Cotus, what was the point of making this thread? To dispute a claim i made earlier? I already told you the majority of f2ps still enjoyed bgs and if they choose to do arena on the side or whatever else have you then that's their choice and theirs alone.
Honestly if you don't like BGs anymore then that's fine but leave others and their decisions to themselves. No one wants to argue or dispute what they want to do for fun so just leave it alone.
well shoot, i guess since you told me that the majority of people still enjoy F2P BGs, i should have just realized that you speak for everyone who plays F2P and not bothered to make this thread. do you guys even re-read your posts after you write them, before you post, to make sure that they don't sound ridiculously stupid?
not only this, but your quote was that most reasonable people enjoy them, not a majority. it's on the first page of this thread, if you somehow forgot. we're at 57-43 right now, which is certainly a majority, but not anywhere near a large enough majority where i would consider it to speak for the entire group of people who plays F2P.
that's less than 6 people out of 10 who are having a good time every time they queue up for BGs as a F2P. please, enlighten me as to why this is insignificant and does not warrant exploring other options for F2P pvp.
and NO, i am not going to stop fucking posting constructive things on this forum just because it makes you angry because it forces you and others to confront reality. what the hell is wrong with you? i don't give a shit if you don't like my thread. if you don't like it, don't post in it! if you like BGs, fuck off and play your BGs! clearly, there are more than a few of us who want to do something else, and i want to let these people know that they're not alone and that with a little effort, they can have more fun too.