Controversial: Religion

Clairee I am SO proud of you for leaving the RL pictures thread. :D
Do you think evolution should be taught in public schools?

I graduated college with a BS in Biology and Chemistry this past May. In my four years of studying Biology, there was never any true proof that the universe was created from a mixture of molecules/chemicals/heat, that single celled organisms could combine to form multicelled organisms, nor that those multicelled organisms could mutate "up" to have more functions. Yes, micro evolution has been proved. But macro evolution is a speculation. A theory.

Belief in a god of any religion is based on faith. You can't prove that a god exists, so it too is a speculation.

What is the difference between the speculation that God made the universe and the speculation that time and chance made the universe? None. They both cannot be ultimately proved.

Therefore, imo, evolution is a religion in a sense. It takes "faith" in science to fill in the gaps of the missing links, and "faith" that the Big Bang actually occured (because no one was there to see it!). And therefore, if other religions are prohibited from being taught in public school, evolution should not be taught either.

What do you guys think?
Cptheal said:
evolution should be taught because most of it is infact scientific fact

Have you studied evolution at all? There are some facts, but at the same time, there are many large holes in the theories. Prove to me that the Big Bang happened. Show me the facts that, although the 2nd law of thermodynamics states that the universe is constantly going from order to disorder (entropy), a single cell organism can evolve to a multicellular organism (which has a great deal more order). You can't. Ever heard of the Missing Link?

My point is that there are major holes in evolutionary theory. Which imo puts evolution on the same level as religion. You need faith in both to connect the dots.
Scadoosh said:
Do you think evolution should be taught in public schools?

I graduated college with a BS in Biology and Chemistry this past May. In my four years of studying Biology, there was never any true proof that the universe was created from a mixture of molecules/chemicals/heat, that single celled organisms could combine to form multicelled organisms, nor that those multicelled organisms could mutate "up" to have more functions. Yes, micro evolution has been proved. But macro evolution is a speculation. A theory.

Belief in a god of any religion is based on faith. You can't prove that a god exists, so it too is a speculation.

What is the difference between the speculation that God made the universe and the speculation that time and chance made the universe? None. They both cannot be ultimately proved.

Therefore, imo, evolution is a religion in a sense. It takes "faith" in science to fill in the gaps of the missing links, and "faith" that the Big Bang actually occured (because no one was there to see it!). And therefore, if other religions are prohibited from being taught in public school, evolution should not be taught either.

What do you guys think?

"It seems to me absurd to doubt that a man may be an ardent Theist & an evolutionist"

--Charles Darwin, May 7, 1897 (letter) after writing and publishing his theories on orgin of species.

Just shows that even Darwin didn't see much distinction between evolution and religion.
I honestly have no problem linking evolution with religion, along with many scientists. Evolution doesn't have to replace religious beliefs.
Orcgasm said:
I honestly have no problem linking evolution with religion, along with many scientists. Evolution doesn't have to replace religious beliefs.

this and evolution has more proof than religion
who gives a fuck as long as ur happy with what you believe in why would you care what others believe

it's so subjective
Scadoosh said:
Do you think evolution should be taught in public schools?

I graduated college with a BS in Biology and Chemistry this past May. In my four years of studying Biology, there was never any true proof that the universe was created from a mixture of molecules/chemicals/heat, that single celled organisms could combine to form multicelled organisms, nor that those multicelled organisms could mutate "up" to have more functions. Yes, micro evolution has been proved. But macro evolution is a speculation. A theory.

Belief in a god of any religion is based on faith. You can't prove that a god exists, so it too is a speculation.

What is the difference between the speculation that God made the universe and the speculation that time and chance made the universe? None. They both cannot be ultimately proved.

Therefore, imo, evolution is a religion in a sense. It takes "faith" in science to fill in the gaps of the missing links, and "faith" that the Big Bang actually occured (because no one was there to see it!). And therefore, if other religions are prohibited from being taught in public school, evolution should not be taught either.

What do you guys think?

