Controversial: Religion

christianity caused the down fall of the roman empire and threw europe into the dark ages, GG god; was that part of your master plan. the plan that placed the earth in the center of the solar system? or made the world flat?

true story - read Day of Empire by Amy Chua if you dont believe me.

the problem i have with organized religions is the fact that people blindly believe things just because some higher person/power says so, until they are absolutely proved wrong and the church has finally to accept it (world round, sun in center, etc). and people move on like nothing happened still being perfect little sheep. bending over to pastors.

oh btw. no religion should not be taught in PUBLIC schools. separation of church and state. it would be impossible for a teacher to try and teach about religion with out being biased and alienating anyone, even if they just tried to teach the history of the religions&not the ideology....there would be constant uproar by each faction claiming who is right and whatnot.

if you want your children to learn about religion and also get an education thats what private schools are for.
Religion was created by people to make them feel better.

I actually was thinking about hermaphrodites today (Lady Gaga conversation) and wondered.... if God made all man and many ignorant religious people look down/hate on the LBGT community (a percentage of said mankind).. Why doesn't that in turn make them look down on God, since they're looking down on "His" creation?

Not like this is the only instance where religion is hypocritical, but still.
Cptheal said:
there is a possibility that a higher being exists...can you disprove it?

That's what I'm thinking as well. But it's so much better than us that we can't prove whether it exists or not. At least not with science. AMG MAYBE WE'RE A PART OF THE SIMS FOR GODS ! AMAGYD!
Boglund said:
That's what I'm thinking as well. But it's so much better than us that we can't prove whether it exists or not. At least not with science. AMG MAYBE WE'RE A PART OF THE SIMS FOR GODS ! AMAGYD!

who says we cant prove it? it just hasnt been done yet. heck gods prolly already been disproved but the geniuses of the world were smart and didnt tell anyone as to avoid the end of the world.

well no one would believe them know how those nuts hold on to religion
Falkor said:
who says we cant prove it? it just hasnt been done yet. heck gods prolly already been disproved but the geniuses of the world were smart and didnt tell anyone as to avoid the end of the world.

well no one would believe them know how those nuts hold on to religion

Read the first sentence of what I said.

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