Do You?????

No because if the world was a complete Sausage fest, we couldn't reproduce and we would fail as a species. Also the other way around.
IVF for lesbians and commercial surrogacy for gay men. Or again, adopt.
IVF for lesbians and commercial surrogacy for gay men. Or again, adopt.

Given the scenario that I just described. If the world instantly erased all of one gender, How would one adopt or reproduce? This is an unreasonable situation, but Homosexuality isn't natural and could not maintain life.

As elitist and selfish as it sounds, the whole "throw a dysfunctional/insufficient youngling off a cliff" shebang the Spartans were known for isn't all too bad. It is because of people with issues that cannot discipline themselves, is why they tend to slow others down or cause relationship issues with other human beings.

Dead weights, as people so put it.
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That will never happen... And besides, that would affect straight people too.

1) I said it wouldn't. Its a scenario. 2) Yes it would. Why do you ask, and what does that change?

Apart from all things. If a person is uncomfortable with homosexuality concerning themselves, they are inevitably against it in general, no matter how much they lie into thinking they are loving, diverse person. If you believe it is wrong for yourself to convert to homosexuality, you will believe the same no matter who's shoes you are in. If it's wrong for you, it's wrong overall (in your personal opinion).

As for me, I don't think it's natural. But like many people, I don't care because it doesn't effect me.
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1) I said it wouldn't. Its a scenario. 2) Yes it would. Why do you ask, and what does that change?

Apart from all things. If a person is uncomfortable with homosexuality concerning themselves, they are inevitably against it in general, no matter how much they lie into thinking they are loving, diverse person. If you believe it is wrong for yourself to convert to homosexuality, you will believe the same no matter who's shoes you are in. If it's wrong for you, it's wrong overall (in your personal opinion).

As for me, I don't think it's natural. But like many people, I don't care because it doesn't effect me.
If you're worried about reproduction and population, just think of it this way. Homosexuality has existed since ancient Greece, and now we have 7 billion people on Earth.
But I respect your opinions. We just have different ones. :)
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I once heard the Y chromosome in males slowly disappears as new generations are born.(the more children the more the chromosome shrinks little by little)

This is a stupid thought: would homosexuality increase as the Y chromosome decreases? You do see a lot more males being gay than females... at least in my perspective.

Again its a stupid thought.
Why does it matter if anyone supports it? Being politically correct is all that matters. Whether you like it or not, it's forced down your throat until it's accepted in society.

Being politically correct doesn't HAVE to matter. Better to seek truth, whether ugly or beautiful, it is always glorious.
Given the scenario that I just described. If the world instantly erased all of one gender, How would one adopt or reproduce? This is an unreasonable situation, but Homosexuality isn't natural and could not maintain life.

As elitist and selfish as it sounds, the whole "throw a dysfunctional/insufficient youngling off a cliff" shebang the Spartans were known for isn't all too bad. It is because of people with issues that cannot discipline themselves, is why they tend to slow others down or cause relationship issues with other human beings.

Dead weights, as people so put it.
I guess you are aware of this, but this is a thread for discussing same sex marriage... Allowing same sex marriage globally wouldnt 'erase one of the genders'... The amount of homosexuals wouldnt increase. You dont choose to be homosexual, you dont look at pro and cons about being gay when 'considering' your sexuality.

I dont get the Sparta reference.. You dont want to throw homosexual off a cliff would you?
1) I said it wouldn't. Its a scenario. 2) Yes it would. Why do you ask, and what does that change?

Apart from all things. If a person is uncomfortable with homosexuality concerning themselves, they are inevitably against it in general, no matter how much they lie into thinking they are loving, diverse person. If you believe it is wrong for yourself to convert to homosexuality, you will believe the same no matter who's shoes you are in. If it's wrong for you, it's wrong overall (in your personal opinion).

As for me, I don't think it's natural. But like many people, I don't care because it doesn't effect me.
What... Because I'm not homosexual, I am against it?

and if people are uncomfortable with their sexuality, it's usually because they live in an enviroment where homosexuality isn't socially accepted. Here the sexuality isn't the actual problem, but the mindset of the local society.
I guess you are aware of this, but this is a thread for discussing same sex marriage... Allowing same sex marriage globally wouldnt 'erase one of the genders'... The amount of homosexuals wouldnt increase. You dont choose to be homosexual, you dont look at pro and cons about being gay when 'considering' your sexuality.

