I don't think anyone feels bad about being 24 tbh :L
Reading this has been almost as entertaining as Game of Thrones.
Oh and this thread reached a 100 postss. i expect those cookies.
A trial twink always pays their debts... unless it's a subscription fee~5.4 is coming.
~House of f2p motto.
I feel bad about being a 24 and joining 2 games down 0-2 and then getting into game with 5-6 ally 24s and not getting heals........grrrrrr fucking err lol
Oh and this thread reached a 100 postss. i expect those cookies.
it's been said countless times, on countless wow sites... skill>gear. with that in mind, f2p's should have no problem, should they....
This. There's nothing quite like making a 5 man team of 24's afk out after you tear them apart in the first 5 minutes of the game. But really, did anyone expect any different? How can you ever get good if you play on the easiest difficulty. :]