I hope this post was in jest because it almost seems like you're comparing time and chance to magical sky fairies, which is laughable. Perhaps you should take a large step, no, leap back, and take a course in simple logic and math instead, because math and logic both prove the former and disprove the latter.

brb invisible tiger is clawing at my sofa. gotta call ghostbusters.
Scadoosh said:
Do you think evolution should be taught in public schools?

I graduated college with a BS in Biology and Chemistry this past May. In my four years of studying Biology, there was never any true proof that the universe was created from a mixture of molecules/chemicals/heat, that single celled organisms could combine to form multicelled organisms, nor that those multicelled organisms could mutate "up" to have more functions. Yes, micro evolution has been proved. But macro evolution is a speculation. A theory.

Belief in a god of any religion is based on faith. You can't prove that a god exists, so it too is a speculation.

What is the difference between the speculation that God made the universe and the speculation that time and chance made the universe? None. They both cannot be ultimately proved.

Therefore, imo, evolution is a religion in a sense. It takes "faith" in science to fill in the gaps of the missing links, and "faith" that the Big Bang actually occured (because no one was there to see it!). And therefore, if other religions are prohibited from being taught in public school, evolution should not be taught either.

What do you guys think?

well i guess if you over look the heterotrophic theory of early life, and the experiment that proved it:Primordial Soup's On: Scientists Repeat Evolution's Most Famous Experiment: Scientific American or if you choose not to believe the endosymbiotic theory. i would much rather trust scientists and their findings than trust a corrupt church (that caused the fall of the roman empire and the start of the dark ages) who says god created everything. and if you say god created everything, well guess that disproves micro evolution (which you claimed was right. cant have contridictory statements like that!). not to mention god is more ludacris than the big bang. so supposedly some bearded guy was just bored sitting in nothing space and decided to create everything. yea thats believable nothing created him, somehow he just was and has spooky magic powers too! but then again, no one was there to see that either.
Cptheal said:
this and evolution has more proof than religion

Evolution and 'religion' can coexist. It is called Theistic Evolution or more recently coined as BioLogos.

Some fundamentalists will cling to literal interpretations of the Bible and reject evolution, yes. But for other theists, religion is ever-conforming to scientific discoveries. Call it 'God of the Gaps' if you want, but science has clear boundaries; it answers the how not the why. For that reason, religion will always exist and the 'proof' you require of religion cannot be given. It answers questions outside the boundaries of nature. But I will argue that just because questions are outside perceivable experience does not deem them any less worthy of thought and wonder. When you ask for 'evidence' of religion as you would of science, it is essentially like trying to play basketball on a baseball diamond. They are two completely different trains of thought answering two different, yet equally important questions.
pretty sure science works to answer the how and the why. i dont think religion will always exist (except for those zealots who cling to it for dear life and deny all scientific proof). one day im sure proof will be uncovered...its more believable that one day we can find evidence proving the big bang, or find another theory that will be proved etc. than one day hoping to find some mysterious omnipotent and magical being that has always existed and one day decided to create everything in existance.

science and religion can coexist for the most part. many famous scientists have been religious, however they knew when to separate science and religion and not be biased. heck one of the smartest men ive ever known (an old physics prof) was religious and had even taught at a parochial school...but he never tried pressing his beliefs on students, and he never let religion get in the way of scientific evidence or reasoning.
Hamcake said:
Do you even understand what a scientific theory is?

A scientific theory (also empirical theory) comprises a collection of concepts, including abstractions of observable phenomena expressed as quantifiable properties, together with rules (called scientific laws) that express relationships between observations of such concepts. A scientific theory is constructed to conform to available empirical data about such observations, and is put forth as a principle or body of principles for explaining a class of phenomena.
iaccidentallytwink said:
brb invisible tiger is clawing at my sofa. gotta call ghostbusters.

those tigers are mean dude..I got rid of mine by placing an invisible wall infront of my door 0.o
Cptheal said:
those tigers are mean dude..I got rid of mine by placing an invisible wall infront of my door 0.o

I prayed to God to keep them away.

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