Don't feel bad about being a 24.

I feel bad about being a 24 and joining 2 games down 0-2 and then getting into game with 5-6 ally 24s and not getting heals........grrrrrr fucking err lol

Oh and this thread reached a 100 postss. i expect those cookies.
Still wont be as bad as Cata. Me with no healer going 60-0 etc. So this wont be worst patch 4.0 was.

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I like beans . And mashed potatoes .......
I feel bad about being a 24 and joining 2 games down 0-2 and then getting into game with 5-6 ally 24s and not getting heals........grrrrrr fucking err lol

Oh and this thread reached a 100 postss. i expect those cookies.

LOL yeah going into a game when you're down 0-2 does suck.
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I see a lot of people calling me different names, just because I am level 24. I guess F2P's are always gonna be butt hurt over us P2P's. I got a F2P account myself, and I have nothing against 24's, I can still kill them.

Holy shit all thisbickering makes me laugh and wonder why so many people even talk about this,
The way it is, is themajority of the bracket is level 20’s and usually you see 1 level 24 here andthere and if F2P’s know what they are doing they usually can team up and steamroll24’s. Only a very few number of 24’s are even good and 80% of the time 24’ssolo que. On the odd occasion you can get a group of 24’s which makes it hardsometimes but majority of the time you can gang up and pwn 24’s with yourfriends.
I bet half of the ‘Good”20’s like it when a group of 24’s are in a game brings a challenge for theminstead of steamrolling a normal pug of 20’s.

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it's been said countless times, on countless wow sites... skill>gear. with that in mind, f2p's should have no problem, should they...

so remember, next time my lock chain fears your healer, it was only his gear that did it.
This. There's nothing quite like making a 5 man team of 24's afk out after you tear them apart in the first 5 minutes of the game. But really, did anyone expect any different? How can you ever get good if you play on the easiest difficulty. :]

i totally agree with you, MR. prot paladin.

every time i kill a F2P 2:55 to 3:07 goes though my mind...

Brick-Top compilation - YouTube

note to self: *change user name to bricktop*
I love how F2Ps use the argument that they don't F2P to save 15 bucks, but they do it for the challenge.... sure. then why roll hunters, disc priests, and resto druids so much, why not roll mages since you're looking for a "challenge"

It's like if two armies went into battle, and one army deliberately didn't bring any weapons because they wanted the challenge. Then they act like they should be respected for deliberately handicapping themselves, when in reality they were unprepared dumbasses.
First and foremost: Any F2P 20's caught posting within the 20 - 24 forum flaming, harassing and trolling the P2P 20's and 24's in their attempts to have a decent conversation will be given points and in repeat occasions a temporary ban, however, repeat offenders could end up permanently banned. On several occasions other moderators and I have had to close topics, give out infractions points, and even go as far as banning people because of a few members in the community ruining it for everyone else. Something this forum site does not need is two different parties harassing each other in each others "home turf" so to speak.

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