Do You?????

You truly are a Saint <3

I been saying this for years.

What about the overpopulation, wouldnt gay marriage help counter that?

All the available contraception in the world.... Nah, touch ya toes :p
in germany we say "leben und leben lassen", which means someting like "to live and let live"
I was playing devil's advocate at the start cuz this was a bait thread where everyone just circlejerks at how stupid christians are. I loathe toxic atheists
I was playing devil's advocate at the start cuz this was a bait thread where everyone just circlejerks at how stupid christians are. I loathe toxic atheists

Ofc atheists are toxic. they have no moral code so they borrow ours then make fun of it...
in germany we say "leben und leben lassen", which means someting like "to live and let live"

In Oxfordfhire we say "OMG, Did you see those two blokes kissing".
Lol [MENTION=5987]The Saint[/MENTION] is pwn ^^

Question: if you hadn't have a child molester tryin to drown u in church as a baby, does that make you an atheist ?
Or is the preservation of the virginal state of the behind?
Or do you just sign up somewhere?
In Oxfordfhire we say "OMG, Did you see those two blokes kissing".

Hehe that comment reminds me of the movie "Kids" , where they see the gay couple, and they just trash em, can't get the picture out my head of the "finish him" move with the skateboard, ouch ^^
Lol The Saint is pwn ^^

Question: if you hadn't have a child molester tryin to drown u in church as a baby, does that make you an atheist ?
Or is the preservation of the virginal state of the behind?
Or do you just sign up somewhere?

Not all religions practice baptism. I personally haven't had my kids baptized, I think it should be left till they make the choice what religion they follow, if any.

I think having your behind as a one way street is a good idea for both parties.

Area51, Behind the tinfoil hat shed :p
If the baby vomits during the drowningthing, is it deemed a spawn of satan?

I never got my questions answered in religion classes in school, I Just Got kicked out of the class :( they said I didn't take it srs..

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