poll results are pretty much exactly where i expected them to be! keep voting guys, it's been good to see some honest perspectives thus far
Please tell me your trolling, as Yde said, the poll results are simply your own opinion, from what others have said thus far it seems people are still enjoying themselves despite the blatant imbalances. Look at that poll cotus and tell me you think that is a fair and honest poll. Why not be logical and have an option that says yes, no or sometimes?
yeah you caught me dude, i hacked the above 36 peoples' forum accounts and voted in the poll for all of them. the results are simply my own opinion. then i hacked a bunch of other peoples' forum accounts and made 5 pages worth of forum posts on their different accounts
i'll remember this next time i try to sneak one by you!
Yes but only when I'm with friends.
I'm so burnt-out I almost can't stand to login anymore, ALMOST ;D
Seriously, I don't wanna be in a faceroll 10 man premade with people I don't know. I just want some games with my friends, win or lose, I don't care. Alliance or horde, don't care. WSG or AB, don't care =)
Nice giant Sasugay picPlease tell me your trolling, as Yde said, the poll results are simply your own opinion, from what others have said thus far it seems people are still enjoying themselves despite the blatant imbalances. Look at that poll cotus and tell me you think that is a fair and honest poll. Why not be logical and have an option that says yes, no or sometimes?
General information about arenas.Personally, I've never gone into arena, mainly because of a complete lack of knowledge of what it is. I don't know whether it's an all out deathmatch, or objective based etc. One thing that I believe would help me personally to take up the idea of arenas would be sone sort of guide, what they are, basic tactics etc.
We usually make teams even, be it the classsetup, playerskills and/or experience, gear,... There is no reason not to play arenas as long as you aren't braindead and willing to learn.The other thing that holds me back, is that i always see what I consider to be the best AP players doing arenas, and I know i could not begin to compete with them with my character and skill level at the moment. To counter this problem, i have two ideas:
1. The 'elite' players give an almost tutoring session to the less skilled players, building their confidence and giving them advice. If you really wanted people to stop bg's and start arenas, i think this would help a lot.
2. The other is to start having arenas in which only the players that have not done arenas a lot participate in, therefore eliminating the hazard of being significantly outclassed, and of letting your team down.
The best way to learn is still to playIf any of these things could happen, I know it would bring me to arena, and perchance many others as well. Also, I think it's important to never discourage a player, but instead to provide tips and support to help them improve.
yeah you caught me dude, i hacked the above 36 peoples' forum accounts and voted in the poll for all of them. the results are simply my own opinion. then i hacked a bunch of other peoples' forum accounts and made 5 pages worth of forum posts on their different accounts
i'll remember this next time i try to sneak one by you!
yeah you caught me dude, i hacked the above 36 peoples' forum accounts and voted in the poll for all of them.