Controversial: Religion

Falkor said:
well i guess if you over look the heterotrophic theory of early life, and the experiment that proved it:Primordial Soup's On: Scientists Repeat Evolution's Most Famous Experiment: Scientific American or if you choose not to believe the endosymbiotic theory. i would much rather trust scientists and their findings than trust a corrupt church (that caused the fall of the roman empire and the start of the dark ages) who says god created everything. and if you say god created everything, well guess that disproves micro evolution (which you claimed was right. cant have contridictory statements like that!). not to mention god is more ludacris than the big bang. so supposedly some bearded guy was just bored sitting in nothing space and decided to create everything. yea thats believable nothing created him, somehow he just was and has spooky magic powers too! but then again, no one was there to see that either.

Except for that god creates things in a miraculous way to act together, not just makes things go poof, which religion has nearly 100% agreed with.

And that the bibles story is a way to read through the lines, a way to explain science as a miracle of god.

Adam and eve not being humans, but the first living organisms on earth.
And if by that theory, we can easily say that God created the combustion of life in itself, creating the very first common ancestor, which created everything else.

So god created everything because he created the beginning.
Twinkzruz said:
And if by that theory, we can easily say that God created the combustion of life in itself, creating the very first common ancestor, which created everything else.

So god created everything because he created the beginning.

So you're using your argument as proof of your argument.

Actually the very first common ancestor was Asexual, and when it got as far as having intercorse, there were allready so many branches of animals.
Twinkzruz said:
Except for that god creates things in a miraculous way to act together, not just makes things go poof, which religion has nearly 100% agreed with.

no shit religion agrees "nearly 100%" with religion. fail.

Twinkzruz said:
And that the bibles story is a way to read through the lines, a way to explain science as a miracle of god.

Adam and eve not being humans, but the first living organisms on earth.

so god made everything to interact. that dude had a lot of forethought. so he also allowed for micro evolution? man is he smart. oh but who created can something just BE, 1st see law of thermodynamics.

also you cant "read between the lines" of the bible (or at least be religious...). the bible is the bible. it is infallible and all knowing. it cannot be wrong. you cant add personal interpretations. so you fail at being religious apparently.
Twinkzruz said:
Actually the very first common ancestor was Asexual, and when it got as far as having intercorse, there were allready so many branches of animals.

so you're also saying that the first "people" (things?) weren't human? well you're clearly not catholic since that's the problem they have with evolution. humans cannot have evolved from monkeys (BLASPHEMY!!!!) or any other organism. they say that god created humans (adam and steve...err, yea that sounds right) and they had enough sex & inbreeding to create us eventually.
Falkor not every religious person is a nutcase who takes the bible word for word and rejects science

in CATHOLIC SCHOOL we learned about evolution (???????????? wat???)

the way i see it, we all are humans and have a sort of hole that says MUST FIND ANSWERS FOR EVERYTHING AHHHH and everyone comes up in different environments and fills that hole in their own sort of way. and everyone matures and then becomes a rebel and possibly has different thoughts and maybe even thinks for themselves. but that's the thing, we all think for ourselves. everyone has their own way of sort of filling that hole, of answering the big question

this story kind of intrigued me


Bertrand Russell was a well known British philosopher of the 20th century. He was arrested during World War I for anti-war activities, and filled out a form at the jail. The officer, noting that Russell had defined his religious affiliation as "Agnostic" commented: "Ah yes; we all worship Him in our own way, don't we." This comment allegedly "kept him smiling through his first few days of incarceration."

Twinkytoes said:
Only Twinkytoes can rip off good debates. :)

I agree completely.
Twinkytoes said:
How did I rip it off? 0,0

You didn't start the original debate, you simply made a new thread about the same one because the other thread got "off topic".
iaccidentallytwink said:
You didn't start the original debate, you simply made a new thread about the same one because the other thread got "off topic".

Its gettin srs in here, lets stay on topic.

What do you people think about religion effecting the way our government is being run?
religious conservatives are gay

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