I dont get the Sparta reference.. You dont want to throw homosexual off a cliff would you?

What... Because I'm not homosexual, I am against it?

and if people are uncomfortable with their sexuality, it's usually because they live in an enviroment where homosexuality isn't socially accepted. Here the sexuality isn't the actual problem, but the mindset of the local society.

So if an attractive girl came up to you and grabbed you in the crotch, winked at you, and walked on, you would probably be alright with it. But if some dude came up to you, and did the exact same thing, most normal guys would stand up against it, no matter how much of a people lover they think are, and yell at/punch the person in the face. This would indeed resemble hate and opposition.

I believe the people who are comfortable with same sex marriage are, indeed, feminists or homosexuals. This is a biased opinion, but think about it.
So if an attractive girl came up to you and grabbed you in the crotch, winked at you, and walked on, you would probably be alright with it. But if some dude came up to you, and did the exact same thing, most normal guys would stand up against it, no matter how much of a people lover they think are, and yell at/punch the person in the face. This would indeed resemble hate and opposition.

I believe the people who are comfortable with same sex marriage are, indeed, feminists or homosexuals. This is a biased opinion, but think about it.

A more accurate way to posit your hypothetical situation would be to remove gender and use the phrase 'someone you find attractive': If a person you are attracted to comes up to you and grabs your crotch, winks, and walks on you would probably be alright with it. If someone you find unattractive does this, they will most likely express the act they are not alright with this. Gender is not the underlying issue. The reaction is dependent upon if the 'crotch grabee' is alright with the 'crotch grabber's' actions, male or female.
Isn't it? Perhaps homophobia is derivative of a latent misogyny. Perhaps homophobic male heterosexuals perceive homosexuals as co-opting the antiquated, stereotypical female role (submissive). Why, after all, is "like a girl" hurled as an insult?

No, [MENTION=11844]youbeezy[/MENTION] is looking at it from the right perspective. It depends on if you find the person attractive. The sexuality of the grabee is what matters not the gender of the grabber, don't blame yourself though. Blame Robo for the shitty analogy.
So if an attractive girl came up to you and grabbed you in the crotch, winked at you, and walked on, you would probably be alright with it. But if some dude came up to you, and did the exact same thing, most normal guys would stand up against it, no matter how much of a people lover they think are, and yell at/punch the person in the face. This would indeed resemble hate and opposition.

I believe the people who are comfortable with same sex marriage are, indeed, feminists or homosexuals. This is a biased opinion, but think about it.
Look at youbeezys and Goesids replies
Just a little note of how many times we have changed the original definition of marriage.

1. Legalization of divorce
2. Criminalization of marital rape (and recognition that the concept even exists)
3. Legalization of interracial marriage
4. Legalization of contraception
5. Recognition of women’s right to own property in a marriage
6. Elimination of dowries
7. Elimination of parents’ right to choose or reject their children’s mates
8. Existence of large numbers of unmarried people
9. Changing emphasis from money and property to love and personal fulfillment
10. Women not taking the last names of their husbands
Isn't it? Perhaps homophobia is derivative of a latent misogyny. Perhaps homophobic male heterosexuals perceive homosexuals as co-opting the antiquated, stereotypical female role (submissive). Why, after all, is "like a girl" hurled as an insult?

I think there's also something to the theory that homophobes are latent homosexuals overcompensating for that mild or overt homosexuality. Most people are apparently faintly attracted to the same sex. I'm never sure how they measure that (I personally have no conscious attraction to the same sex I can detect), but it sounds plausible.

Probably thinking all the time about how disgusting homosexuals are, as I imagine homophobes must do, makes the idea subconsciously appealing ("Don't think of a black cat" makes you think of a black cat).
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I do not support it. Same sex marriage does not promote reproduction which could ultimately lead to mankind's demise. Yes I understand that will take some time but it can be very real
I do not support it. Same sex marriage does not promote reproduction which could ultimately lead to mankind's demise. Yes I understand that will take some time but it can be very real


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