Confirmed Shadowfang Drop

Out of curiosity, did you guys who looted SF, Necrology robe and those things do it with SmartLoot? My biggest fear is that it's 'unreceiving' those items.
Out of curiosity, did you guys who looted SF, Necrology robe and those things do it with SmartLoot? My biggest fear is that it's 'unreceiving' those items.
SmartLoot will only delete what you tell it to.

It also tells you EVERY time you "undeceive" an item in chat.

If for some reason you have looting Threshold set to Epic (meaning it will delete Rares and below) and you do loot a Shadowfang, simply create a ticket and you'll get your item back.
SmartLoot will only delete what you tell it to.

It also tells you EVERY time you "undeceive" an item in chat.

If for some reason you have looting Threshold set to Epic (meaning it will delete Rares and below) and you do loot a Shadowfang, simply create a ticket and you'll get your item back.

Don't need a ticket with the item restoration system.
Hey all I forgot to explain why I have 3x speed boosts. If you use the Arithy basin boots plus speed enchant and weapon from zangramarsh rep and jewelcrafting hare trinket u can have 4x speed boost cos they all stack now.

GO GO faster farming ! :D

Edit: It gets a bit insane when I hit Dash. I end up bouncing off the walls lol.
How to include BoP blues into the auto-delete of EASYLOOT..?

The addon is gnarly but manually deleting boss drops is a pain in the ass. TY


  • FINALLY.jpg
    21.9 KB · Views: 231
Little reset instance macro

/script ResetInstances();
/click StaticPopup1Button1

Loot so far since yesterday, decided to start keeping track;

Run 19 - Face Smasher lol
Run 22 - Assassin's Blade
Run 28 - Magician's Mantle from Large Solid Chest
Run 29 - Black Malice
Run 48 - Assassin's Blade #2
Run 66 - Mindthrust bracers
Run 67 - Black Malice #2
Run 75 - Shadowfang from the trash you pull on the way to Walden + pb 5:21 portal to portal
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<---- 2 runs and nothing.
been running this past 3/4 days. got so many boe blues. done over 100 runs. shame the boe blues are all witching staves MTB and black malices... rng gods have never liked me.
Bored with waiting in the BG queues, I decided to take my rogue into SFK just for fun and...
well he got his second shadowfang somewhere between the first and second bosses.
This is one lucky rogue mind, as he also has axe of the enforcer. I didn't 'farm' for any of them, and that recent run was the first time he'd seen SFK in ages.

Got my second shadowfang for my rogue, just 2 runs after my first. Proceeded to join LFD and saw another SF drop from the first courtyard trash pack lol. Not going to bother farming more, my server is dead as fuck, no twinks have been here since late BC when the server was freshly opened. 3 SF in 4 clears tho :^

@6.0.2 global drop rate buff idk, I did actually go and do firelands on my rogue + warrior and ended up getting the mount on my warrior. Not really that rare of a mount imo. Still 30 solos dry for Invincible, maybe next week.

Good luck farming m8s

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