally think there should be some regulations for sure. However, I'm not sure if Lifeblood should be on that list - everyone can level lifeblood as they level, getting 225 is easy. It's only 275-300 which is the problem. BOA's, AGM's are things that some people just cannot get without having a main or being on a low populated server where AGM is easy to farm. I also think lifeblood gives casters a bit more durability - especially mages.

I'm going to flesh out a rogue template tonight and see what kind of compromise can be made without BOA's and AGM.
herb farming -ZZzzzz

But no 225 is 720 hp and its still quite alot and its almost no change to 300 (900 hp).

Eloz is the perfect compromise without boa's and agm :p (not really...)
BoA's aint bad at all, its the pointless scrubs clutching on a 900heal to win....thats where it beings to get lame.
I totally agree with everyone that item such as AgM and BoA's should be skipped since they can be nearly impossible to get for some. Gathering professions however is possible for everyone to achiv. You can even do it between arenas/bgs with the possebility to que wherever you are.

I do think that MotzF should be allowed since it's avalible to everyone, i would however not hesitate to skip it if i had to.

I think the restrictions is a great idea and i have no doubt that TI members will follow them. But what about the rerollers that wants to be a little better than everyone else. They equip their BoAs and that results in others using theirs too. And were back to the "no-restriction" rules.

Edit: Tidal should also be allowed imo. It's fairly easy to get.
Yes I was looking at this again, and the MoZF isn't so much overpowered in top end - it's only marginably higher than the WSG sword, but it's the combination of that and great stats. I'd like to get to a scenario where double rogue wasn't unstoppable and that rogue + other, comps could be beaten. Without BOA's and AGM rogues are not particularly strong anyhow - it's only because of agm+vanish and FA to full in a few ticks which allows rogues to beat disc priests, and stamina stacked rogues with AGM could tank mage damage. I just don't want those scenarios again. These restrictions will hit some classes harder than others, but in rogue and warrior cases I think it's a step in the right direction.
Not usable in arena, we are talking about this from mainly an arena perspective. With regards to WSG I think it's perfectly acceptable for people to use their 'lol' professions.

These ideas are aimed at duelists and arena players!
This ideas should be aimed to the whole bracket, with warsong/arathi included
Regarding proffs - theres none which are specifically needed at 39 tbh... engi / JC is neat ye, but its only lifeblood which gives advantages, and as previously mentioned it can be leveled without much difficulty.

Btw reg, come alliance on draenor! <3 vindiction! edit: or pay my mage ( to go horde :D
Na man, i want orc looks/racialz :p just come horde man, were making an elite guild yo, got Me (Warrior)/omgmom (Shaman)/clutch (Mage) so far.
Meh BoA's are fine, they are not that much of a boost, but look class and actually give sumthing to those with mains (they aint clutch items)....however, herb is effort to lvl, takes ages and no1 ever wants to lvl it!
Meh, you wanna give boost to people who can transfer main here or already have main here? (Its a big boost for some classes and smaller for some, I counted on my "bis" mage, it was 10 more sta 10 more sp and -0.3% crit from without boa to boa).

But I agreed, herb is a pain in the ass.
Did they remove the cheat way to lvl a gathering profession? I spent 3 hours to max out my gathering professions and its free.

Engi costs 1 million gold, JC costs more.

While I'm for a balanced bracket and the possibility of not allowing BOA's, I'm not that keen on adding to many rules. If we deny the usage of tidal charm (witch takes considerably LESS effort to get then revelosh gloves of the monkey witch needs an average of 200+ runs in Uldaman). we lower the skillcap. Knowing when to use tidal charm and using it right takes some skill, and it opens up for many cool moves. Like interrupting a key spell (like evocation) from a long range or using tidal charm to stun a rogue under evasion and then gouge+first aid+ disarm or just get away.

Removing herbal makes it much more dangerous to be low on HP. ATM if I get low on HP I know I could use lifeblood if I had to to survive, but I try not to use it since its got a CD and it would be better if I managed to get away and bandage or something. If its denied I would have to blow a vanish instead or a mage would have to blow a iceblock instead of being able to use these abilities for other usages, like a reopener/ CC remover etc.

For every ability or usable item we remove (not first aid, don't need 450, 300 is fine for everyone I think) we lower the skillcap.

So far, its talk about removing items that only takes a little more time to get then the average item. Ther's no talk about removing items that costs allot of gold (like PoD or epic items). For many the gold problem is bigger then being able to spend 5 min every now and then to log on an alt and check if Prince is there (dude that drops tidal) or lvl'ing a profession. I mean, if your not dedicated enough to spend 3 hours on get'n herbalism to 300 (or max a day if they nerf'd the fast way), your not really dedicated and your probably one that wont be online much at all. If there's like (random number) 10 ppl that play pretty much every day and for more then an hour, why shouldn't they be able to spend the little time it takes to lvl a prof or look for prince because of someone that hardly plays CBA to get it.

Don't get me wrong, when the 39 starts, and it will start, I wont insist on using herbal or tidal charm against people before they get it, but after a month or so more and more should be seen with it (Pretty much never ever used tidal charm against someone without it, unless they were a SL lock or a priest with good enough skill and gear that it would be 100% impossible to win without it and often lost against them when I even used it. I also never used 450 herbalism when it was possible to get, if my opponent didn't have it)

If you want a player with good gear to take off a ring etc to be more balanced, fine.

But removing key stuff like herbal and tidal charm makes the bracket more bursty. Those are survival abilities and increases the skillcap.

If we should remove items we should remove items with too awesome offensive stats making the dps outcome too OP. And items not everyone can get like BoA's, and really expensive shit like epic rings/weps (unless your playing a spec that only works with those, like maybe Balance druid or something, I don't know)

Ps, I'm gonna fucking hate going back to using a dress on my MALE rogue instead of the awesome looking BOA chest, but I'm gonna do it.
Il be using BoA sholders on my war cos hell, theres no way im doin rev runs for perfect bear's (having to get perfect bear bracers is bad enough)
Sorry to say this to some of you but...

We are trying to restore a bracket, a whole bracket here guys, please remember that before you start trying to make rules on what is allowed and what is not. Some rules may appeal to some, but put others off, this idea has to bring in the max number of people if we want it to work which will mean no rules on gear/proffs - i know that'll suck for some people, but its fact.

Also just an update on server - looking like Draenor is going to be the horde base atleast.
Nicozy said:
What we are discussing are rules that alot of peeps feel would help gameplay balance but also get people intrested in joining. Alot of people just dont join cuz that would mean they had 2 spend irl cash just to get the bis items and be on par with others. As you said we are trying to revive a bracket, dont you think this would help alot of new people? I also agree what you are saying tho, people will allways do what they want etc but I personaly think it would help reviving the bracket if focus was on getting people 2 play, not grinding 200 hours for some item.

I know, i mean - people who are NOT making new 39s, and have 39s with BoAs or whatever aren't going to want to pay £X.XX to have the gear they can use restricted. I know what people are saying, it'll make it easier on new people - i just don't see it being realistic if you want people who do have the gear to pay irl cash and then not use it. Maybe they will, who knows. Just imo
Are we gonna come to a conclussion instead of arguing all day? Maybe start with posting this on all battlegroup forums?

The only real thing that's a big effort and big upgrade is agm.

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