Just curious to why most 19s of the active premading guilds don't pug anymore. When you isolate yourself to one server and then queue only "plebmades" you exclude a lot of new players into the bracket. I feel a lot of you gave up when battlegroups got implemented rather than trying to work around it. For those of you that were around for the ruin migration in wotlk the migration helped both pug and premade activity, but seems today so many 19s get salty so fast over losing a pug that they more or less "raid log" their 19s which is pointless. The bracket won't grow and will only continue to die.
Myself and others would love to see the activity that twinking had in vanilla/tbc/wotlk where there were hundreds of twinks if not thousands. But seems today people often develop "Bleeding Hollow Syndrome" and only want to queue plebmades for months on end into the same 30 people.
How about we do an actual migration and people actually pug?
Myself and others would love to see the activity that twinking had in vanilla/tbc/wotlk where there were hundreds of twinks if not thousands. But seems today people often develop "Bleeding Hollow Syndrome" and only want to queue plebmades for months on end into the same 30 people.
How about we do an actual migration and people actually pug?
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