Class summaries!


Ill put the other specs later

elemental shaman

good vs priest, rogues, mages

bad vs hunters

description:high utility with the ability to purge and off heal and interrupt also thunderstorm knock back, moderate high damage, controlled burst( you can tell when you have fulmination stacks), high mobility with the ability to move while casting and ghost wolf for movement, good physical mitigation with mail heirlooms and shield
resto credit to Riptides

good vs discipline priest restoration druid, physical damage classes
bad vs hunters, escaping rogues compared to other healing classes

Surviving 9/10

top tier for surviving larger mobs when geared correctly and played correctly, unfortunately what you trade for this top tier survival is piss poor mobility. a confident, aware, and intelligent restoration shaman should not die to another F2P
player 1v1. So as far as their weakness goes i'd say a decent rogue or a decent hunter. Otherwise, it should be taking 2-3 F2P dps to take you to the grave.
They have a fair bit of armor to also back up their heals enabling them not to get globaled by physical damage classes

Mobility 5/10

unlike druid when you are stuck with a cripple/conc/etc you can not shift out of it, you are stuck with it, so you better stock up on anti
venom and learn to time it correctly with ghost wolf / trinket.

you have no fears to get dps off you, and you don't have a cure for posions like paladins (unless you stock anti venom).
(goblin shaman bis for mobility cuz racial)

Pure Healing 9/10
as far as the pure healing aspect, once you learn to spam your heals correctly and evenly distribute your healing output as needed you can also be top tier for healing. (will never beat a good rdruid though)

shamans have another great thing that comes with healing, it's their optimal mana regeneration, with water shield you will RARELY go oom (unless no one is attacking you). once you are comfortable enough with you can intentionally put yourself in harms way to gain some water shield procs.

Utilities 8/10

asides from healing you get three VERY USEFUL and sadly under used spells, purge*, purify spirit* and wind shear*. purge is great for countering pestering rejuv spammers/shutting down priests, and shear is great for obvious reasons. Purify spirit can cleanse curses (locks) and magical spells (priest fears, hojs, hunters marks, everything magical) purify spirit is a very important tool to a excelling restoration shaman. USE THESE SPELLS*
enhancement shaman

good vs priest warlocks druids

bad vs hunters

description: High utility with off heal, interrupt, and purge , low damage( lavalash crits for like 300 max), high mobility with ghost wolf.can actually kill non hybrid class solo if you fake cast heals. This spec should be used as a support spec with off healing, purging, tagging stealth classes with flame shock and damaging when needed. most of enh shaman damage comes from aoe spreading flame shock with lavalash

druid (ability to stealth is huge bonus )

balance druid

good vs priest, mages, rogues( surviving them atleast)

bad vs hunters

description: moderate utility with rejuv for off heal and entangling root for peels, moderate damage on moving fights but during mid fights damage goes up considerably while free casting, high mobility but unable to put pressure while moving like ele sham , long cast times on damage spells, good at not being instantly killed by f2p rogues due to boomkin giving extra armor and the ability to power shift slows..

feral druid = mage hard counter

good vs priest, other druids, mages, warlocks

bad vs arms warriors, hunters

description:low opening burst compared to rogues, but with enough time on target has the ability to 1 shot cloth wearer with savage roar and 5 point ferocious bite that crit for 2k+, high mobility with power shifting slows and travel form. has high damage bleeds that bypass armor from rake and rip

arms warrior

good vs druids, warlocks,

bad vs hunters rogues(evasion and slows op), prot warriors, mages
description: high sustained damage, high burst damage when rage dumping with slam hitting for 300+, heal reduction with mortal strike, has gap closer with stun ( charge), high damage mitigation

protection warrior

good vs arms warriors,

bad vs frost mage, rogues
description: High mitigation with defensive stance and passive that reduces damage taken. Moderate damage with shield slam hitting for 300 non crit, moderate mobility with charge, can rogue check with thunder clap
fury lol.. dont play it

description: very low damage all around. everything a fury warrior can do the other warriors can do better a lot better.

destruction warlock

good vs balance druids, mages,

bad vs rogues

description: High sustained and controlled burst damaged caster with 2 instant cast high damage and the use of a succubus that hits hard by itself with lash of pain. has the ability to peel for others with fear and immolation+conflagrate slow. If the warlock is unable to fake cast a rogue to get a fear off then the warlock will probably die. Also has the benefit of having the ability to disarm melee classes with void walker, but at the cost of damage from being unable to use succubus. This class also has a build in moderate heal with dark regeneration talent, healthstones, and life drain. This is the highest on demand burst caster for f2p.

