Don't Trust Nyzora!

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I wouldn't care as much as you do.

Also, the cloak isn't near what a Shadowfang is, maybe something around the 23k I sold it for. I'm not that retarded to trust you either.
Is your twink's level your age? And so what? You absolutely love complaining to me about a cloak. Atleast I'm complaining about a person.
Is your twink's level your age? And so what? You absolutely love complaining to me about a cloak. Atleast I'm complaining about a person.

I'm not complaining. Never was. Read the original post, I'm warning people about your BS. Rofl
BS to you and only you because you deserve it.
Btw my twink's level is your IQ

You would know. You must be a pro at spotting your own kind at this time. Also, I have done nothing to deserve it. As I've said earlier, name 1 thing I did to be a "jackass" before this happened.
I know my IQ is bad :( I just have to troll and make people think im right to feel good about myself. D:

Oh wait. Thats you.
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