This is just something I was just thinking of.. I looked on here and saw the OP and all the people he has in the queue and all the time the OP is gonna put into this so I think it would be nice to include a tag or just mention who made our sigs since I doubt most of us are donating..

Something I was gonna do and was thinking if other people getting their sig done could do it also as a thank you or maybe get OP more work from other people who see our sig and like it ^-^
My apologies to everyone waiting for their sig - I have been very sick for a few days and have not had the energy/time to work on any signatures. I will resume business as usual sometime next week!
Ok. So I must say the unthinkable...I am back on P2P now and leveling/gearing my main rogue. I won't be doing any f2p stuff during this time, but once I am geared I should be able to return at least to do the current requested sigs. I am sorry for any disappointment this may cause! As always though, anyone willing to donate $5 or more will still get a sig done within the 3 day promise. See you soon and good luck!
Good day to you, DTHPWN.
Armory Link: Adainqt @ Khaz'goroth - Community - World of Warcraft

Text: Adainqt - Khaz'goroth

Color/Design Scheme: I'd like the colour and design scheme to be rather shadowy - to suit the element of a Subtlety Rogue. Dark and gloomy.

Font: A font similar to this; Impregnable Personal Use Only font by Måns Grebäck - FontSpace - does not have to be exact but I'm a fan of the linked scripture.

Pose: The movement of a Human Female Rogue (Adainqt) with walk on (the / key) would be superb but not necessary!

Gear Set: Bandit Garb - Transmog Set - World of Warcraft with Defias Rapier - Item - World of Warcraft in my weapon slots (with Enchant Weapon - Agility - Spell - World of Warcraft enchanted onto both.

Additional Info: No additional information - thank you very much.
The 2nd sig person quits right before they were scheduled to do my sig.. Ok guys I'm sorry I am obviously running these sig makers away so I won't ask the next one so everyone else can get theirs done :/

LoL! Trust me, it's not you! I am very bad at time management and even worse at leveling my toons, so all of my off time has been spent on that lately. I also have another child on the way and wanted to get the grind to 90 over with before he comes. I am willing to sacrifice some of my game time with incentive, if you are longing for that sig, a small donation would definitely get it done!
LoL! Trust me, it's not you! I am very bad at time management and even worse at leveling my toons, so all of my off time has been spent on that lately. I also have another child on the way and wanted to get the grind to 90 over with before he comes. I am willing to sacrifice some of my game time with incentive, if you are longing for that sig, a small donation would definitely get it done!

I was just playing cause like I said the last guy who was making sigs quit literally RIGHT before mine then you got really busy also :p I'm not in any rush for it just thought it was funny when you said you were busy I was like dangit I must get bad luck. Goodluck with the baby! My brother just had one and it isn't to fun sleeping in the same room as her but can't really expect any different
LoL! Trust me, it's not you! I am very bad at time management and even worse at leveling my toons, so all of my off time has been spent on that lately. I also have another child on the way and wanted to get the grind to 90 over with before he comes. I am willing to sacrifice some of my game time with incentive, if you are longing for that sig, a small donation would definitely get it done!

Good luck with the baby and gratz!
LoL! Trust me, it's not you! I am very bad at time management and even worse at leveling my toons, so all of my off time has been spent on that lately. I also have another child on the way and wanted to get the grind to 90 over with before he comes. I am willing to sacrifice some of my game time with incentive, if you are longing for that sig, a small donation would definitely get it done!

Congratulations! :) Good luck. How awesome.
Hello Dthpwn , i can see u make AMAZING sigs , and i really want you to make me one ! :)

Armory Link: Formility @ Kilrogg - Community - World of Warcraft

Text: NAME : Formility Extra text : Kilrogg EU

Color/Design Scheme: i want it resto ish , if you know what i mean , like green backround and leaves.

Font: You pick ! :)

Pose: I want him to cast a healing surge as a pose

Gear Set: My gear is fine !

Additional Info: Im good as that , i hope it gets really nice :D

Thank you !
It really sucks that I was the one next when you stopped doing them :|

Agree. I honestly feel bad about this and the others that signed up but didn't get them. I will make an effort to get as many of them done as I can (the ones that requested before I quit). I know it probably won't happen this week as my wife and I both have birthdays this week and will be out of town. I still have all the requests, so if your name is on the OP as 'not started' please let me know if you still want it done. I will only do the ones that respond, so I hope you all subscribed to this thread!! Check me out on my live stream if you want, I will likely be streaming the design work as I do them: DTHPWN - Twitch
Agree. I honestly feel bad about this and the others that signed up but didn't get them. I will make an effort to get as many of them done as I can (the ones that requested before I quit). I know it probably won't happen this week as my wife and I both have birthdays this week and will be out of town. I still have all the requests, so if your name is on the OP as 'not started' please let me know if you still want it done. I will only do the ones that respond, so I hope you all subscribed to this thread!! Check me out on my live stream if you want, I will likely be streaming the design work as I do them: DTHPWN - Twitch

I'd still love one! You still have my request details, right? Thanks a bunch.

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