demonology warlock


frost mage

good vs melee class excluding feral druid priest

bad vs hunters, ele shams

description: HIGH CROWD CONTROL with polymorph frost nova, freeze, counterspell, frostbolt slow. moderate high sustained damage with sustained frost bolts crits through shatter from freeze and frost nova. moderately mobile with blink(high if using blazing speed)
arcane mage

good vs priest,

bad vs hunters ele shams

description : good crowd control with polymorph frost nova, counter spell, frostfire slow. HIGH damage when free casting arcane blast with 4 charges and high burst damage if allowed to get 4 charges then shatter combo with frost nova. moderately mobile with blink(high if using blazing speed).

fire mage not extremely viable so im not gonna put whats its good vs or bad vs

description: This spec is used for fun, but in some instances it can put up moderate damage with crit streaks and instant pyro blasts. the main problem with this spec is the fact that cast times are extremely long and there isnt enough crit to stack ( you would need like 30%+ to make it work without inferno blast). the only good part is when you fight someone without a trinket you can combo them pretty hard with frost nova- pyro-presence of mind pyro- pyro.


discipline priest

good vs paladins , the unskilled hunter

bad vs good feral druids, shamans, the skilled hunter

description: good peeling ability with aoe fear. good healing with instant 500+ shields( although purgable by shamans) and penance heal. very good damage for a healer with holy fire, penance and smite. cloth class so gets pretty hard by rogues feral druids hunters and warriors. puts out a lot of pressure with damage and fearing enemy healers.

good vs everything

bad vs nothing ( a good and geared hunter can 1v1 any class)

marksmanship hunter- gets aimed shot, a ranged nuke, that has a long cast time and forces hunter to stand still. this spec is pretty much used to troll cloth wearers by scatter shoting them then using aimed shot for high damage.

survival hunter- gets explosive shot a skill that bypasses armor( warriors, paladins) because its not physical damage and is very efficient damage to focus point. This is the best hunter spec.

beastmaster hunter- gets the ability to use pet as like a drone and kill command( hits for around 200-300 non crit) from super far range although it cost a lot of focus

description: The best overall dps class in the bracket hands down with extremely high burst and sustained damage with high pet damage. They are very mobile with posthaste disengage and have lots of cc with pet stuns, scatter shot disorient, and concussive shot perma slow.


highest damage melee classes

arms warrior
assasination rogue
feral druid

highest burst melee classes

sub rogue
assasination rogue
arms warrior

highest dps casters

balance druid
arcane mage
destro lock

highest burst casters

destro lock
arcane mage
balance druid

highest dps healer

holy paladin
disc priest

highest damage spec
survival hunter
assassination rogue

highest survivability dps caster
elemental shaman
balance druid
frost mage
demo lock

highest survivability tank with healer
prot warrior
guardian druid

worst spec in the 20 battleground
fury warrior( no niche role at all)
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Could you add a category on the opinion section for "Highest survivability"
"The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be; and that which is done is that which shall be done: and there is no new thing under the sun."

Especially when it comes to Blizzard and hunters.
I actually like the feral vs hunter matchup. It certainly doesn't favor the druid but they do have the tools to bring a hunter down. Can confirm warriors wreck feral though :(
Ferals not bad against warriors.
Only hunters above 1.9k and 2.2 wars are unreachable for ferals. if played well ofc.
ele isnt bad vs hunts

Bdruid isnt bad vs hunts

Fdruid isnt bad vs hunts

arms war isnt bad vs hunts

bad vs nothing ( a good and geared hunter can 1v1 any class) - not true at all

Sry I'm sure the rest is accurate however just saw the same old same old stereotype and felt I should comment
ele isnt bad vs hunts

Bdruid isnt bad vs hunts

Fdruid isnt bad vs hunts

arms war isnt bad vs hunts

bad vs nothing ( a good and geared hunter can 1v1 any class) - not true at all

Sry I'm sure the rest is accurate however just saw the same old same old stereotype and felt I should comment

Don't you talk all the time about how you destroy most 24s? Do you attribute that wholly to your amazing skill, and credit nothing to your class?
ele isnt bad vs hunts

Bdruid isnt bad vs hunts

Fdruid isnt bad vs hunts

arms war isnt bad vs hunts

bad vs nothing ( a good and geared hunter can 1v1 any class) - not true at all

Sry I'm sure the rest is accurate however just saw the same old same old stereotype and felt I should comment

Really? Try getting Cc'd to death in under 6 sec
She is completely delusional, don't bother.

Well to be fair, I wasn't trying to call her delusional, just trying to point out the seeming inconsistency of the hunter argument depending on the context.

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