For those who play 39 enh shammies, how do you balance your stats and what do you place priority on?
I've got a PoD and most of my ideal gear, though I'm still missing a few things. My current stats: 100 str, 149 agi, 150 stam, 1.8k hp (soon to be 2k with arcanums), 1.6k mana, 298 AP, 19% crit, 14.8% dodge. Still missing Quillward, Unearthed bracers and trinkets.
Is it too much agi? My reasoning is that apart from the higher dodge and huge burst from crits, it also helps keep flurry up. Plus I can get always get more AP on demand from a totem and blood fury (over 450 AP with both - not including crusader proc), but not more agi. Also I may be wrong but I think the PoD Fatal Wound proc is also affected by melee crit % as it's physical damage - anecdotally it seems to crit quite often when it does proc, and it can proc multiple times in one windfury. The pic below is against a ?? level clothie in wpvp soon after I dinged 39.
I've got a PoD and most of my ideal gear, though I'm still missing a few things. My current stats: 100 str, 149 agi, 150 stam, 1.8k hp (soon to be 2k with arcanums), 1.6k mana, 298 AP, 19% crit, 14.8% dodge. Still missing Quillward, Unearthed bracers and trinkets.
Is it too much agi? My reasoning is that apart from the higher dodge and huge burst from crits, it also helps keep flurry up. Plus I can get always get more AP on demand from a totem and blood fury (over 450 AP with both - not including crusader proc), but not more agi. Also I may be wrong but I think the PoD Fatal Wound proc is also affected by melee crit % as it's physical damage - anecdotally it seems to crit quite often when it does proc, and it can proc multiple times in one windfury. The pic below is against a ?? level clothie in wpvp soon after I dinged 39.